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Kerbal History Remastered.

Guest Fyre Flare

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250: After a long period of doing absolutely nothing, the Kats are recreated wthout explosions by the Venusian engineer, the very same who made the higgs drive.

250.0000000000001: The Venusian, who is extremely intelligent, outsmarts the Kats and sends them to the Minekraft universe, forever.

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251:The Kerbals grow tired of the Venusian's secretive research and dangerous creations that result from it, so they push him into the Minecraft universe after the Kats where he is promptly annihilated by a Creeper explosion. The Kerbals then make all of his research publicly available.

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251.00000000001: The Venusian's pressure suit ruptures as his sulfuric acid blood spews everywhere killing the Kats.

252: In the Venusian's secret cloning lab that the kerbals didn't find, the Venusian's egg hatches.

253: The Venusian's next of kin dons a pressure suit and ventures out, making a resturant that sells Venusian food. It is made out of sulfur-and-silicone based lifeforms that poison anything that lives on Kerbin.

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Guest Fyre Flare
5. Kerbals Exist in 100, Kerbals go to space in 500, Present is 5000, Humans will be met in 6000, Extinction of Kerbals is 10000.

Please. No Space till 500

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Guest Fyre Flare

261: Peace


262: Revolution Occurs in Zokesia

263: Revolutionaries win, and the Flaron Empire forms out of the rubble of the Flaron Tribe.


264: The Flaron Empire invades Zokesia and the Mudonic Empire, and the Flarons do Colonization of Islands off the coast of the Flaron Empire.


265: The Flaron-Mudonic-Zokesian War stops, Leaving Zokesia in ruins and The Mudonic Republic in Anarchy, The Flarons also adopt Zokesian Culture and Language (Reverse-German).

Edited by Fyre Flare
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270: The ancient Human civilization, formed in the year -5000 on Laythe's equator, goes extinct, leaving enough research in secret laboratories to propel Kerbals to Kroxima Kentauri & beyond. It is unknown how they survived on Laythe in the first place.

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271: The rubble of the Mudonic Republic rebuilds, and slowly reforms itself into a single, unified state: the Annanian Empire, dedicated to the Giant Annas that used to rule. The Annanian Empire slowly takes over neutral parts of Kerbin, as well as the Spacus Republic, who are strong allies, and when they control most of Kerbin, they declare themselves to be 100% against the Flaron Empire.

272-300: Peace, but with high tensions.

301: The Spacus Republic and the Annanian Empire declare war on the Flaron Empire. The Spacucians and the Annanians win, and split the remnants of the Flaron empire between them.

302: The Spacus Republic falls, and the Annanian Empire takes over all of Kerbin, and gives a degree of autonomy to the Zokesians.

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303: The Mun is discovered. Intense obsession causes the next 100 years to be entirely focused on discovering other moons of kerbin.

403: Minmus is discovered. The search ends, and Kerbals want to try to reach these objects.

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507:the space marines attack, and destroy all annanians. the remains of the spacus tribe take over the kerbol system. all time since 499 is erased to remove all traces of annanians.

499 (dues to memory eraseing):the space marines leave and take the ananians to banned object land. KSP is founded.

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500: The Spacus nation is founded.

500.1: Stayputnik 1 is launched, becomes first space probe to achieve orbit around Kerbin.

510: Kostok 1 is launched, becomes first manned spacecraft to enter orbit around Kerbin.

510.1: The kerbals attempt a manned Mun exploration program.

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