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Crashes after start up, on any loading screen

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Bought the game on steam. It loads to the title screen. Crashes when I try to start the game in any way; training, scenarios, start new. I have put the settings to minimum and running the 32 bit version. Ive tried the suggest solutions for windows, none have worked.

Crash Report:


I'm upset.

Edited by tylersloeper
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Please read this thread and provide a bit more info on your problem. Are you running modded or stock? What are your system specs? What windows version are you running? What else are you running when you launch KSP? Also please provide the "KSP.log" which is in the same directory as "KSP.exe". I have read through the log, and it also shows that you crashed when you entered a flight? By start the game in anyway, do you mean you mean making it to the main menu, going to other option screens or is it just starting a new flight?



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For 0.25 .

The game is not modded, its from Steam. Version is "" . I have yet to successfully start the game so no save files.

This is the log:


My system specs are:

64 bit windows 7.


Processor AMD FX 8350 Eight Core 4.00Ghz

The other programs I have open are like daemon tools and background stuff on start up. Nothing that was flagged as common from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92228-Known-Issues-Self-Help

By start of the game I mean; It loads the title screen and when I get the menu to choose scenario or whatever. When it starts loading a map(?) it crashes. I have not seen any part of the game because it crashes.

Edited by Claw
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I see a couple of odd messages in that log that suggest a corrupted download. Could you verify integrity of game cache through Steam or delete and reinstall?

If that doesn't work, please upload the output_log.txt:

  Claw said:
If KSP doesn't crash, start KSP and cause the problem. Quit KSP and find the output_log.txt (not the KSP.log) at the location below:

  • Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt -OR- KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used)
    - In case you installed KSP into a Windows protected directory (C:\Users, C:\Program Files or C:\Windows\ and their subfolders) the output log file may be stored in the folder called C:\Users\[username]\Appdata, this folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information). Note that for the demo you should find the output_log.txt file located in the KSP_Data folder.
    - Steam users should right click KSP in Steam, click on Properties, then in the Properties box, click Local Files, then Browse Local Files.
  • Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log
  • Linux: The log is written to /home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log

Also, welcome to the forums!

Edited by Master Tao
read the OP
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The output_log.txt (which includes the KSP version) is in the OP's original link.

You are getting errors I haven't seen before. It looks like the game is having issues loading scenarios.

A couple suggestions to start off with:

1) Make sure the directories are not "read only." You'll hame to right-click, and modify the attributes of your KSP folder. Make sure to apply to all sub folders. This is a common problem with steam.

2) If you moved KSP out of a place like "My Documents" or off of your desktop, try copying the whole folder (not moving) to make sure windows DEP isn't interfering. This is usually less of an issue with steam.

3) Make sure you have a clean install. That means if you updated from steam, it may have mashed over the top of the old one. So you might have a corrupt install. If you are able to, try downloading it again. For steam, you have to delete the directory, then verify your game files.

Welcome to the forums. :D


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Oh, well if it's the first time playing the game, then I would also recommend trying to reduce the graphics a bit. It sounds like you tried to do that, but make sure you set the texture quality to HALF or less. KSP can make huge memory grabs during scene changes, which is maybe what you are running into.

Also, try running the game directly from KSP.exe instead of from steam. Sometimes that helps.



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This seems a little weird... if KSP runs into a crash, the KSP.log says so, and says that it generated a crash report, right? Well, the last three lines of the KSP.log are this:

[WRN 01:26:49.026] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to FLIGHT (Async) =====================
[LOG 01:26:51.144] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 01:26:51.176] MessageSystem: Cannot load messages - MESSAGESYSTEM node does not exist

Nothing relating to any sort of "ERR" or "WRN" (apart from the high logic). And certainly no reference to a crash. Perhaps something installed on your computer, or something in windows, is blocking the execution of KSP? Maybe your antivirus, or Window DEP (Data Execution Prevention). DEP is rather annoying, and has stopped me from playing some games entirely, however I must say I have not had DEP stop KSP as of yet. Just some info I thought I'd point out. Not really sure if it will actually help out much, but I would try adding an exception for KSP in any antivirus programs you have or (un-recommended out of the two) disable your antivirus whilst you try to play KSP. Also do some google searching for how to disable DEP.

Hope this helps,


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