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Project Arctic Film- Be Part Of Something Great


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Name: Some_Random_Guy

Job: Craft design

Why do you want to do this job: I haven't been very active with the KSP community recently and I've played for over a year. I have experience creating small mods and modelling. I have done lots with crafts so which ever one you need I'm there.

Previous Work: Space Stations, Vehicles, Large Space Carriers, Things that are like Danny on steroids. I also ran my own Rocket Building company which lasted a small amount of time, I then later moved to KMC.

I hope I can help you all :)

Edit: Changed job a bit

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I'll add people tomorrow for now I have maybe come up with a overview, i like it a lot

Project Arctic

Brief story overview

1784- A team of explorer’s sets off to the pole, they find something in the ice, but before they can get back they go missing mysteriously.

Nowadays- Another team of explorer’s sets off for the pole, there mission is to collect surface samples from the most northerly point on Kerbin.

They land their plane just outside of a arctic village, the inhabitants tell them not to go any further or the gods will punish them for their sins.

They decide to travel by car and so set off forgetting the advice the tribe had given them.

A large alien structure emerges through the snow storm, it towers several hundred metres in the sky. They report the findings back to base.

2 Years since discovery- The site is awash with scientists and structures researching the alien structure. The structure activates and the scientists find out that it is sending a signal to another planet.

A board meeting is held between all of the countries of Kerbin determining what to do. They set up Project Arctic, a one way mission to the planet to investigate the receiver. Scene finishes with a image of Project Arctic badge, which fades into next scene which has badge on side of craft.

4 Years since discovery- The ship is finished in space and has final checks, the crew docks. The scientist is the same Kerbal who discovered the structure, he is main character.

The crew goes into cryostasis and the ship jumps to the location.

8 Years since discovery- The ship arrives at the planet and the crew come out of cryostasis, a shuttle is launched and lands on the surface. The surface resembles LV 426 in looks and is my inspiration. The crew use rovers to travel closer to the receiver. They come to a ridge and poke over revealing a huge alien structure with bio domes and other tech.

The crew enter the structure and find it is counting down. They investigate what it is doing and who built it. Before long the team members begin to disappear one by one, the survivors eventually find their way out and take off in the shuttle.

It re-docks with the mothership and finds that whatever was down there with them has managed to come aboard.

After desperately trying to find out what the countdown is for they discover that it is until the receiver sends a message for Kerbin structure to self destruct killing the planet.

The crew now down to one decides to ram the receiver resulting in a spectacular explosion.

The film ends with the camera pulling back to reveal thousands of receivers.

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  Vagani said:
I'll add people tomorrow for now I have maybe come up with a overview, i like it a lot

Project Arctic

Brief story overview

1784- A team of explorer’s sets off to the pole, they find something in the ice, but before they can get back they go missing mysteriously.

Nowadays- Another team of explorer’s sets off for the pole, there mission is to collect surface samples from the most northerly point on Kerbin.

They land their plane just outside of a arctic village, the inhabitants tell them not to go any further or the gods will punish them for their sins.

They decide to travel by car and so set off forgetting the advice the tribe had given them.

A large alien structure emerges through the snow storm, it towers several hundred metres in the sky. They report the findings back to base.

2 Years since discovery- The site is awash with scientists and structures researching the alien structure. The structure activates and the scientists find out that it is sending a signal to another planet.

A board meeting is held between all of the countries of Kerbin determining what to do. They set up Project Arctic, a one way mission to the planet to investigate the receiver. Scene finishes with a image of Project Arctic badge, which fades into next scene which has badge on side of craft.

4 Years since discovery- The ship is finished in space and has final checks, the crew docks. The scientist is the same Kerbal who discovered the structure, he is main character.

The crew goes into cryostasis and the ship jumps to the location.

8 Years since discovery- The ship arrives at the planet and the crew come out of cryostasis, a shuttle is launched and lands on the surface. The surface resembles LV 426 in looks and is my inspiration. The crew use rovers to travel closer to the receiver. They come to a ridge and poke over revealing a huge alien structure with bio domes and other tech.

The crew enter the structure and find it is counting down. They investigate what it is doing and who built it. Before long the team members begin to disappear one by one, the survivors eventually find their way out and take off in the shuttle.

It re-docks with the mothership and finds that whatever was down there with them has managed to come aboard.

After desperately trying to find out what the countdown is for they discover that it is until the receiver sends a message for Kerbin structure to self destruct killing the planet.

The crew now down to one decides to ram the receiver resulting in a spectacular explosion.

The film ends with the camera pulling back to reveal thousands of receivers.

Well done writting done the plot so people can see what we've done. Our you going to ask them about the planets?

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  Vagani said:
I'll add people tomorrow for now I have maybe come up with a overview, i like it a lot

Project Arctic

Brief story overview

1784- A team of explorer’s sets off to the pole, they find something in the ice, but before they can get back they go missing mysteriously.

Nowadays- Another team of explorer’s sets off for the pole, there mission is to collect surface samples from the most northerly point on Kerbin.

They land their plane just outside of a arctic village, the inhabitants tell them not to go any further or the gods will punish them for their sins.

They decide to travel by car and so set off forgetting the advice the tribe had given them.

A large alien structure emerges through the snow storm, it towers several hundred metres in the sky. They report the findings back to base.

2 Years since discovery- The site is awash with scientists and structures researching the alien structure. The structure activates and the scientists find out that it is sending a signal to another planet.

A board meeting is held between all of the countries of Kerbin determining what to do. They set up Project Arctic, a one way mission to the planet to investigate the receiver. Scene finishes with a image of Project Arctic badge, which fades into next scene which has badge on side of craft.

4 Years since discovery- The ship is finished in space and has final checks, the crew docks. The scientist is the same Kerbal who discovered the structure, he is main character.

The crew goes into cryostasis and the ship jumps to the location.

8 Years since discovery- The ship arrives at the planet and the crew come out of cryostasis, a shuttle is launched and lands on the surface. The surface resembles LV 426 in looks and is my inspiration. The crew use rovers to travel closer to the receiver. They come to a ridge and poke over revealing a huge alien structure with bio domes and other tech.

The crew enter the structure and find it is counting down. They investigate what it is doing and who built it. Before long the team members begin to disappear one by one, the survivors eventually find their way out and take off in the shuttle.

It re-docks with the mothership and finds that whatever was down there with them has managed to come aboard.

After desperately trying to find out what the countdown is for they discover that it is until the receiver sends a message for Kerbin structure to self destruct killing the planet.

The crew now down to one decides to ram the receiver resulting in a spectacular explosion.

The film ends with the camera pulling back to reveal thousands of receivers.

Sounds amazing! Couldn't have imagined better ;). I guess I'll get to work prototyping a generic shape for the interplanetary ship (It'll need a name too. Project Arctic? Or something else?). Only prototypes and possibilities.

I'm thinking of the "Mount the engines in the rockets nose so they pull the rocket for more strength" sort of rocket. Like my 6 part Duna mission rocket.


This setup is WAAAAAY more stable during burns then the traditional engines in the tail.

Unless of course your building a centrifuge rocket in which case ignore all that ^. :)

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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  Avera9eJoe said:
Sounds amazing! Couldn't have imagined better ;). I guess I'll get to work prototyping a generic shape for the interplanetary ship (It'll need a name too. Project Arctic? Or something else?). Only prototypes and possibilities.

I'm thinking of the "Mount the engines in the rockets nose so they pull the rocket for more strength" sort of rocket. Like my 6 part Duna mission rocket.


This setup is WAAAAAY more stable during burns then the traditional engines in the tail.

Unless of course your building a centrifuge rocket in which case ignore all that ^. :)

Agreed. I'm a big fan of T-shaped designs, with the solar panels and engines in the front. Here's my old Grand Tour ship, which was something like twelve modules docked in space. Last I used it, it was flying out to Kerbol orbit with over 2/3 of its fuel left. I don't like the aesthetics of the frontmost module, but the rest of it looks very much like a 'research station,' and would fit the bill well.


  Vagani said:
Well i was thinking of a ship following the design style of prometheus, i love that ship the lines and colour, ksp and b9 should make it easy

Prometheus was designed to be a lander, with engines capable of swiveling. I picture the station as something like in Europa Report; the plot seems to be halfway between 2001 and the little low-budget sci-fi thriller. It doesn't need to take off or land on the planet, and thus it should look as if it was designed for space.

[EDIT: I am well capable of building ships, or really doing anything to help the cause: editing, advertising, writing script, voice acting, etc. as well...]

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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  UpsilonAerospace said:
Agreed. I'm a big fan of T-shaped designs, with the solar panels and engines in the front. Here's my old Grand Tour ship, which was something like twelve modules docked in space. Last I used it, it was flying out to Kerbol orbit with over 2/3 of its fuel left. I don't like the aesthetics of the frontmost module, but the rest of it looks very much like a 'research station,' and would fit the bill well.


Prometheus was designed to be a lander, with engines capable of swiveling. I picture the station as something like in Europa Report; the plot seems to be halfway between 2001 and the little low-budget sci-fi thriller. It doesn't need to take off or land on the planet, and thus it should look as if it was designed for space.

[EDIT: I am well capable of building ships, or really doing anything to help the cause: editing, advertising, writing script, voice acting, etc. as well...]

I like that ship design! I think it'd make sense if at least some portion of the rocket was a centrifuge as that would negate a lot of need for "exercise equipment" that a standard space crew would need in microgravity. How about a design like the Avatar movie with a gigantic mothership and landing craft on the sides? BRB Class time. I'll re-edit this later

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  Vagani said:
Ohh yes i like the idea of an avatar based ship, with its huge sails and stuff, scrap Prometheus, that can be the shuttle design

I do like the idea of a Prometheus style lander indeed :). So basically this craft will be like a miniature version of the Avatar spaceship - with Prometheus-style landers on the sides. Now the problem is deciding how the ship spins. Will the whole thing rotate (easy), or only the science labs/crew quarters (would need robotics but makes more sense and looks cooler)?

Oh and one more note on ship design. Loom into the near future solar panels. The gigantic insane solar panels (You know the ones I speak of) might look awesome if used right. Your decision though and plus, It would be nice to keep the mod count low.

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  CG_Kerbin said:
I love the pod it looks epic :) could I have the craft download if you would be so kind :)

Here it is :)

And this's a mother ship with two docked inspired by "Interstellar" shuttles:

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And that's how shuttle flyes:

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  Avera9eJoe said:
Awesome cryo-capsule! I don't know if the actual capsules are going to be ejectable, but that cryo door with the antennae is genius. I might steal that.

Anyway, this one has one LF-engine and four SF-engines, so it can be ejected. And I think that this capsule can be deorbited from 200 km (I didn't try to do it, but the pod is really light and has enough fuel)

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Might be an idea to use the Firespitter skids Zekes, they go really small with tweakscale and you could remove the wheels and stick 4 on the bottom of the cubes. We don't have anyone in texture replacer at the moment either, I had a go and my first attempt is an arctic camo Kerbal. I'll tried canvas/leather for an old style suit but it comes out like shiny plastic, I don't know how to stop that, we need an expert.



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  zekes said:
Welp, i actually tried it out... no idea how to tie the kerbal to the sled. mabye one of those mods that allows a tow rope?


Laden it with cargo! You've gotta make it look like it has enough supplies to go like four weeks without resupply. Looks awesome. Oh and as to attaching the kerbal, try experimenting with landing gear extended around the forwards kerbal. You might be able to get him to stock pull it. Try and keep mod count low.

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  zekes said:
all right well i don't do well with mods but if you guys want to put firespitter and Tweakscale on it, here it is :D


I'm always a fan of 100% stock KSP videos but with this style of video I think going to stylistic mods is the best option. Tweakscale could be useful and Firespitter is also probably a good idea. Which mods are used to remove Kerbals helmet and retexture their head? We should create a master mod list somewhere. Oh and @ Vagani, is the amount of info coming in overwhelming, or what you had in mind?

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Working on a "Prometheus"-themed shuttle design (all-stock, no less).

The results aren't too bad:


It's a VTOL with plenty enough fuel to land on an alien world. It's got parachutes for a softer landing... six-Kerbal capacity, decent TWR, good control, and good looks.

I'm thinking that the final lander will be bigger than this, but it's not a bad start.

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