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BUST: Claw Frozen/Stuck Orbits, Breaking, Infinite Acceleration

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Thanks for continuing work on this. I am not ignoring you (I promise). Feel free to keep posting your findings. When I am able to get to this, I am sure your posts will be helpful!



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I am working on this tonight. If I make any significant progress, I will try to post an update. (Also, thanks. I am enjoying the new avatar also. :D)

Incidentally, this post was also brought to my attention (yours, fireblade274). I believe these bug is related, and I'm linking here so I can find it later: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/126526



Edited by Claw
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so apparently the glitch effects ships that do not have the claw attached as well. I was flying a rather large ship on an intercept to one of my fuel rocks which of course had a clawship, anyway I had the two objects get within 1100m of each other and was waiting for them to get closer later on, this led to them being separated by the 2km mark for full ship physics, once they had gotten back into the 2km range and I again accelerated time, the ship under my control froze in place and refused to move.

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I'm not surprised the bug caused a problem with another craft given my understanding of the bug's results that I've gained over the last month. But it's still a good observation, because it makes me wonder if there is something that can be replicated by transitioning into and out of range of a claw. Also, what altitude were you at when this was happening? Most of the time when I'm able to trigger this, it happens between 100km and 250km over Kerbin. Though I don't think it's limited to that band (so maybe coincidence).

Based on fireblade's save file, I am able to semi reliably replicate the problem, though it is still not 100% for me and sometimes takes a little while to trigger. Even more annoying, I had originally believed that this was happening after quickloading/scene transition. However, I think I had one case where I was able to timewarp just fine, went to 1x time, then back into timewarp and the bug struck.



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Alright I've made three ships to make the bug occur first take the BUST I and launch it on the runway and move it off to the side so you can then launch BUST II. Position BUST I under BUST II and then switch to BUST II, raise BUST IIs' gear and it should grab onto BUST I, to make sure raise the gear on BUST II and BUST I should lift with it. Now go the the VAB and launch BUST III. set the warp to at least 10x for about 5 seconds (5x doesn't cause the glitch when used for a few seconds for some reason). if done correctly the rocket should not go anywhere. here is a link to the files https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pqzsq2jrtjtqs2x/AACQf90k__kHPIvR5lli7w56a?dl=0

Is it this one that is most repeatable? If so, I will definitely give it a go tonight, because this sounds like it would be a good test setup..

I got frustrated with my attempts last night and had to give it a break.



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And I hope my save file proves valuable to your endeavor :)

Although it wasn't a perfect replicator for me, it did help me confirm some things and I was able to do some minor testing of my "fix" against it. So in that regard it was very helpful, thank you. :D

I'm fiddling with Vkihyone's BUST ships right now, and so far I'm having very good luck causing the bug with them. That's quite good news. :)



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So some progress tonight using the BUST I, II, and III ships. I have figured out that the BUST III ship doesn't actually require a claw, so (as stated elsewhere above) whatever is causing the problem doesn't require the claw to be on the active vessel.

This is quite hard to track down without real debug tools. I have a feeling there's a leak somewhere, and it's making it hard to really figure out what's getting left behind. Progress though....



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Another update before I quit for the night... I think I have figured out what is causing the issue and have it nearly fixed. There are a few loose ends still that might be more troublesome than they seem, but I am definitely close.



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I think this may have to do with the claw but I just spent hours building this planetary ship and now this happens whenever I try to do anything, Notice at the end where the long girder ship is flopping from the phantom forces of the other ship

Notice how this is happening during a ON-RAILS TIME ACCELERATION! I'm very annoyed Not to mention the claw is following the ship and rippling although it is detatched, this is the most messed up bug I have ever seen. This is without mods too.

edit:looks like restarting the game fixed it although this was a very strange bug.

Edited by travis575757
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I can't give much detail as I've never had that happen myself, but I have seen a video with a bug which sounds exactly like what is described here. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned already: 25 Things to do with Asteroids by Danny2462, from about 3 minutes onwards.

Having said that, I have had NullRefs on quickloading before now (and it fails to load), but that was in KSP 0.90 (Windows 64-bit), so I dismissed it as a 64-bit related bug.

Edited by TheMoonRover
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I have definitely found the bug and am able to stop it. I'm trying to build a slightly cleaner fix for release and it's under going some testing to make sure I don't inadvertently cause other problems, given how this bug triggers. I'll hopefully have another status update in a few hours.



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This is the most repeatable claw related bug I have seen though I don't know if it is related to what you are fixing: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/2881

Obviously this is a fairly easy one to avoid during play but the repeatability should make it easier to track down than some other claw related issues...

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I think this may have to do with the claw but I just spent hours building this planetary ship and now this happens whenever I try to do anything, Notice at the end where the long girder ship is flopping from the phantom forces of the other ship

Notice how this is happening during a ON-RAILS TIME ACCELERATION! I'm very annoyed Not to mention the claw is following the ship and rippling although it is detatched, this is the most messed up bug I have ever seen. This is without mods too.

edit:looks like restarting the game fixed it although this was a very strange bug.

Yes this is exactly the thing I am experiencing. The dreaded Glue Kraken. First time I've seen it on video by someone else. It started it my SSTO and then affected my space station which had 2 ships docked to it, and not only did it tear all of it apart (RIP SS1;.; $$$$...); It would not go away upon restarting the game. I pray it does not come back to you, but I have a feeling it will. The Glue Kraken never forgets, just like elephants. But much scarier

- - - Updated - - -

I have definitely found the bug and am able to stop it. I'm trying to build a slightly cleaner fix for release and it's under going some testing to make sure I don't inadvertently cause other problems, given how this bug triggers.

This is fantastic news!! Just out of curiosity, how was the bug being triggered?

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(knock on wood) I believe the fix has worked for me and SS1 has been resurrected! I successfully landed my SSTO for the first time in forever and was able to time accelerate before/after un-docking :D

You did it Claw! and only 3 posts away from 5k :cool:

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