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Bludski Kermanov's Aerospace Iundustry Resources. (concepts and work log pics)


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Being a chronic FAR addict for a very long time and having completely run out of things to do with my creations. I really need more things to do with my aircraft and SSTO so I have decided to make a library of parts.

They mostly do little else than make your ship heavier while letting you do many different interactions with the parts in various stages of your missions. Mainly they will be centered on things from every day aviation. Such as sensors and lights and equipment and safety measures.

All these parts are made to interact with and expand on/take advantage of the FAR experience. There are a few mods I will never play the game without again. I plan to expand on those and they are likely to be essential for this collection.

There will be no overpowered parts here and many of them are just dead weight you can play with. No advantage whatsoever beyond adding tasks for the kerbals.

The first set of items is a modular nose cone to fit 1m rockets or space planes.

IT contain a set of parts you would find in real planes housed in an aerodynamic nose cone you can open to access the devices inside.

The nose cone is made out of radar transparent honeycombed heat tiles and is quite heavy and very fragile. It works as a cargo bay and can fit various small included scientific and avionics parts. It can only be opened in EVA mode(it's made to protect the contents from the atmosperic effects.)

Most planes carry a radar in the nose nowadays. This one is no different. Made to work with SCANSAT. It would be ideal for use in satellites if it wasn't so heavy and used so much power.

Probe Core. Bulky, heavy and feature packed. Meant to replace mechjeb case. Usefull to fit in nosecone and to increase battery drain. Recommended for shifting your center of mass forward.

Extremely fragile. Designed to fit smoothly in the nose cone. Designed to look menacing. Not rated for space travel. Originally intended to replace flight instructors. Discontinued due to low student survival rates.

APU. Tiny turbine to create power. Runs on liquid fuel and intakeair. Comes with a tiny intake. Gets very hot. Extremely heavy for it's size. Main purpose: Ballast. Has been known to set nearby components on fire.

Blackbox part. (orange) Painted in high visibility colours for easier detection and recovery in a KRASH situtation. Carries the ship's backup science and will generate science when Krashed.

Rumored to be called blackbox because Orange Box was kopyrighted by Gaben Kermwell and the space program could not afford the legal cost. Uses Kerbal Attachment System.

Has a very limited power supply and needs to be recovered before the battery runs out or it will lose all data. Known to explode violently. Can store vast amounts of science and last words from a starving crew for a limited amount of time provided it survives the crash. Generates science if it survives impact with the ground. Meant to be picked up with KAS in EVA.

Just a teaser for now. Input appreciated before I move on.

Pictures gallery!

Currently experimenting with texture style.

Feature requests will be considered!

Further down the pipeline:

Formation light strips. (to add cool deteails and help with orientation in complete darkness.)

Structural mk2 fuselage adapters to extend fuselage design alternatives. (more on those later)

Mk2-BK cockpit. Sleek heavy and smooth. Bigger than the stock space plane cockpits but with more features and increased chance of something going wrong. Perfect for the nosecone.

Structural fuselage parts with air brake and service compartments.

Drop tanks and underwing containers. Wing pylon decouplers. Scientific instruments to be carried under wings.

This pack is meant for people who enjoy building stuff that fly in the atmosphere and want more things to play with attached to them.

Edited by bludclot
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