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[HOCgaming] "Flying Blind" Footage Submissions Thread!


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Hey guys, Harv here, and welcome to the:


Submissions Thread!

The Premise:

I rather enjoy commentating over KSP missions, and usually I commentate over my own - with full, prior knowledge of how the mission turned out. To vary things a little, I'd like to try commentating blind over your KSP footage! With as little to no prior knowledge as possible, I think this series of videos has the potential to be entertaining.

As a result, I'm asking you to submit a video of one of your KSP missions for me to commentate over in a pilot episode - just to see if the format will actually work.

The Rules:

  • Footage must be 1080p, at an average of 30FPS.

  • To confirm this, you must link to a 5 minute YouTube clip of the video. This is a small preview to check the quality is satisfactory, and can be from any point in the mission - provided your craft is shown in flight.

  • The total video duration must be no longer than 1 hour - preferably closer to 25 minutes.

  • Your footage must be uploaded to either
Google Drive, DropBox, MediaFire or Mega.

  • The video must be in no more than two parts, and the total file size no more than 20GB. This is the highest I can feasibly allow it. Make sure to use a good video compressor to get as low as possible without sacrificing quality too much. Lower file sizes (to a certain point, of course) WILL make you more likely to be picked.

Oh, and by the way,
  • Don't upscale your video to try and meet the 1080p requirement! That's not why the rule is there! By asking for 1080p video, I'm looking for video actually at that resolution when recorded.

Some Things to Note:

Only send in interesting missions! If it's a perfectly standard flight to the mun, where nothing goes wrong, that isn't suitable. Conversely, if it's a flight where plenty of things go wrong but nothing gets DONE, that isn't suitable either. The best candidate is likely one where the mission profile is unique (as in several objectives in one flight).

I'm allowing mods! *Gasp* yes, I know this is unusual for me, but I've decided that I might as well. It ought to help invite more interesting submissions.

I've opted for direct file downloads to try and maintain quality. If you prefer a file sharing site not on the above list, suggest it and I might add it.

Example Submission Format:

Name: HOCgaming

Preview Video: *link goes here* (or embed using [ video ] [ / video])

Download Link: *link goes here*

Details: Video is in one part, 50 minutes long. Footage is 12GB.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to seeing your submissions!

- Harv

Edited by HOC
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I rather enjoy commentating over KSP missions, and up until now I've always commentated over my own - with full, prior knowledge of how the mission turned out.

Perhaps you might try recording videos the way I and most people I watch do it. Instead of doing all your commentary in post production, Record the commentary live as you record the video. This way you have no idea how things turned out in advance and your commentary will be IMO more "genuine". Not that post commentary isn't genuine, simply that commentary recorded live as you do something has a better feel to it and seems less rehearsed.

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Perhaps you might try recording videos the way I and most people I watch do it. Instead of doing all your commentary in post production, Record the commentary live as you record the video. This way you have no idea how things turned out in advance and your commentary will be IMO more "genuine". Not that post commentary isn't genuine, simply that commentary recorded live as you do something has a better feel to it and seems less rehearsed.

Ah, the phrasing there is wrong - thanks for pointing that out.

I've done live commentary quite a few times in the past, and doubtless will do in the future. It's just that, on the whole, I prefer commentating whilst not playing simply because it allows me to focus on what I'm saying. Also, the point of this series is to see whether I'll enjoy commentating over *other peoples'* missions - which, of course, I can't do live.

Unless they were streaming, or something. But that would just be silly.

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Hmm, I'm not entirely convinced that blind commentary will actually be particularly entertaining. The idea of commentary is that what's happening on screen is explained to viewers in an interesting or funny way. And seeing as you'll have no idea what's happening during the clip it will be more like a reaction video, and well, I don't think many people will get a kick out of watching someone else watch a KSP video. This doesn't mean you should give up on this idea though, commentating over viewer submitted clips is a pretty successful idea already - Have you ever watched one of Bohemian Eagle's War Thunder videos in which he commentates over a clip sent in by a viewer? Anyway, that's just my two cents: I think you should do away with the blind part of this.

Edited by HatBat
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so.... let me get this straight.

We are doing all the hard part: design the ship, fly the mission, record it, export it, compress it, upload it, and... you watch it once and talk over it and it goes on your youtube channel.

Hmmm. naw

I have to agree


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Name: Jeremy Clarkson

Preview Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I72plAi46E

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7BTGo5KLUf7UEFYeS02aFVIc1k/view?usp=sharing

Details: Video is one part, 19 minutes long, Footage is 1.61 GB

The footage shows an SSTO that makes a journey out to and lands on Minmus...with things going not quite as intended.

The quality of the compressed file is great and suffers little to no loss of quality from the original file.

Hope you enjoy the explosions!

Edited by Jeremy Clarkson03
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so.... let me get this straight.

We are doing all the hard part: design the ship, fly the mission, record it, export it, compress it, upload it, and... you watch it once and talk over it and it goes on your youtube channel.

Hmmm. naw

Well, I guess it's not that big of a deal for people who actually know how to do that kind of stuff.

In a way, it's a win win. Your video gets more views, and Harv has a fun project.

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I'm really disappointed in the turnout. I don't have anything pre-recorded, so I suppose I'll fly a ton of missions and hope for the worst so I can help out =P

The best part is, Harv may be commentating on modded KSP. This is a step in the right direction...

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For those who are worried for Harv taking all the credit, if you had posted the video (post commentary or otherwise) he could put a link in his flying blind video to your video (Harv, sound like a good idea?)

I should have a recording done by Friday, one without edits. I will also link my finished copy later. :D

Last thing, are mods allowed?

Edited by MrJacobean
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Hello Harvy

This is Apollo style lunar landing

This was compressed using Nvida Shadow Playâ„¢ (around one hour in 3.19gb 1080p 60fps)

Test link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeuWrW26Qmw&feature=youtu.be (no audio the full vid has audio)

Mediafire: https://www./?v4z74xj8rjeqdoi

Thanks Trax

Edited by Trax
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are we allowed 1440p, or will I have to record is 1080p only?

1080p is preferable, as it'll reduce file size for me and make things more convenient (I won't be uploading in 1440p). But if you can't stand to reduce your resolution, I guess it's fine. (provided other requirements are met, of course.)

I'm really disappointed in the turnout. I don't have anything pre-recorded, so I suppose I'll fly a ton of missions and hope for the worst so I can help out =P

The best part is, Harv may be commentating on modded KSP. This is a step in the right direction...

I will indeed allow mods - thanks for reminding me to edit the initial post.

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so.... let me get this straight.

We are doing all the hard part: design the ship, fly the mission, record it, export it, compress it, upload it, and... you watch it once and talk over it and it goes on your youtube channel.

Hmmm. naw

I think you need another angle on this: advertising your own channel. HOC has one of the biggest KSP audiences you will find and if you're looking for a way to show off what you can do to attract more viewers to your channel then I'm sure this is an excellent way to do it. Knowing him giving credit will be well taken care of. Then again if you think it isn't for you then it probably just isn't for you :)

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Name: AzureAngel17 (Ellie, if that's easier.)

Preview Video:

Download Link: *snip*

Details: Video is in one part. 1.2GB 1080p (Upscaled, I think, since I play at 1280x720) avg 29FPS, 35 minutes. Some editing was done to trim the mission down from the original 1 hour runtime by speeding up some time-warp/long burn/docking sequences and doing two hard cuts towards the end of the mission when a second vessel became involved.

Version: KSP Windows 32bit, ver

Mods in use: Kerbal Alarm Clock, Environmental Visual Enhancements, Procedural Fairings, Dmagic Orbital Science, Stock Parts Revamp, Snacks, Universal Storage.

Mission is played in the Hard Mode Career save from my current KSP

It takes place between parts 7 & 8. Edited by AzureAngel17
Removed download link after project cancelled.
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Name: greydragon70

Preview Video:

Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2xll2czhgj5n0st/AACYbhlVNPV1eFDL7J9cn0E7a?dl=0

Details: Video is in one part, 10 minutes long. Footage is 269MB.

You may not remember me, I sent you the Interplanetary Golf Cart delivery system for your "Last Project" series.

So, I know you said 25 mins to an hour of footage. Instead of dumping all that on you I present a fully edited video ready for commentary.

Take a look, if you still want the raw footage let me know. I can arrange that.


CEO Jolly Roger Aerospace

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I quite want to do this but the best I can do is upscaling from 720p to 1080p. I can play on max settings just fine and maintain a decent framerate, but a 1080p window won't fit on my 720p screen xD

I don't know if I even want to bother. It's a lot of effort for an extremely slim chance of actually being picked.

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