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[PLUGIN, PARTS 0.17] Zoxygene (Life Support) mod v0.7.1 (12.09.27)


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I really like this mod but i can\'t reach the mun without the kerbins sufficating. :-[ Maybe I need more tanks but i keep thinking it will be too heavy.

Try a different placement of your solar panels. I was having this problem on one of my ships and it turned out that they were being blocked by fuel tanks.

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As far as i know the amount of oxygen on the Apollo missions was not a very large fraction of the total mass of the capsule and it was enough for a couple of days. Of course they did have a CO2 scrubber (zoxygene filter).

Something similar is true for electricity use: afaik Apollo did not have solar panels so the electric power stored in the batteries was enough to run all systems including co2 filter for a couple of days.

Anyway I took the liberty to substantially increase the amount of zoxygene in the zo2 main system while keeping the weight more or less as it is. It seems to me that compared to humans the Kerbals use an extraordinary amount of air.

Certainly KSP does not need to be a copy of real life space exploration but neither should life support systems weigh you down to the point where the mission becomes unfeasible.

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I think the zoxygene logic could be adapted/extended to implement the effects of excessive G-forces:

Kerbals go unconscious at say +10G and recover when G-force gets back to normal, die at +20G.

No more plunging down into Kerbin\'s atmosphere straight from Mun-to-Kerbin transfer, which can result in 30G or more.

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Hi Everyone!

I\'m back after taking a break with a new version, 0.6.

This is the version that will break all ships and saves, and it works about the same as the old one...

So why does this even exist?

Because it uses my standardised powersources (EPS)!

Any mod can use EPS, and be compatible with all other mods using it!

I have indeed, for testing purposes, made an EPS compatible version of EE and Alchemist\'s Panels.

I will send them my versions soon, and if they like this idea, we will have cross-plugin compatibility!

To make the transition to 0.6 easier, i left 0.5.2 in the post.

Also, the mod now supports ZO2 Command Pods!

It doesn\'t include one yet, but if you change the module of a standard pod to ZO2sys_Pod_default, it will act as a ZO2 main system!

About the ZO2 system being deactivated bug: I couldn\'t reproduce it, but as the code has been revamped, it is possible that it was fixed too.

If the problem persists with 0.6, i will look into it again!

About Balancing: a few people say that capaticies of tanks (now Batteries) should be increased and IRL space missions don\'t need this many Oxygen and Power.

While this is true, there are other factors here:

-The scale of the game is 0.1. Everything compared to RL space missions is shrunk to 10%. So If you multiply the time it takes for the ZO2 to drain by 10,

only than will any comparison with RL mean something.

-KSP is a game. That means that it also must be interesting and fun, even if that costs some realism. I balanced the parts this way to provide a reasonable challenge.

If the capaticy of the systems is increased too much, that could mean that the challenge is lost, because the ZO2 will last simply too long. Say, if the Main System capacity

was enough to make it to the Mun and back, what would be the point of using the plugin? Part of the challenge of this plugin is that ships need to be redesigned and

designs that worked before may not work if using this mod.

All that said, the balancing is not written in stone, but i think making much higher capacity parts (without adding the appropriate weight) simply takes the challenge away.

I am pleased that a lot of people seem to like this mod, thank you all for your support!


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Really like the idea, and I\'m enjoying the new element of the game. The only thing is that without the ability to utilize the batteries we now have, in the form of ISRU or Ion Engine, we\'re missing out on a lot. More challenge is good, but some benefit would be better.

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Really like the idea, and I\'m enjoying the new element of the game. The only thing is that without the ability to utilize the batteries we now have, in the form of ISRU or Ion Engine, we\'re missing out on a lot. More challenge is good, but some benefit would be better.

Will come in the future :P

L00 made this cool new power source system that allows for ElEnergy and ZO2 using the same resources, which I\'m of course going to use.

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Will come in the future :P

L00 made this cool new power source system that allows for ElEnergy and ZO2 using the same resources, which I\'m of course going to use.

Haha sorry, I\'m just chomping at the bit to get an Ion thruster on some ships in my armada. I would do it myself if I knew more about C#.

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does v0.6 compatible with Power Tech?

I do have part called \'EPS PowerTech Solar Panel\' in my part list, however, can\'t use it...

it just keep sayin\' \'This part type isn\'t available in this version of KSP\'...

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This is probably going to be a crazy annoying question, but I would be remiss not to ask it.

I have made a part that, in every aspect of its character, emulates the Nexis Xenon ion thruser. Everything down to its general look is the same, except for the fact that it still runs on liquid fuel. :(

Is there any way, for even a noob like me, to cook up some code that dictates that the engine should drain a battery and not a fuel tank?

Thanks so much for your time, loving this mod more and more as I use it.

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Is there any way, for even a noob like me, to cook up some code that dictates that the engine should drain a battery and not a fuel tank?

The Electric Energy plugin comes with an ion engine.


Install it, then copy cfg parameters from the ion engine to the part that you made.

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Does the ion engine that comes with Electric Energy plugin work?

Does the rest of that plugin work? Do solar panels recharge the battery (rightclick on the battery to see its charge).

If yes, then what exactly did you copy from its cfg to the cfg of the part you made?

All that\'s really needed is

module = IonEngine

(besides that it needs the same as normal engines: fuelConsumption and maxThrust, and a unique name for the part)

At any rate, don\'t be discouraged. These plugins are supposed to and can be made to work together, put it\'s tricky due to dll dependency and plugin version mess. Soon to be turned on its head when 0.16 is released.

If you can\'t get it to work, you better ask in the thread for the Electric Energy plugin, so the creator of the mod (Kreuzung) can help you. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=11402.0

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