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Vallum Aero-Wind (Low part count, fast, and easy to fly!)

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The Vallum Aero-Wind is a new plane using the 0.25 plane parts! I hope that you enjoy it!

1. Deploy Ladder

2. Deploy Parachutes

3. Cut Parachutes

It can take off pretty quickly, and can fly up it 300 m/s, and can reach altitudes of 80,000 km with a steep ascent. The download link is below these pictures:



Download Link:


Please enjoy! Any comments, questions, or statements about the craft, PLEASE leave it down below! I really could use some advice on my crafts! Thank you, and I'll see you when I see you! :D

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Hey! I've been using this plane for a while, forgot to leave a comment about it. It's great, it handles really well, and I use it for all my Kerbin easter-egg hunting and polar base transport. It seems like the most effective way to fly it is to aim up 45 degrees until it flames out, then wait till the air is thick enough and perform another "hop." It's not the easiest to turn, but that's the only downside I've found so far. Now, a bit late, but + rep!

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