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[PLUGIN, PARTS 0.17] Zoxygene (Life Support) mod v0.7.1 (12.09.27)


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Awesome mod!

Could you make a cockpit that functions as the core system? Would cut down the number of parts on a ship.

If you want my help making models or texturing, pm me, i\'d love to support this mod

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Downloaded this last night, Was super excited. I see it still has a few kinks to work out, But I\'m pretty pumped to use this IMO When you get the chance you should make the units a part that will cleanly attach to the sides of tanks. As to not add so much onto the total height of the rocket all-togother.

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Just to trow something out here. Could the part not be a lot smaller? and add electrical system also ( battery Fuelcell ) where with the battery, you can recharge them. The fuelcell can only be used once. But could be good to have in case of an emergency. Could be separate from the ZO2 system. Where you then can decide. To use the electrical system for navigation/avionics. Or if in a emergency again. Divert the energy to power the ZO2 generators, but loose all control of the craft, until you get 10% or something in the battery to be able to start the navigation again.

In a nutshell.

Battery/fuelcell -> navigation

ZO2 -> survival

Both be powered by the same solar panels. But battery will drain more power when recharging, than the ZO2 units. Could have a slider to determent what is priority.

An a button to select battery or fuelcell to be diverted to ZO2 generators.

Think it is good idea? but think that it is to much?

Anyway. As SmiteZero I can help with modelling some of the parts if you need some.

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Excellent mod, but I struggle to put it on ships since it literally doubles the size of the return stage. Is there anyway the main system can be integrated directly into the command pod/a smaller sized main system is made? It\'s far too bulky currently.

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We are working on smaller sizes right now. Here\'s a preview of the smaller zoxygen tanks:


I\'m also working on a new design for the solar panels and I\'d really like some feedback on them:




Everything is work in progress of course

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And only during my second landing with this mod I understood why I broke the drills first time: L is used for RCS translation!!! S:|

And speaking about size of return vehicle - I had to take previously overpowered rocket (with old simplest return vehicle it had very much maneuverability for landing) and add some boosters to it.

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We are working on smaller sizes right now. Here\'s a preview of the smaller zoxygen tanks:


I\'m also working on a new design for the solar panels and I\'d really like some feedback on them:




Everything is work in progress of course

I really like it. The solar panels looks a little small. But it is a great start to a great extending solar panels.

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Hi All!

I\'d like to announce that i am now working with Yorik on this mod, he will be responsible for part modeling and texturing!

His work awesome, even i am shocked how good his new parts look!

So, expect a big update soon, in which all the placefolder parts will be phased out (they will be kept in the next release so you guys can rebuild your ships without errors),

also bugfixes, and i did\'t realise 'L' was for translate (lol...) so that will be changed as well:)

Anyway, Yorik, Welcome on Board!


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Can you 'O' for oxygen?

And the part names don\'t need to change if new models are available. You can keep the same names (and not break our craft) and update the models in any version you like and the new models will simply over-write the old models.

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Anyway, Yorik, Welcome on Board!

Arrrr! ^^

I love the extending panels!! this makes me so much more excited about this mod!!! those will refill the ZO2 tanks? 8)

Let\'s just say that we heard the cries for electricity and are busy scheming our evil plans listening...

Can you 'O' for oxygen?

And the part names don\'t need to change if new models are available. You can keep the same names (and not break our craft) and update the models in any version you like and the new models will simply over-write the old models.

The shapes of the new tanks are vastly different thus they would not replace the old ones very well. 'O' is already mapped in the mod, try pressing it in flight and it will pump zoxygen into the engine. Afterburner!

I think 'U' is not taken yet.

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Haha O is fuel dump in my private mod ;D

To avoid incompatibilities, you should try out to make the keys changeable in a .cfg file (if possible not in the part.cfg, because that whould be complicated if other mods use your plugin and map it to 20 different keys...)

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id love an zoxigene propelled rcs module, maybe just make the rcs engines use rcs fuel first and then start using zoxigene?

maybe even a very heavy greenhouse capsule making zoxigene at a steady pace without the need of sunlight? (space stations, zoxigene resupply sattelites later in the game)

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Or even merging this with the solar energy pugin made by Cephei (which I want to improve, but I have reported it to HarvesteR because I, eh, let\'s say have a bad suspicion about that plugins origin), that whould allow you things like battery powered ZO2 generation or the other way round ion engines powered by hamster weels :D (use ZO2, generate electricity)

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Surely this mod is made redundant by the oxygen recycling that the command module is sure to have? It seems like making everything a lot harder than it needs to be in reality. The Apollo command module must have supplied at least 10 days worth of oxygen?

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just wondering, reg

Surely this mod is made redundant by the oxygen recycling that the command module is sure to have? It seems like making everything a lot harder than it needs to be in reality. The Apollo command module must have supplied at least 10 days worth of oxygen?

maybe the command module should be center of life support and should also store a bit of ZO2

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love were this mod is going! .. would like to see it working with the battery stuff too... your awesome new panels having battery and ZO2 components, ZO2 Tanks that recharge via panel and battery the same, with your prev ion/battery engines alltogether would be a Must Have Addon... the extra challenge is whats extending the game playability!

Love to help you test this mod!

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One question, when I use this mod, it will only apply for ships that have a ZO2 main module, right? I just want to be sure that my expensive ion-powered single stage to orbit crafts don\'t die...

Yes, of course. But i recommend backing up persistent.sfs and quicksave.sfs anyway when adding any mods, including this one.

In fact, i have the game in several folders, from vanilla, to modded-as-it-gets. :)

Yorik has been working hard on the new parts, we will have a new Main system that is about 1/2 height of an rcs tank.

That with the side mounted tanks should resolve the rocket-height issues!

We are also looking into making a pod with an integrated Main System.

We\'ll release the new parts as soon as they are ready, the new version will be released on... soon! :)


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could it be possible to make oxigene usage by the crew and gain from solar panels lower, as to make it easier to just take oxigene with you for the trip?

for example, the moon landings were all done on oxigene supplies, even all power was created by using oxigene in a chemical reaction

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