KBluey Posted December 20, 2014 Share Posted December 20, 2014 (edited) Roverdude, I'm having trouble with AMT. When I escape the atmosphere on Kerbin, my vessels lock up and go into progressively stranger orbits, then explode. The vessel's orbital speed stays exactly the same while the altitude increases, which seems to lead to disintegration as the ship accelerates out of control. I reinstalled KSP fresh, reinstalled the mods, and this problem occurs when AMT is installed, but not when I remove the AMT folder from the Umbra folder. Any ideas....? Edited December 21, 2014 by KBluey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berserker66 Posted December 21, 2014 Share Posted December 21, 2014 KBluey said: Roverdude, I'm having trouble with AMT. When I escape the atmosphere on Kerbin, my vessels lock up and go into progressively stranger orbits, then explode. The vessel's orbital speed stays exactly the same while the altitude increases, which seems to lead to disintegration as the ship accelerates out of control. I reinstalled KSP fresh, reinstalled the mods, and this problem occurs when AMT is installed, but not when I remove the AMT folder from the Umbra folder. Any ideas....?I had that issue a while ago, it was fixed for me by updating mechjeb - the two mods seem to have had a conflict. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SabertoothMosquito Posted December 22, 2014 Share Posted December 22, 2014 To chime in (after reading the whole thread) :RoverDude, this ... i'm almost coming up blank what to say. This is what i wanted for KSP resources. When i reviewed my earlier posts on ORS this pretty much matches my ideas. Now even research and utilization of Exosphere is possible ! Awesome !Now some ideas (here we go with my long rants ):Will Regolith framework allow crustal resource abundance/presence to be reset, near-replenished or swapped with new resource(s) at the same location ?The following describes possible scenarios for the above question (scenarios that are naturally out of scope of this plugin).Strip mining. Use explosives or digging equipment to reveal fresh deposits. Tricky since it will require alteration of visible surface topology for player to act upon later.Specialized deep underground mining by use of Nuclear-Seismic Deposit Shifting Device. A dangerous and complicated piece of machinery. Player would build this device, deploy it at the target location and move everything to a safe distance prior to countdown sequence and detonation (everyting within immediate area is blasted to smithereens, including the machine itself).Similar operations but located on the sea floor, like trying to mine rich deposits in Mariana Trench.Natural tectonic events. These could be similar to use of nuke deposit shifter, it just occurs naturally (or even after extensive mining) and has lower impact on surface structures, though it should disrupt/damage/destroy any man-made objects still underground. Resource abundance could sharply spike.But this is waaaay out of scope, maybe even outside KSP universe. Though it is tempting as hell. And speaking of natural events and interplanetary nebular clouds, here is another idea similar to location resurce reset/replenishment/replacement.Solar flares and CMEs. A Kerbol would on occasion spit out massive amounts of light elements and exotic particles. And if in luck, player's orbiting nebular collector array station would pick up something more than usual materials in solar exosphere.Phuhhhh ! Finished ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverDude Posted December 23, 2014 Author Share Posted December 23, 2014 fatcargo said: Will Regolith framework allow crustal resource abundance/presence to be reset, near-replenished or swapped with new resource(s) at the same location ? Quote You will be able to tweak a modifier to abundance/presence. But not swap out resources, as they are biome based. fatcargo said: Solar flares and CMEs. A Kerbol would on occasion spit out massive amounts of light elements and exotic particles. And if in luck, player's orbiting nebular collector array station would pick up something more than usual materials in solar exosphere.Nothing for this one unfortunately.But glad you dig it none the less! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DanBMan Posted December 24, 2014 Share Posted December 24, 2014 (edited) So how exactly do I install this? I see a game data folder so I assume I should put that in the KSP gamedata folder, but what about the source / BAK / Regolith / Lib folders and all of this gitattributes stuff? Where does that go, I have seen source in a few mods but usually it just says DELETE THIS!, should I just delete the source BAK and lib folders, or put them in the main KSP directory? I tried extracting the master folders for Regolith and Karbonite directly into the gameplay folder of the KSP directory like most mods will require (I know the odd one likes to be extracted a sub-directory higher or lower for some reason, but this is the first time I have seen folders and files that I have absolutely no clue where to put.) I also tried looking at the other USI mods to see how they are installed but it seems they only include a gamedata folder and all automatically go neatly into a USI folder in the gameplay directory. They are all working fine btw except for survival, but I just deleted the D.E.R.P. pod and no more problems. Unfortunately it is giving me resource errors and I basically cannot control manned craft, even when fully crewed. Given it is saying resource error I will assume it is this mod or my shoddy install job that caused the problem (Have tested all of my other mods so far, narrowed the problem down to this one, infernal robotics, or hooligan lab airships, game works perfectly without these 3 and I am in the process of testing IR and HL, both seem to hav their own bugs as well). Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but I searched all the included documents and Google and did not find anything on installation instructions or directories that mentioned what to do with the source and BAK folders and gitattribute files. Thanks for any help, this mod (and the other USI mods) are totally awesome and I really hope I can use these as well! Edited December 24, 2014 by DanBMan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rabidninjawombat Posted December 24, 2014 Share Posted December 24, 2014 DanBMan said: Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but I searched all the included documents and Google and did not find anything on installation instructions or directories that mentioned what to do with the source and BAK folders and gitattribute files. Thanks for any help, this mod (and the other USI mods) are totally awesome and I really hope I can use these as well!I think you might have had a little misunderstanding Regolith is not a mod in and of it self, but actually a framework that all of Rover's mods use to accomplish resources gathering/conversion/etc. So If you have his other mods, you already have regolith, and do not need to install anything from this thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverDude Posted December 25, 2014 Author Share Posted December 25, 2014 Correct, the exception being if I say something like 'Get the latest Regolith' - in which case, just grab it from the github RELEASES page like anything else and drop it into GameData.Your other issues I expect are a result of a bad install Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverDude Posted December 25, 2014 Author Share Posted December 25, 2014 0.1.2 is up!Adjusted the simplex noise to be a bit more 'spotty' based on varianceMade the impact range for drills a parameterMigrated asteroid configsRemoved CRP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DanBMan Posted December 25, 2014 Share Posted December 25, 2014 (edited) Oh ok so it's kind of like how I never / rarely have to directly DL firespitter / ModuleManager, due to the fact that they are included in so many mods. I think I see now my install problem now though, I noticed I actually had 2 Regolith folders, one master from the actual download, the other must be from one of your other mods as it contains just the plug-in. I see now that I do not need the source folder (it is more for security so we can see any malicious code I guess).Yea I seem to have also downloaded the wrong version somehow haha, the release version only contained the Gamedata and CRP packs so I am giving this a try now. Will post results, thanks!Edit: It seems Regolith was not the problem, when I added the Karbonite folders I can no longer pilot manned vehicles or revert flights, and the freight has no right click options (cannot close cargo, change texture, etc.) I will keep playing around though, I probably installed it wrong. (pasted Karbonite - Master directly into Gameplay folder). However I am able to select Karbonite parts and deploy the drill, haven't been able to move the honey badger though so I am not sure if it will actually work. Firespitter is apparently out of date but I have the version released on the 16th of Dec so I don't think that is it. Is there anything else I should be deleting / reorganizing here? Edited December 25, 2014 by DanBMan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverDude Posted December 25, 2014 Author Share Posted December 25, 2014 Do not pull that stuff from GitHub anywhere other than the release page. You must have hit the code repo by mistake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kolago Posted December 25, 2014 Share Posted December 25, 2014 (edited) Im a bit confused about the ParametersRecipeInputsRecipeOutputsinREGO_ModuleResourceConverterREGO_ModuleResourceHarvesterKolonyConverterand theTWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS.Should something like this work?TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS{ name = REGO_ModuleResourceConverter RecipeInputs { rate = 3 } RecipeOutputs { rate = 3 }}I like to scale ElectricCharge in something like this MODULE { name = REGO_ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = Reactor StartActionName = Start Reactor StopActionName = Stop Reactor RecipeInputs = EnrichedUranium, 0.00003 RecipeOutputs = DepletedUranium, 0.00003, True, ElectricCharge, 8000, False } Edited December 25, 2014 by Kolago Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berserker66 Posted December 25, 2014 Share Posted December 25, 2014 So, whenever you change resource distribution in regolith, does this also change where resources are in existing savegames?Or in other words, does updating risk the usefulness of an existing drilling base? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverDude Posted December 25, 2014 Author Share Posted December 25, 2014 Berserker - Only effect would be if I changed the presence chance to go lower. The effect on current bases with this latest patch is they may have less Karbonite, but it would still be there.- - - Updated - - -Also - no idea how to do this stuff with TweakScale - better to ask in that thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
funk Posted December 26, 2014 Share Posted December 26, 2014 (edited) Hi RoverDude, I've done some research in your code for Regolith, because I'd like to edit the different scanners which come with MKS/Karbonite. This brings me to an idea, that different scanners work in different places. I've found an exception for ocean resources, which are only shown when splashed and maxAbundanceAltitude exception. So I've a request: Pls could you add some functionality to REGO_ResourceScanner. Some suggestions:1. There is maxAbundanceAltitude, if you define minAbundanceAltitude you can define a scanner to work in an altidude band only.2. It might be helpful to define two variables, which sets minAbundanceAltitude and maxAbundanceAltitude to a body related altitude, e.g. Terrain to work on surface only, in flight low, in flight high, in space low, in space high, border of SOI.I haven't found a method for returning the altitude for resources found in atmosphere or interplanetary, only how abundance range is calculated. Perhaps I missed it?I will post related mm-code in mks thread what I've done yet to get more consistency, how scanner work in my view of things... Edited December 26, 2014 by funk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverDude Posted December 28, 2014 Author Share Posted December 28, 2014 Hey funk, there is no method for returning the altitude - that's something you could do with a subclass, etc.Side note... doing some reworking, and here's a hint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NihilRex Posted December 28, 2014 Share Posted December 28, 2014 Localized Depletion? Any chance that it will be toggleable or scalable? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Starluck Posted December 29, 2014 Share Posted December 29, 2014 So, I'm a little confused on how to get a map of Regolith resource distribution with ScanSat. I put a satellite in a polar orbit of the Mun, with a Planetary Survey Camera on it. But the map that it's producing seems to be just flat grey, with no other details on it.What other parts do I need for this to work? Or am I just doing it wrong (this is my first time using ScanSat after all)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverDude Posted December 29, 2014 Author Share Posted December 29, 2014 NihilRex said: Localized Depletion? Any chance that it will be toggleable or scalable?Regolith is just a framework - it's up to the consuming mods to decide if they want to use depletion or not (and at what rate). Jim Starluck said: So, I'm a little confused on how to get a map of Regolith resource distribution with ScanSat. I put a satellite in a polar orbit of the Mun, with a Planetary Survey Camera on it. But the map that it's producing seems to be just flat grey, with no other details on it.What other parts do I need for this to work? Or am I just doing it wrong (this is my first time using ScanSat after all)?Did you set it to do a resource scan? i.e. do you see scanning on the small map? And did you select a planetoid, a resource, and click the resource button, and are you on SCANSat 9.4? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Starluck Posted December 29, 2014 Share Posted December 29, 2014 RoverDude said: Did you set it to do a resource scan? i.e. do you see scanning on the small map?On the Planetary Survey Camera, I activated the scanner and clicked the "Resource Scan" button. On the small map, it's filling out strips of map, but they're just plain grey--no info. Quote And did you select a planetoid, a resource, and click the resource button,I fiddled with the settings, and I'm pretty sure I have it set to scan the Mun for resources-- Quote and are you on SCANSat 9.4?...welp. That'd probably do it. Seems I got the standard 8.1 release and not the cutting-edge dev release. Silly me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverDude Posted December 29, 2014 Author Share Posted December 29, 2014 So a general heads up. Something I am adding in is the concept of 'discovery'. i.e. stuff is only visible to scanners, etc. (including SCANSat, etc.) once you do some kind of initial analysis for that biome The intent is to drive more reasons for varied exploration. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hevak Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 (edited) ok so quick questions.. im now restarting KSP with 0.90 and redoing my mods. so With this new regolith mod, do I need to download any of the karbonite mods to have karbonite? or is that all included as a resource in regolith?Other than resources being connected to biomes and from the sound of it the display of resources being different, is there anything major that has changed since going to regolith? or is it pretty much the same plug and play type mod as ORSx was?Edit also there was no link to a thread on the download page, so what is Advanced Mining Technology mod for? Is it needed for anything to work? or what does it add? Thanks. Edited December 31, 2014 by Hevak Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoverDude Posted December 31, 2014 Author Share Posted December 31, 2014 Reverse what you asked.If you download Karbonite, you have Regolith. Regolith itself has no resources, no parts, etc. - it's just a framework (kinda like FireSpitter is used for animations and such).AMT is just one of my other mods (it's parts are ones you see in the technical demo I released a while back), only place for it right now is on dropbox or the USI catalog page. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hevak Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 RoverDude said: Reverse what you asked.If you download Karbonite, you have Regolith. Regolith itself has no resources, no parts, etc. - it's just a framework (kinda like FireSpitter is used for animations and such).AMT is just one of my other mods (it's parts are ones you see in the technical demo I released a while back), only place for it right now is on dropbox or the USI catalog page.ok so as usual if I download MKS, I have all necessary resources used in mks and the framework for them to work correct? And If I want the karbontie specific parts, then I need Karb and Karb+, correct? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rabidninjawombat Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 Hevak said: ok so as usual if I download MKS, I have all necessary resources used in mks and the framework for them to work correct? And If I want the karbontie specific parts, then I need Karb and Karb+, correct?Correct on both counts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hevak Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 rabidninjawombat said: Correct on both counts.ok thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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