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Everything posted by bludclot

  1. Here is a video where I'm showing Procedural Fairings and Procedural parts some love. Procedural fairings used to make the engine clusters, the payload fairings and escape system as well as service compartments for the various rocket stages. Rocket shape made from procedural parts. I don't launch any rockets without this addon! Thanks!
  2. Is it possible prevent it from doing anything to the size of kerbin? I want to have kerbinside in the new dimension I just opened...
  3. Being a chronic FAR addict for a very long time and having completely run out of things to do with my creations. I really need more things to do with my aircraft and SSTO so I have decided to make a library of parts. They mostly do little else than make your ship heavier while letting you do many different interactions with the parts in various stages of your missions. Mainly they will be centered on things from every day aviation. Such as sensors and lights and equipment and safety measures. All these parts are made to interact with and expand on/take advantage of the FAR experience. There are a few mods I will never play the game without again. I plan to expand on those and they are likely to be essential for this collection. There will be no overpowered parts here and many of them are just dead weight you can play with. No advantage whatsoever beyond adding tasks for the kerbals. The first set of items is a modular nose cone to fit 1m rockets or space planes. IT contain a set of parts you would find in real planes housed in an aerodynamic nose cone you can open to access the devices inside. The nose cone is made out of radar transparent honeycombed heat tiles and is quite heavy and very fragile. It works as a cargo bay and can fit various small included scientific and avionics parts. It can only be opened in EVA mode(it's made to protect the contents from the atmosperic effects.) Most planes carry a radar in the nose nowadays. This one is no different. Made to work with SCANSAT. It would be ideal for use in satellites if it wasn't so heavy and used so much power. Probe Core. Bulky, heavy and feature packed. Meant to replace mechjeb case. Usefull to fit in nosecone and to increase battery drain. Recommended for shifting your center of mass forward. Extremely fragile. Designed to fit smoothly in the nose cone. Designed to look menacing. Not rated for space travel. Originally intended to replace flight instructors. Discontinued due to low student survival rates. APU. Tiny turbine to create power. Runs on liquid fuel and intakeair. Comes with a tiny intake. Gets very hot. Extremely heavy for it's size. Main purpose: Ballast. Has been known to set nearby components on fire. Blackbox part. (orange) Painted in high visibility colours for easier detection and recovery in a KRASH situtation. Carries the ship's backup science and will generate science when Krashed. Rumored to be called blackbox because Orange Box was kopyrighted by Gaben Kermwell and the space program could not afford the legal cost. Uses Kerbal Attachment System. Has a very limited power supply and needs to be recovered before the battery runs out or it will lose all data. Known to explode violently. Can store vast amounts of science and last words from a starving crew for a limited amount of time provided it survives the crash. Generates science if it survives impact with the ground. Meant to be picked up with KAS in EVA. Just a teaser for now. Input appreciated before I move on. Pictures gallery! Currently experimenting with texture style. Feature requests will be considered! Further down the pipeline: Formation light strips. (to add cool deteails and help with orientation in complete darkness.) Structural mk2 fuselage adapters to extend fuselage design alternatives. (more on those later) Mk2-BK cockpit. Sleek heavy and smooth. Bigger than the stock space plane cockpits but with more features and increased chance of something going wrong. Perfect for the nosecone. Structural fuselage parts with air brake and service compartments. Drop tanks and underwing containers. Wing pylon decouplers. Scientific instruments to be carried under wings. This pack is meant for people who enjoy building stuff that fly in the atmosphere and want more things to play with attached to them.
  4. Any word on this? I know there is a mod that enables it but that doesn't work with trackir 5. I would even be delighted if this was added as paid DLC. With the onset of Rift and that technology it can't be impossible to get this?
  5. My thoughts exactly! If this could be used with mods that add new planets I will play more KSP for way longer than I thought I would! Unlimited stuff to do!
  6. SR-71 like SSTO attempts: A-10 kind of.. BURAN/ENERGIA liquid fuel shuttle. (It flies in the atmosphere so I guess it counts?)
  7. @callumrooney98 I put a zip file there for you
  8. @callumrooney98 http://details.b0rg.com/kerbs/SPH/ <- follow the link right click on the file and select save as.
  9. @pluto2 and @ callumrooney9 https://www.google.no/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=tt%20modular%20multi-wheels updated model and without gear http://details.b0rg.com/kerbs/SPH/ Added version using b9 gear. Place your preferred gear parts like this and your take off speed will be below 100m/s
  10. I have updated the craft file and it now requires 3 less mods! Picture gallery and new video coming shortly.
  11. Ohai test pilots! Anyone like shuttles? This thing will get you into orbit on autopilot and glides back home with ease. I am far from satisfied with how it looks yet as I want it to look a bit more like the real one. I will upload the sub assemblies and craft files so consider this to be very much beta. There is also the issue of mods. the shuttle itself only requires B9, Clockheed Martian, and Procedural wings. The fuel tank and boosters need different mods so I will include dem as sub assemblies. I can not decide on how to do them yet so the mod list won't be accurate at all times. Some input would be awesome and please post your own modifications and screenshots! Album here: http://imgur.com/a/DyQV3 Quick flight test video to see how it glides. Using FAR. Launch vehicle, orbit and de-orbit video coming shortly. CRAFT FILES HERE: Included are VAB and SPH versions. Including sub assemblies. I recommend using SPH to add your payloads and then disconnect everything behind the cockpit and save as sub assembly and then attach to launch vehicle in VAB. Note dates of files. There will be different versions and many variations in the different parts. Everything is subject to change and If someone improves it please post your files! More to come.
  12. @dtobi I made a shuttle powered by these engines and I now have a request. Fire and smoke. Trying make a Buran/Energia type thing here and I think the engines should smoke a whole lote more in the atmosphere. It would be awesome to have some of these boosters and the engines on the main fuel tank (which I didn't make on mine): http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cb/Energia_buran.jpg
  13. Fantastic work @dtobi! This is likely to be another main stay in my savegames just like your engines!
  14. Yes I am aware of the su-37:) Though not through ace combat (which I never played) but from interest in the subject... I made a 3d model of it some 10+ years ago. I wish I could get the b9 jet engines as thrust vectoring ones for my ksp su35... Putting canards on this one makes it worse. (esp if you have disintegration enabled in FAR)
  15. That in game donate button is a really scummy move. You should be ashamed.
  16. -kidwitheyeballs- In the far settings panel in the space center overview screen when game is loaded.
  17. @lumberjack I have identified the part and the .craft is now compatible with the BETA version of FASA too! Updated download link.
  18. Nice one! All I can say is BrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrT!
  19. Thanks guys! I would like to hear how you fare in it and also maybe see some screen shots if you use it? @JebThePilot there are more like it and about ten more waiting to be configured and uploaded. it takes a good long while to set them up so they actually work. I am releasing a set of 8-10 ssto from 10 tonns and up to giant one capable of carrying the largest stock fuel tanks or science modules or both. If anyone would like early access or aid me in the final tweaks please msg me! They will all use the same five base mod packs only.
  20. SR-71 / Aurora clone Kingsize octo duo with linear aerospike in the tail to go to space. REQUIRED MODS: FASA, KW Rocketry, Clockheed Martian, B9 Aerospace, Modular Multiwheels(optional craft file), Coffee Industries, Procedural wings and Mechjeb. DOWNLOAD CRAFT FILE HERE! More infos + more pics. Quick how to space travel: Parking brakes. engage ASAS engage jets. 3 key. Full throttle. Build thrust and release parking brakes. pull back on the stick somewhere between 100/200 m/s If using mech jeb: Go to smart A.S.S and select surface, leave heading at 90 and pitch to 35 degrees until above 15000m pitch to 15 degrees and accelerate to 1600m/s+ If you reach 30km altitude before having atleast 1600/1800m/s, set pitch to 7 degrees and slowly descend while accelerating. Engage rockets *2 key and kill jets *3key at 32km Tune apoapsis to desired alt by adjusting pitch between 7 to 35 degrees. The higher out of the atmosphere the higher your angle of attack can be and still accelerate. Make sure to keep the ship pointing along pro grade vector when coasting to minimize drag! If you de orbit too steeply you will die. Ideal glide path should take around a quarter to half the planet radius. Activate jets when you feel like it. Try to land with as little fuel as possible or you will need to land at dangerous speeds! Forward b9 fuel tank has flow locked and is emergency or deorbit LFO. This thing can carry atleast four more long 1.5m fuel tanks and at least six if you make the additional ones drop tanks and route the fuel properly. ***This .craft comes without landing gear due to popular demand. Mount rear gear on the engine pods just behind the air intakes. any further behind and you will not be able to take off! Place nose wheel anywhere under the front section. ***This .craft should maintain close to the same performance both full and empty but dont try any sudden moves above 10km and make sure to spend all fuel before you land or you will drop like a stone! ***Warranty void if used without FAR plugin. *** Turn off the "Allow Aero-structural Failures" in FAR if you are using keyboard to control or you will have a hard time.
  21. SR-71 / Aurora clone Kingsize octo duo with linear aerospike in the tail to go to space. DOWNLOAD CRAFT FILE HERE! More infos + more pics.
  22. Flutter would be a very welcome addition. Your butthurt aside. The only reason I cared to share my points is that your plugin is the sole reason I still play the game after 2000 hours.
  23. @ferram to me it just feels arbitrary because of the problem I illustrated. Since we are limited to using the same parts in many different ways and this method kind of narrows down what is actually possible to do by quite a bit. I do not doubt your numbers as your knowledge on the subject is vastly superior to mine. However I feel the realism of it is questionable due to the sensitivity and complete disregard for variation in part usage. To me simulating it in such an inaccurate way kind of beats the whole purpose of FAR as I see it.
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