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The Ion Boat Challenge

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Boats... They arent popular in Kerbal Space Program, are they? I was just watching videos of awesome boat designs on YouTube, and just thought to myself... Nobody ever made an ion-powered boat in KSP! No, dont tell me its impossible. It is.

So, lets get right into it...


It must achieve at least 5 m/s

No mods except KAS and HullCameraVDS (mods that dont add parts or aerodynamics are allowed)

It must be nearly-infinite powered, or I should say it must use as little fuel as possible

You must post craft files in order for me to test its legitimacy

Delta V measuring mods as well as Fusebox and a lot of other things are allowed, it would be way too tyrannic of me to not allow them

No solid-fuel or liquid fuel or glitch-powered kraken drives or intake air (allowed only for sinking your boat and keeping it sinked, it should move underwater only using ions. Good luck.)

No cheats allowed. Don't even think about infinite fuel or other means of sorcery like HyperEdit (HyperEdit allowed only for teleporting to Eve and Lathe)

NOTE: all entires that meet the above requirements will be posted on the leaderboard and will receive the badge. There is a secret badge not posted here that will be given to those who have completed one of the achievements.

Score system:

Manned +10 pts

Uses generators instead of solar panels +20 pts

It achieves more than 5 m/s +30 pts

It uses less than 500 parts +100 pts

It can be used on Laythe, Eve +100 pts

It achieves all the above rules +100 pts

It was designed without the help of any measuring mods or KAS +200 pts


You tested it entirely on Eve +1000 pts

It is less than 100 parts +2000 pts

You tested it entirely on Laythe +3000 pts

It can sail underwater +5000 pts

It contains more than 50 kerbals +10000 pts


1. zekes - No entry name (Mk.1), 130 pts.



A better badge may come soon. Then you can replace. But for now, this'll do :P

Edited by 2001kraft
no reasoning, only logic.
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  2001kraft said:
Yes. But only for sinking purposes. It should move underwater only using ions. (good luck :P )

Also, another last question

can i add useless-mods that dont change anything? mods like "Aviation Lights"-E.V.E and those sutff?

also, traveling 5 miles is pretty hard on IONS... (i mean, MS means Miles right? or i reached the MUN for nothing!?!? D:)

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I know enough about boats to say this is possible... will do soon :D

EDIT: And there we have it - the Mk I, capable of top speed 13 m/s.... fully stable. Probably can be scaled up if you're careful.

Range is not too good though- this version only has 90 minutes of fuel time, and at 13 m/s that's about 70 km total.

I promise to make a larger, more fuel version soon.


Edited by zekes
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