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[0.90] [2015-01-08] MonkeyWrench 0.1.6: For when subtlety and finesse just won't do


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MonkeyWrench will be updated soon... once a few other mods have fully updated for 1.0, there will be a number of changes coming. KAS/KIS switchover being one of the biggest.

Need a bit more power for maneuvering large ships?


Is Deadly Reentry and FAR burning your snacks?


Ever realize that you forgot a key gizmo on your latest (very expensive) launch?

Want to grab that science container to stick into a cargo bay?


Realize that it would be much nicer if you could take a short EVA jaunt and send your report back via radio without returning to the craft?


If you answered "YES!!!" to any of these questions, MonkeyWrench Labs can help you.

Custom configuration file for Kerbal Attachment System that allows for significant reconfiguration of spacecraft and stations already in orbit.

  • New Vernier Omni RCS. (Lots of power, uses LFO instead of monoprop)
  • Short range radio added to Universal Storage EVA-X pack for RemoteTech. (Send your EVA reports without returning to the lander)
  • MechJeb added to the EVA-X as well. (For additional heads-up display information)

(KAS, MechJeb, Universal Storage and RemoteTech required for above functionality, not included)

Download at GitHub

// v0.1.6
// Added cargo drop pod for safe reentry when using FAR/DRE
// Reorganized art asset structure
// Updated to ModuleRCSFX v3.3
// v0.1.5
// *** Initial Release ***
// Increased scale options for most Infernal Robotics parts (Now in Huge Size!)
// * Outfitter Maintenance Drone radio
// Remove KAS container TweakScale customizations, thanks to the 1.47 release of TweakScale which does the same thing
// Externalized config files for 3rd-party mods
// * 5m refinery
// * Reconfigure Universal Storage safety decoupler
// Updated to ModuleRCSFX v3.2

Other features

KAS grab & store: (Adjusted by size for balance)

  • B9 Aerospace
  • DMagic Orbital Science
  • Small Hex Cans
  • Interstellar
  • Kerbal Attachment System
    • Storage containers now scale with TweakScale size adjustments



    • Add 1km RemoteTech antenna






    [*]Squad (Additional stock parts, with storage size & balance adjustments)

    • Power generation to launch clamps (Don't run out of electricity waiting for your launch window)
    • KAS Node dock capability for 1x and 3x truss segments (Throw together an end-to-end structure quickly)

Current status: Adding parts, tweaking values.

This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.

Edited by WarrenSchultz
0.1.6 Update
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  • 1 month later...

It's not real-time changing to KAS, sorry if that isn't clear. It's still done with config files, however, I have added KAS-compatibility to a lot of parts (of reasonable sizes).

Take a look at my config files in github, and you can see there isn't a lot to it, just time-consuming if you want to add a lot of parts. :)

Here's the directory in question.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was thinking those have support. (Not at a pc at the moment.)

Can you give me an example of one of the parts?


Probably refering to most of the Parts in the Exploration pack


They are All small bits :D

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Ha, edited my post and you guys had already answered. Right now I specifically want the scan-o-matic. The pack rat rover is currently already fully KAS-able, but I want to mount the scanner onto it. I'm not even that sure about which pack it's from, it used to come in karbonite I think, but there is a dedicated karbonite detection array now.....

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No rush dude. This mission has many other planning phases before launch. I had started with the lander; still have the rest of everything to build...

I've MM .cfg'd it myself, if anyone is interested in a KAS-able scanOmatic with fixed regolith resource readouts on the right click menu (it was calling orsx still) please pm me.

Edited by Errol
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0.1.6 is now live. Playing with a concept for a reusable cargo drop pod. It consists of two parts: The cargo pod itself, which is equipped with FAR-compatible air brakes, and a control module, containing reaction wheels, which additional control hardware and parachutes of your choice can be attached to.

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I sent a pull request to add support for RLA_Stockalike, and Modular Rocket Systems. (adding KAS Functionality to all smallish radial parts)

I dont use Github very often so hopefully i did it correctly :P Lemme know if they work out for you. Love this, and am happy to add support for a few more mods if you welcome the contributions.

EDIT: Oh and just noticed the Cargo Drop pod you added.. looks usefull. giving it a spin now.

Edited by rabidninjawombat
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Drop pod is amazing but parts inside of it read as isShield: False, even when it is closed. Is there a way to make it so it shields what is inside like other cargo bays? I took a look inside the .cfg files of stock and B9 cargo bays but could not see anything that would suggest doing this. Also I never thought of even trying to mount scanners to a rover, brilliant!

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Yup, that was it. Until I release 1.7 with some other fixes, I've checked in the updated file, which you can pull into your install.


(Click the "Save As" the Raw link to grab the file itself)

Thanks for the heads-up!

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Yup, that was it. Until I release 1.7 with some other fixes, I've checked in the updated file, which you can pull into your install.


(Click the "Save As" the Raw link to grab the file itself)

Thanks for the heads-up!

No problem, thanks for the quick fix, it seems to be working as well! As long as you do not go above 450M/S while you are still in low atmosphere haha. The isShield: True appears now like is does in fairing and cargo bays and the pod also seems to be adept at surviving re-entry (because of course I forgot to throw a heat shield on during testing)


However I have one more question...well 2 actually: The first. in true Kerbal nature, am I pointing it in the right direction? Drop pod on the bottom, adapter on the top, decoupler to main rocket on bottom? The second regards how collision is handled on the bottom of the dropped once the doors are open. For the test I essentially tried making this thing a skycrane, so I put a fuel tank on top and some radial engines to give it enough lift. However once I landed safely (this time not flying up like Jeb after drinking a can of Redbull) and tried deploying my cargo, the skycrane was not able to take off (fully throttled with a 3.50TWR). In fact it seemed to be stuck on the dropped cargo even with the doors open and there being enough clearance. The cargo kept wobbling around like it was trying to be lifted by something it was not attached to, kind of like when you decouple an engine that is still active and it keeps pushing you. My guess would be it maybe does not recognize that the space underneath it is now open? Here is a picture of the situation:


I have not tested it with something that can drive away, maybe I will give that a go when I am on next. I will also see if I can get it to just hover above the ground and see what happens when I release its cargo. For scientific purposes obviously, we have tied up Gene Kerman in the storeroom so he can't object to such destruction! :D

Edited by DanBMan
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Adding a few more mods (out of my own favorite list :D ) for KAS ModuleGrab support (so you can pick up and reattach stuff!)

If anyone has any requests, im happy to add those too, provided they are realistic. Not gonna make it so Jeb can pick up and reattach that 10ton SRB :P

Ill throw up another pull request once ive completed them WarrenSchultz (feel free to tell me if im sending you too many :P)

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Hm. You shouldn't need a heat shield on the bottom, it should be taking care of that.

That being said, there's a new version I'll be releasing soon that changes the size and number of the air brakes to fit in between the strakes on the control adapter.

The upshot of this is that the air brakes are now concave, and shield the surf attach area for the chutes. (I did a non-standard deorbit to increase the heat, and found that I could burn off the RealChute casings. Oops. :D ) You should be WAY below 450m/s if you deploy the air brakes. ;) If you can tell me a scenario where you still burn up, please do!

EDIT: Oh, I misunderstood what I was seeing. You're hitting 450 ON LAUNCH. O_O. (With FAR, I use Mechjeb ascent guidance, my flight profile is 27m/s^2 max accel (~3Gs), with a 45% turn starting at 500m and ending at 150KM)

But yes, the intended order is 5M decoupler on the bottom, Pod Cargo Bay, then the 3.75 adapter/control module (with space to put chutes, RCS, etc, around the radius).

Alternatively, if you have the ability to build craft in space, you can just put a docking ring and some light thrusters on the top, and deploy from orbit.

For reference, this is what my test rocket looks like closed and open.

The giant retro thruster on the top is to allow me to reverse my orbit quickly into an ugly deorbit scenario. It is jettisoned before I enter the atmosphere, or it completely throws off the aero.



@RabidNinjaWombat: Glad to have your contributions, keep them coming. :) By breaking out the individual mod support to separate files, it makes it very easy for me to have others contribute and merge.

- - - Updated - - -

Just did a bit of testing. FAR recognizes it as shielding in the VAB, however once you're on the launch pad, it isn't shielding those parts anymore. Going to have to look into this further.

Edited by WarrenSchultz
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  • 1 month later...

Hm, trying to decide whether to get this one or http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71683-A-Mechanic-Is-Jeb-or-KAS-For-Almost-Everything . Does this add KAS to the same B9, Dmagic science, KWrocketry, squad, and SCANsat parts as the one I linked?

The only thing missing is full KAS support for RoverDudes stuff.

Edit: Then again, the addition of MechJeb and NovaPunch has kind of sold me on this one, not 100% sure. Not to mention having the HUD for EVA.

Edit2: I looked at them and yeah theres the exact same parts.

Edit3: Also, don't the launch clamps ALREADY provide power? Having it in this mod seems really redundant.

Edited by smjjames
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