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today i finished my project, it was really hard and im proud of myself


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im playing with more realistic aero dynamic module, remotech makes everything have a communication range, and the gps mod lets me get coordinates after i set up the satellites in the right orientation. these mods are really difficult to work with if your trying for precise orbits. basically i struggled at first to keep my sat in communication range, then i struggled to keep them linked to each other then i struggled to orient them. after many many many many failures i finally figured out i needed more satellites in 90 degree intervals on 2 axis instead of 3. i was going to go for the 55 degree configuration that most modern gps arrays use but i didnt want to launch 24 satellites.

also i was trying at a lower orbit and this increases the need for the number of satellites. once i started using geosynchronous orbit this helped my communication links tremendously after that i could figure out what i could and couldnt do.

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  mckamx said:
Nice. Your spaceplane looks pretty cool too.

thanks, heres some more pics. its designed to be a very light ssto scout plane, i managed to fit a basic science package some KAS storage units and it has a full sensor package in the nose. i have it parked at 100k orbit atm with plenty of fuel left.

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i actually switched over to using procedural wings so its changed a bit in the last picture also configured the elevators for braking so i dropped the use of the control surface brakes. other then that its the same.


figaro gps

procedural wings

karbonite, k+


bahamut dynamics


near future solar

craft file

(disable gimbaling and turn on rcs for orbital burns) balancing the COM to COT was tricky thus the fuel tanks on the belly

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Nice job, it takes a lot to get and maintain a perfect set of orbits.

Are you using SCANSat as well? With that satellites can actually do something useful, instead of just solving a problem the mod itself introduces.

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That is indeed a .... lookin' plane. And good job - those orbits can be a pain! May I ask what your precision is there? (I'm currently just finishing setting up a RT2 geosat ring myself - my sats are a whole 0.2 seconds off perfect.)

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  Pecan said:
Nice job, it takes a lot to get and maintain a perfect set of orbits.

Are you using SCANSat as well? With that satellites can actually do something useful, instead of just solving a problem the mod itself introduces.

no ive never tried this mod it didnt seem relevant to my play style tbh. i may look into this but it doesnt really seem to add any value to other mods nor does it introduce a degree of difficulty to my knowledge. or do i have it wrong? any reason im not aware of that i should give it a spin?

  Jovus said:
That is indeed a .... lookin' plane. And good job - those orbits can be a pain! May I ask what your precision is there? (I'm currently just finishing setting up a RT2 geosat ring myself - my sats are a whole 0.2 seconds off perfect.)

the phase angle is less then 1 degree margin or error (getting this is what kept killing me as i kept loosing comm's several times), the orbits are within 2km or each other which is pretty good considering they are sitting at 3Mkm

speaking to the coms for some reason some of the sats arent linking on the Y axis but on the X axis they are linked its wierd that remote tech decided not to display the YY links only the XX XY links if i take away the x sats it will probably start to show up but still strangeness.

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  endl said:
...it doesnt really seem to add any value to other mods nor does it introduce a degree of difficulty to my knowledge. or do i have it wrong?...

That's about right. It is useful with Karbonite I think but apart from that, no, like RT it doesn't add anything to other mods. Unlike RT though it doesn't add difficulty for the sake of it, or at all. The reason to use SCANSat is it useful and interesting.

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I'm rather enjoying the challenge of setting up comm networks with RemoteTech as well.


Around Kerbin I have six co-orbital communication relay satellites in a 90-minute orbit that cover everything out to slightly beyond synchronous orbital distance, a couple of SCANsat probes in polar orbits, and three ground stations 120° apart with all my long-range dishes pointing at every planet.


Around Mun, I have four co-orbital relays in 6 hour orbits, polar-orbiting scanning probes, and a surface relay on the Kerbin-facing side with a dish back to the planet. They cover Mun's entire SOI and slightly beyond.


Around Minmus I have a slightly different setup; there are three relays in synchronous orbit (11h 13m 20s) each with their own independent dish back to Kerbin, as well as the same scanning satellites.


I eventually want to expand the network out to the Duna/Ike, Eve/Gilly, and Jool systems, which will require their own unique setups. As a first step I launched these interplanetary relays as soon as I had the tech for it. They were launched on the same day and put into solar orbits timed so they come back to Kerbin's orbital distance in 5/6 and 7/6 of Kerbin's year. When they reach that point (141 Kerbin days apart), they'll recircularize to match the planet's orbit period, placed 60° ahead and behind Kerbin in its orbit. The game doesn't simulate true L4/L5 Lagrange points, but it's pretty easy to fake it.

There's a Moho-bound probe off-screen to the right.

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