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Jumbo 32 v1.4 NEW UPDATE. [RSS Config]

Whirligig Girl

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(Also Available: Jumbo5x)

Let's get this out of the way first: No Pics, No Clicks.


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What is this mod, Mr. Super-Awesome-Guy?

I'm glad you called me that! Also that you asked! KSPJ32 is a mod with a priority on rescaling the planets to 3.2 times their normal scale, with atmospheric heights scaled to 1.16 times their normal scale. It also has a few other neat additions.

Why 3.2?

Ferram4 once said, unless I'm mistaken, that if you make Kerbin 2x it's normal size, you have stock Delta-V to orbit using Ferram Aerospace. I decided that stock delta-v was still a bit too unchallenging, so I instead elected to half the popular 64K (6.4x) mod. Why 6.4 you ask? Well, Kerbal rocket parts are roughly 64% real scale. Also, 64 may not sound like a round number to the layman, but it's actually super-important in computer-type speaking.

What else does this mod do?

In addition to making the planets bigger, it also adds a few more features.

-Eeloo is given an atmosphere. Eeloo was originally meant to have an atmosphere, but the atmosphere renderer doesn't work for planets smaller than stock Duna. EelooXL is bigger than stock Duna, so Eeloo has been given an atmosphere! It's pretty thin though!

-Dres spins way too fast! Dres now spins slightly faster than orbital velocity, allowing for some interesting physics to take place. Falling sideways, falling upwards, falling into an advertisement for PlanetFactory that shows off Inaccessible.

-More compatible with EnvironmentalVisualEnhancement mods than 6.4x is.

-Made Moho really hot, like it was in KSP v0.17.

-Made Minmus into a trojan moon of Kerbin. It has the same orbital characteristics of normal Minmus, except that its semi-major axis has changed and it's parent body is the Sun.

Sounds pretty neat, what's the catch?

Well, there's only a few minor problems with this so far.

-The Solar PowerCurve is still that of 6.4x scale.

  Renegrade said:
By the way, GregroxMun, if you're still looking for a 3.2x powercurve for solar, I have a limited-point solar curve generator script. It's running under LERP-y assumptions, but gives a workable curve:

key = 770793427 3187.80367 0 0 // 0.02 AU
key = 911858414 2277.78512 0 0 // 0.02 AU
key = 1078740086 1627.54849 0 0 // 0.02 AU
key = 1276163224 1162.93414 0 0 // 0.03 AU
key = 1509717304 830.95270 0 0 // 0.03 AU
key = 1786014747 593.74162 0 0 // 0.04 AU
key = 2112878131 424.24690 0 0 // 0.05 AU
key = 2499561667 303.13764 0 0 // 0.06 AU
key = 2957013201 216.60129 0 0 // 0.07 AU
key = 3498184177 154.76838 0 0 // 0.08 AU
key = 4138396315 110.58683 0 0 // 0.10 AU
key = 4895775406 79.01774 0 0 // 0.11 AU
key = 5791764491 56.46064 0 0 // 0.13 AU
key = 6851730959 40.34289 0 0 // 0.16 AU
key = 8105684754 28.82625 0 0 // 0.19 AU
key = 9589128022 20.59725 0 0 // 0.22 AU
key = 11344060250 14.71738 0 0 // 0.26 AU
key = 13420167367 10.51603 0 0 // 0.31 AU
key = 15876228456 7.51403 0 0 // 0.36 AU
key = 18781779922 5.36901 0 0 // 0.43 AU
key = 22219084212 3.83632 0 0 // 0.51 AU
key = 26285458847 2.74117 0 0 // 0.60 AU
key = 31096031691 1.95865 0 0 // 0.71 AU
key = 36787000469 1.39952 0 0 // 0.85 AU
key = 43519488819 1.00000 0 0 // 1.00 AU
key = 50251977170 0.75000 0 0 // 1.15 AU
key = 58025985092 0.56250 0 0 // 1.33 AU
key = 67002636226 0.42188 0 0 // 1.54 AU
key = 77367980123 0.31641 0 0 // 1.78 AU
key = 89336848301 0.23730 0 0 // 2.05 AU
key = 103157306831 0.17798 0 0 // 2.37 AU
key = 119115797735 0.13348 0 0 // 2.74 AU
key = 137543075774 0.10011 0 0 // 3.16 AU
key = 158821063647 0.07508 0 0 // 3.65 AU
key = 183390767699 0.05631 0 0 // 4.21 AU
key = 211761418196 0.04224 0 0 // 4.87 AU
key = 244521023599 0.03168 0 0 // 5.62 AU
key = 282348557594 0.02376 0 0 // 6.49 AU
key = 326028031465 0.01782 0 0 // 7.49 AU
key = 376464743459 0.01336 0 0 // 8.65 AU
key = 434704041953 0.01002 0 0 // 9.99 AU
key = 501952991279 0.00752 0 0 // 11.53 AU
key = 579605389271 0.00564 0 0 // 13.32 AU
key = 669270655039 0.00423 0 0 // 15.38 AU
key = 772807185695 0.00317 0 0 // 17.76 AU
key = 892360873385 0.00238 0 0 // 20.50 AU
key = 1030409580926 0.00178 0 0 // 23.68 AU
key = 1189814497847 0.00134 0 0 // 27.34 AU
key = 1373879441235 0.00100 0 0 // 31.57 AU
key = 2747758882470 0.0 0 0 // manually added endpoint

It's calculating a new point where the power drops by 3/4 for Kerbin+ ranges, and at about 40% improvements below Kerbin. The AU figures are rescaled for 3.2-sized Kerbin system.

It's not as accurate as the bicubic type curve that RSS generally employs, but it's also only 12% of the computational overhead~

(Really, stock KSP should just change over to a simple inverse-square calculation, it would be much faster and much more accurate. To support variable size systems, it would only take a single number to reconfigure everything)

-Eeloo's Atmosphere currently has no actual mesh. (Which means I might as well have added the atmosphere to stock Eeloo) This will be fixed! The stars do disappear in the atmosphere though!

-The skybox rotates slower than the Sun on Dres. This is inherited from Stock, there is no know fix. Inaccessible also had this bug. Deal with it.

But... Dres isn't realistic anymore!

So what? You'd never even be going to Dres anyway if it was realistic! Almost no one goes to Dres because it's boring! Might as well spruce it up a little! Besides, gravity isn't the only thing that can hold a planet together! Gravity isn't holding your desk or that rock together! Vote in this poll if you like it or if you don't like it. http://strawpoll.me/3458365

Isn't it now too flat and boring?

Nope! In fact, I think it looks even better than stock.


Those are the mountains west of KSC. :D

Also, that's how you recover goo pods from a suborbital flight with no dangerous EVAs, using Deadly Re-entry.

Where's the Download?


Here's the download link for v1.4.1


Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

Uses the Real Solar System plugin by NathanKell. (Included in dl)


1.4.1: Fixed Minmus orbiting Kerbin in a huge orbit.

1.4: Reverted back to 1.2 to start over. Unlocked Eve's rotation, made Moho hot, and made Minmus a Cruithne analog.

1.3: Made Gilly stock scale, made Pol and Bop 1.6x scale. Rotation Periods scaled properly. Updated RSS dll.

1.2.1: Added AtmosphereFromGround settings from Proot's KSPRC, made Eve no longer tidally locked.

1.2: Fixed Jool's mass, made compatible with KSP 0.90, but removed the custom textures.

1.1: Made compliant with add-on rules.

1.0: Full release, Dres given uberspin.

0.2: Fixed SOI bug and implemented mitiya's fix for the terrain.

0.1: Release, Eeloo given atmosphere, planets scaled up to 3.2x.

What's next?

Here's the planned features:

Blue is plausible

Green is in the next release already

Orange is a bit iffy, and would require more advanced programming than I currently have*

Red is probably nearly impossible without being on the Squad dev team.

Dark Orange might be possible to implement, but would require other mods which are not complete yet.

-Re-add the custom texture for Kerbin.

-Alternate download that does not change Eeloo and Dres.

-Actually give Eeloo an Atmosphere Mesh.

-Fix skybox spin on Dres.

-Give Eeloo a moon (using Kopernicus)

-Fix the Solar PowerCurve

-Add support for OuterPlanets Mod

* Note that I'm not trying to imply that config file editing is programming.

Cookies on the table for the first person to do a legit launch from Eve.

Under legit I mean that there must be no OP parts, and you must launch from Kerbin first. (No HyperEdit or Warp Drive or something to Eve) Kethane and Karbonite is fine, but you only get 5 cookies instead of 6.

Wait... how do I calculate the approximate delta-v needed?

An interesting law that was discovered is that for any rescaling of a planetary system you can use the formula (d(Sqrt of x))=D. Where d is original scale delta-v, X is the scale factor, and D is the rescaled delta-v. So for instance, it takes about 10 km/s to get into orbit in real life, so in stock scale KSP (using FAR) it would be approximately (10(sqrt 1/10))=3.16. In stock scale KSP with FAR it takes about 3.4 km/s delta-v to orbit. so in real world it would take (3.4(sqrt 10))=10.7 km/s delta v. Keep in mind that this is all approximated, but look how close it comes!

So if you wanted to calculate how much delta-v it would take to do a hohmann transfer from low-orbit to the Mun in Jumbo32, you just take about 860 m/s and multiply it by the square root of 3.2, which is about 1530 m/s. This matches a test that had been done by Ascension Islander, who noted about 6000 m/s to orbit from surface and about 7500 m/s to Mun transfer orbit from surface.

Edited by GregroxMun
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This is a pretty neat idea, and should work well for those who want things a bit bigger than 1.75x!

However, I'm afraid it's not in compliance with the Addon posting rules.

You'll need to:

1. Include a license for the add-on in the download and in the OP,

2. Include either the source or a link to where the source might be obtained for all dlls included

3. Follow the license terms (and state the license of) all bundled add-ons.

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  xxjetterxx said:
I made it. https://imgur.com/a/I2izu#0

PS. might want to link to rescaled parts in the OP because this was just impossibru to pull off.

No, it's intentionally using normal scale parts. Use FAR for the launches, it's meant for that. I did a non-impossibru Apollo-style launch on my stream the other day. (Using low-ish tech!) :)

Also, DL is fixed.

Edited by GregroxMun
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This looks new enough that it doesn't have any useful references. I did a test launch to LKO:

~6000 m/s dv to 200x200 orbit. Orbital velocity at that altitude is 4130 m/s.

Further testing:

~7500 m/s dv to circumlunar trajectory. I would guesstimate ~7200 to GTO, but I haven't bothered to calculate geostationary orbit altitude to verify.

Here's the size of rocket that got a simple CSM to that circumlunar trajectory. There was at least 1km/s dv leftover in the insertion stage. I probably could have taken decent lander with me.



Edited by Ascension Islander
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  Ascension Islander said:
Quick bug report:

Terrain at space center covers part of the runway


Notice the apoapsis reading on the tarmac...


...and on the clipped terrain


I've got terrain detail set to high.

My guess? lower terrain detail, see what that does. I have no idea what's causing that. Do you have some kind of LaunchSites cfg in your RealSolarSystem folder? I can tell your graphics settings are not very capable. The darker ground and everything. Are you sure you're using the latest version? *sees the land to the south-east side of KSC* Yes you are. No idea what's going on.

Edited by GregroxMun
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I did have the launchsites.cfg, but the hump didn't go away when I deleted it. Medium terrain settings seems to have done the job.

I do have kind of a Frankenstein install due to constantly changing my mind about which mods I want installed. It's possible there's something leftover from a previous install that I haven't found. I'll get back to you.

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  Ascension Islander said:
I did have the launchsites.cfg, but the hump didn't go away when I deleted it. Medium terrain settings seems to have done the job.

I do have kind of a Frankenstein install due to constantly changing my mind about which mods I want installed. It's possible there's something leftover from a previous install that I haven't found. I'll get back to you.

Sometimes changing RSS mods can cause odd terrain even after uninstalation. I had an install from Real Solar System that when reverted to stock caused KSC to be ridden with potholes.

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Hey , i just tested this mod out a little:

Great Size i think, seems the planets are proper planets now, but maintaining a level where stock Kerbal rockets are still usefull and no other part mods needed.

And it also keeps the Surfaces look like natural and not streching them beyond recognition. I even think the mountains look more natural.

But i also have that Terrain-over-Runway bug (Fresh RSS install) which could get really annoying, since i like spaceplane building. I might consider using this more often, if that bug gets sorted out.(Can RSS lift the KSC about 5m up?)

For those interested:

Space at Kerbin starts at 81km now.

Launch to LKO (95x95km) requires roughly 5600 m/s. (FAR)

Mun flyby with free return ca.7250 m/s.

I think a KSP-Size Saturn-5 made out of the SLS Parts might just be capable of landing on the Mun and return.

Just for consideration of using this in an full career save in 0.90:

Could anybody calculate how much deltaV would be required for an Eve launch ( Sea Level to low Eve Orbit)(with FAR)?

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  • 2 weeks later...


I would suggest to set the Atmosphere heights back to stock values.

You know 70km is not 10 times smaller than real earth, and so to scale even 70km would be to big for 3.2 scale. And It would allow a little lower Orbits, which feels more authentic without increasing the size any more and washing out the terrain.

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  SkyRex94 said:

I would suggest to set the Atmosphere heights back to stock values.

You know 70km is not 10 times smaller than real earth, and so to scale even 70km would be to big for 3.2 scale. And It would allow a little lower Orbits, which feels more authentic without increasing the size any more and washing out the terrain.

It's intentional that the atmosphere heights are scaled this way. There's a set relative scale of atmosphere heights in scaled-down planets, and it is (1+(x/2) where x is the rescale factor. So you upscale the atmosphere to 1.32x for 6.4 scale, about 1.71 for 10 scale or Earth scale (120 km atmosphere) , and 1.05 for 1/10 scale.

This is to keep the atmosphere from being too thin for it's scale. If Kerbin's atmosphere were only 1/10 of 120, (12 kilometers!), then the delta-v to orbit would practically be only a bit more than Tylo orbit. It's a precise scale, and it's not changing.

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  SkyRex94 said:
Hey , i just tested this mod out a little:

Great Size i think, seems the planets are proper planets now, but maintaining a level where stock Kerbal rockets are still usefull and no other part mods needed.

And it also keeps the Surfaces look like natural and not streching them beyond recognition. I even think the mountains look more natural.

But i also have that Terrain-over-Runway bug (Fresh RSS install) which could get really annoying, since i like spaceplane building. I might consider using this more often, if that bug gets sorted out.(Can RSS lift the KSC about 5m up?)

For those interested:

Space at Kerbin starts at 81km now.

Launch to LKO (95x95km) requires roughly 5600 m/s. (FAR)

Mun flyby with free return ca.7250 m/s.

I think a KSP-Size Saturn-5 made out of the SLS Parts might just be capable of landing on the Mun and return.

Just for consideration of using this in an full career save in 0.90:

Could anybody calculate how much deltaV would be required for an Eve launch ( Sea Level to low Eve Orbit)(with FAR)?

According to the (d(sqrt of x)) law (D is delta-v and X is scale factor), you'd need about 21.4 km/s delta-v to orbit Eve from surface. Oh, and this rule is another reason that the atmosphere scaling formula is used.

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  GregroxMun said:
According to the (d(sqrt of x)) law (D is delta-v and X is scale factor), you'd need about 21.4 km/s delta-v to orbit Eve from surface. Oh, and this rule is another reason that the atmosphere scaling formula is used.

okay, that with the Atmo-height makes sense. It still looks a lot better than stock, from Orbit. (And if I really want t, I could just reconfigure the config).

But this d(sqrt ofx) law is new to me, and it doesn't really seem to work. Taking Stock with FAR Launch: ca. 3500m/s. 3500 * 1,788 = 6261 m/s. But in my Test i only needed around 5600 m/s to Launch From 3.2xKerbin.

And i also don't know which numbers you used. From my Eve Rocks Challenge entry, I needed just above 11km/s from under 100m to Orbit (without FAR). According to this Rule that would be just above 19km/s for a Launch, so with FAR i guess it might be more in the 14-16km/s area.

Still a lot but doable, especially if maybe launching from a higher point. So i might really do my 0.90 Beta Career with 3.2xScale. (But i will turn off Eeloos Atmo, it's just too light to keep one. Although i might keep spinny Dres, pretending it's made out of compressed iron so it doesn't tear apart)

But i'm interested where this 'law' comes from?

And another Addition:

in the OP you wrote: [maybe]Give Eeloo a moon (using Kopernicus)

IF you really want to add something and are graphically talented enough to make textures ( i've ideas for a planet pack but aren't a talented graphics designer)

what i would propose to add instead, since it will get probably more attention (and i would like it more): Add a second Blue Gas Giant with Rings, with SemiMajorAxis roughly == Apoapsis of Eeloo. AND Move Eeloo(with RSS) into the orbit of this GP2 , making it more like Enceladus. And then you could add an analouge for Titan: medium sized moon and gravity, but with an Atmosphere as thick as Eves or even thicker.

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  SkyRex94 said:
okay, that with the Atmo-height makes sense. It still looks a lot better than stock, from Orbit. (And if I really want t, I could just reconfigure the config).

But this d(sqrt ofx) law is new to me, and it doesn't really seem to work. Taking Stock with FAR Launch: ca. 3500m/s. 3500 * 1,788 = 6261 m/s. But in my Test i only needed around 5600 m/s to Launch From 3.2xKerbin.

And i also don't know which numbers you used. From my Eve Rocks Challenge entry, I needed just above 11km/s from under 100m to Orbit (without FAR). According to this Rule that would be just above 19km/s for a Launch, so with FAR i guess it might be more in the 14-16km/s area.

Still a lot but doable, especially if maybe launching from a higher point. So i might really do my 0.90 Beta Career with 3.2xScale. (But i will turn off Eeloos Atmo, it's just too light to keep one. Although i might keep spinny Dres, pretending it's made out of compressed iron so it doesn't tear apart)

But i'm interested where this 'law' comes from?

And another Addition:

in the OP you wrote: [maybe]Give Eeloo a moon (using Kopernicus)

IF you really want to add something and are graphically talented enough to make textures ( i've ideas for a planet pack but aren't a talented graphics designer)

what i would propose to add instead, since it will get probably more attention (and i would like it more): Add a second Blue Gas Giant with Rings, with SemiMajorAxis roughly == Apoapsis of Eeloo. AND Move Eeloo(with RSS) into the orbit of this GP2 , making it more like Enceladus. And then you could add an analouge for Titan: medium sized moon and gravity, but with an Atmosphere as thick as Eves or even thicker.

How about this for GP2?


(It's a recolored Venus cloud map)

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