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Folding landing gear killed my rover

E. F. Kranz

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Can anyone explain this?

I built and landed a beautiful little rover. On one side, I put a folding landing gear (stock part), to simulate a soil analysis tool.

Landed rover. Drove rover. Hit G to deploy soil tool. Hit G to retract soil tool. Rover flipped over, rolled several times, and blew up.


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Retracting the leg probably caused some of the part\'s colliders to overlap; this makes the physics engine freak out, causing large \'phantom\' turning forces on the overlapping parts.

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Retracting the leg probably caused some of the part\'s colliders to overlap; this makes the physics engine freak out, causing large \'phantom\' turning forces on the overlapping parts.

That\'s probably exactly what happened, as the position of the part was an afterthought. Thanks, that clears it up!

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The same thing happened to me on a rescue mission. After about an hour doing my first orbit synch, approach, and rendezvous, the disabled capsule was finally in position! Gently, gently, easy does it... slowly... close. Spin. Sigh. Release. Fling. Rage-go-to-bed. Now they\'re on their way to New Kerbin, wherever it might be.

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