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A great achivement


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So today I finally reached my goal of landing a rover on the mun. This may not sound like much to you guys but I\'ve only been playing for about a week. I had attempted many, many times. Getting a perfect sub-orbit wasn\'t the problem, nor transferring to the moon, nor aligning my landing spot exactly where I wanted it, (the northern pole area) it was the landing. Something wild and crazy happened every time. Half of the time it was my fault, half the time a bullshit bug, shitting on my parade, Complications including, but not limited to;

Vertical velocity too high

Horizontal Velocity too high

switching from retrograde to surface trajectory results in ship flipping shit

Rocket lands, I disconnect rover, it lands on spent rocket and is stuck for all eternity there

Rocket lands, I disconnect final stage, ship blows up for no apparent reason

So I snapped a pic with the intent to share my moment with you all. And I figured, I\'d ask for a pic and a story from the other...kerbonauts... out there. (kerb puns killing me ;))

So share your best moment be it a rocket or craft that defied expectations, or a trip that went crazy good. anything and everything.



And as a bonus pics of my first ever, successful lunar transition, and landing.


I read through like 3 tutorials and watched a couple vids to learn how to do this. Was so pleased with myself lol.


My first really good rocket, lost to a wipe from complications.


The moment of triumph, cue Guile\'s Theme.

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I\'m going to be chronicling my events soon too. I haven\'t successfully landed on the Mun yet (a 4-year old son sitting in your lap tends to Kerb the landings ((see what I did thar?))). I\'ve been literally at just a meter or two, my son suddenly reaches over and hits either the shift key or the Time Slip, and everything goes kerblooie.

Luckily Sunday he\'s spending a few days with my parents, so I should be able to successfully land and return, if I can get rid of this annoying Sticky Launchpad situation :(. All my 14.1 rockets won\'t clear the launch pad, no matter where I place them in the VAB :(. Jeb\'s getting frustrated, and we all know where that leads .....

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