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Project Arctic Film- Be Part Of Something Great


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Hey Vagani,

I know i might sound a bit "greedy," but for my voice acting part (as a kid) can this happen:

Scene opens up to a room with a bed and a bookshelf, and also a desk with a computer with a rocket model on it. A young kerbal is sitting on his bed, playing with his toy.

A older kerbal (perhaps Dr.Thompmore Kerman) opens the door and peeks inside. (the rest is dialog)

Dr.Thompmore: Hey kiddo.

Kid (nicknamed Eve): Hi dad.

*Dr.Thompmore moves into the room*

Dr.Thompmore: Hey, what you got there?

Eve: Just my toy rocket you gave me of Mountain 7 when I was younger.

Dr.Thompmore: Oh, yeah. What's it doing?

Eve: Orbiting Kerbin.

Dr.Thompmore: Oh, well thats what it did.

Eve: Yeah.

Dr.Thompmore: Hey, you do kno-

Eve: I know dad.

Dr.Thompmore: What?

*Dr.Thompmore goes to the bed Eve is sitting on*

Eve: You're leaving tomorrow.

Dr.Thompmore: Yeah, I am.

Eve: But I don't want you to leave, Dad.

Dr.Thompmore: You'll be safe here with your-

Eve: Dad! My brother won't do anything for me! He's only 6 years older then me!

Dr.Thompmore: Eve, listen-

Eve: Dad, please don't go! I'll miss you horri-

*Dr.Thompmore holds his finger up to Eve's mouth, hushing him*

Dr.Thompmore: Listen, kiddo. I know you'll miss me. I'll be back. Trust me.

*Eve looks at his dad and hugs him*

*Eve then bursts into tears*

Dr.Thompmore: Hush, its okay. I'll be back. Don't worry.

Eve: Dad... I'll miss you...

*Dr.Thompmore kisses Eve's cheek and gets off the bed, heading for the door.*

Eve: Wait!

*Dr.Thompmore turns around* Huh?

Eve: I want you to have this.

Dr.Thompmore: Whats that?

*Eve holds out a toy rocket*

*Dr.Thompmore takes it and kisses Eve's forehead again, turning around and closing the door behind him.*

*Eve turns around and looks down sadly, knowing that he will not see his father for a few months, or even years. Scene closes with sad music playing (Like S.T.A.Y from Interstellar) and it goes into another scene.

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Hey Vagani,

I know i might sound a bit "greedy," but for my voice acting part (as a kid) can this happen:

Scene opens up to a room with a bed and a bookshelf, and also a desk with a computer with a rocket model on it. A young kerbal is sitting on his bed, playing with his toy.

A older kerbal (perhaps Dr.Thompmore Kerman) opens the door and peeks inside. (the rest is dialog)

Dr.Thompmore: Hey kiddo.

Kid (nicknamed Eve): Hi dad.

*Dr.Thompmore moves into the room*

Dr.Thompmore: Hey, what you got there?

Eve: Just my toy rocket you gave me of Mountain 7 when I was younger.

Dr.Thompmore: Oh, yeah. What's it doing?

Eve: Orbiting Kerbin.

Dr.Thompmore: Oh, well thats what it did.

Eve: Yeah.

Dr.Thompmore: Hey, you do kno-

Eve: I know dad.

Dr.Thompmore: What?

*Dr.Thompmore goes to the bed Eve is sitting on*

Eve: You're leaving tomorrow.

Dr.Thompmore: Yeah, I am.

Eve: But I don't want you to leave, Dad.

Dr.Thompmore: You'll be safe here with your-

Eve: Dad! My brother won't do anything for me! He's only 6 years older then me!

Dr.Thompmore: Eve, listen-

Eve: Dad, please don't go! I'll miss you horri-

*Dr.Thompmore holds his finger up to Eve's mouth, hushing him*

Dr.Thompmore: Listen, kiddo. I know you'll miss me. I'll be back. Trust me.

*Eve looks at his dad and hugs him*

*Eve then bursts into tears*

Dr.Thompmore: Hush, its okay. I'll be back. Don't worry.

Eve: Dad... I'll miss you...

*Dr.Thompmore kisses Eve's cheek and gets off the bed, heading for the door.*

Eve: Wait!

*Dr.Thompmore turns around* Huh?

Eve: I want you to have this.

Dr.Thompmore: Whats that?

*Eve holds out a toy rocket*

*Dr.Thompmore takes it and kisses Eve's forehead again, turning around and closing the door behind him.*

*Eve turns around and looks down sadly, knowing that he will not see his father for a few months, or even years. Scene closes with sad music playing (Like S.T.A.Y from Interstellar) and it goes into another scene.

sounds good, perhaps you could be a script writer as well :)

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I can?! :0.0:

You should ! This scene was brilliant, although we might need some more man-power to actually make it (modellers for the Kerbals and the bedroom assets, animators for, well, the animations, and renderers for people with good computer to help rendering the finished frames at the correct resolution). But it's so great though, it'll be soo sad to not have it included)

On the other hand, having access to proper CGI (with all the people above) would open so much more possibilities and epicness for the movie.

Best. Community. Project. Ever.

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You should ! This scene was brilliant, although we might need some more man-power to actually make it (modellers for the Kerbals and the bedroom assets, animators for, well, the animations, and renderers for people with good computer to help rendering the finished frames at the correct resolution). But it's so great though, it'll be soo sad to not have it included)

On the other hand, having access to proper CGI (with all the people above) would open so much more possibilities and epicness for the movie.

Best. Community. Project. Ever.

I agree that was awesome, we need it in the film!!! it adds so much more than just space, it adds a background to a character and thats what makes great characters. Also Nassault is making a film, we must make ours better!!! :)

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I'm afraid I'll have to resign my post. I simply don't have the time I thought I had for this. There is no point in me not contributing and just sticking around to be in the credits. I'll be doing my state exams this year and I'd better do well in them. Thanks for having me guys!

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I agree that was awesome, we need it in the film!!! it adds so much more than just space, it adds a background to a character and thats what makes great characters. Also Nassault is making a film, we must make ours better!!! :)

And to all the others who noticed my hopeful line, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I would love to be a writer its just sometimes they might have to be edited. I have to admit while I was writing the line I got a little inspiration from the scene from Interstellar. Thanks guys! :)

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I'm afraid I'll have to resign my post. I simply don't have the time I thought I had for this. There is no point in me not contributing and just sticking around to be in the credits. I'll be doing my state exams this year and I'd better do well in them. Thanks for having me guys!

sorry to see you go one-way, come back any time you want :)

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Sorry to say it, but yesterday night my HDMI Cable that connected to my TV that provided me sound from my computer broke, leaving the HDMI cord stuck in the TV ;.; I will get it fixed soon, its just i might have to leave for a few days, or maybe 2 weeks depending on how long it takes to get it out.

EDIT: Darnit! Sadly i don't think I'll be sticking around for a while, the HDMI cable actually stuck in the TV and it costs a-whole-lot to get it repaired, and me and my family don't have that money. We might get it fixed, but I think my family is considering getting me a new TV.

Edited by Rjtaml
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Here, to pump up the thread I worked a tad more on the theme of the movie. Since last time (when it was private hehe) I changed almost everything, from the composition to the melodies and chords themselves. It sounds much better and is closer to my picture of Admunsen (because I made it after Admunsen which is the main character, so here it is)

SoundCloud link! (It's private, please don't share it too much around :) ) https://soundcloud.com/refractordj/admunsens-theme-wip-arctic-project/s-MVO8T

(Link is temporary, I'll delete it in a few weeks or when I'll have a better version to share, to claim back some space on my SoundCloud account)

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Here, to pump up the thread I worked a tad more on the theme of the movie. Since last time (when it was private hehe) I changed almost everything, from the composition to the melodies and chords themselves. It sounds much better and is closer to my picture of Admunsen (because I made it after Admunsen which is the main character, so here it is)

SoundCloud link! (It's private, please don't share it too much around :) ) https://soundcloud.com/refractordj/admunsens-theme-wip-arctic-project/s-MVO8T

(Link is temporary, I'll delete it in a few weeks or when I'll have a better version to share, to claim back some space on my SoundCloud account)

WOW! That's amazing. When this gets done I would be willing to donate :D

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So has this idea died, because i am not ready to quit. We used to be buzzing with activity and now we are a dull barren wasteland on the forums. Lets go guys, lets get back at it and make this movie a success. Sorry for freaking out but we need some motivation.

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So has this idea died, because i am not ready to quit. We used to be buzzing with activity and now we are a dull barren wasteland on the forums. Lets go guys, lets get back at it and make this movie a success. Sorry for freaking out but we need some motivation.

Of course the idea hasn't died, its just people are still working on scripts, as I am. The second scene (that i keep trying to friend Vagani on Steam about) is hopefully what I'll be making, just be patient. :)

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Well considering that nothing has been changed on google docs unless i do it, it looked to me as we had died out. We used to be posting daily on the forums now it is a rare occurrence. It just looked like like this thread had died from my perspective. I guess i was wrong then.

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Here, to pump up the thread I worked a tad more on the theme of the movie. Since last time (when it was private hehe) I changed almost everything, from the composition to the melodies and chords themselves. It sounds much better and is closer to my picture of Admunsen (because I made it after Admunsen which is the main character, so here it is)

SoundCloud link! (It's private, please don't share it too much around :) ) https://soundcloud.com/refractordj/admunsens-theme-wip-arctic-project/s-MVO8T

(Link is temporary, I'll delete it in a few weeks or when I'll have a better version to share, to claim back some space on my SoundCloud account)

Ah, the sound of 10,000 alarm clocks... XD

Otherwise, it's great!

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Noo, i hope not, i guess people are busy, it will mostly pick up at half term or what ever when people are free, and Rjtaml send request again, i didnt get it

Just to say now, my name on Steam is NOT Rjtaml, it is something else. I will message you saying "Cooper! This is no time for caution!" to tell you its me.

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Noo, i hope not, i guess people are busy, it will mostly pick up at half term or what ever when people are free, and Rjtaml send request again, i didnt get it

I'm back most of my exams are over for now I can get back and help you guys! (Vagani do you have anywhere to store all our ideas becuase I don't want people work to get lost?)

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