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Veto Aerospace 'Spinoff' spaceplane

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Veto\'s recent lack of new production has been a concern. So now we introduce the Spinoff, a simple spaceplane currently in testing which we assume can make it to the Mun. Perhaps even return. Unlike other VA spaceplanes, it is not intended to land on the Mun with RCS VTOL, but vertically with its engines.

The ascent stage can carry the vessel to a height of 350 Km, making it one of Veto\'s most powerful ascent stages to date. The radial liquid ascent stage is jettisoned, and a large SRB fired to push the stack into orbit. This is then also jettisoned. The space manuevre assembley [sMA] consists of a large fuel tank and four half size metre tanks. In the image, one of the radial tanks was lost in launch. However, from a 350 Km orbit to Munar intercept, only half of these two remaining radial tanks were required. The thruster in this case is a NERVA engine. Finally, there is the spaceplane itself. The prototype has no landing gear as such, so it remains to be seen if it will survive the return to ground. It is equipped with three stock lander thrusters mounted on radial wings. Its Munar landing gear is composed of six lander legs.

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Vessel fully intact on Munar surface


HUD up - Primary fuel tank near full, four full tanks remain


The Kerbalnauts were surprised to see that the SMA primary fuel tank had survived the jettison


Kerbin orbital insertion


Leaving Munar orbit - near enough four full tanks


Setting up an excentric orbit - perigee in atmosphere


In today\'s lesson, we learn how to dive bomb a planet...


Plenty of fuel left in case of shenannegins - also, maneuvred for nose cone forward


Just a spaceplane silhouetted against the sun

Nothing special here - just interestingness


All things considered, a resoundingly successful mission

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