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Rover lander ramps


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i want a ramp that acts as housing for a rover. ideally i should be able to have the rover in the middle of the whole lander so that i can have things under it like an engine/heat shield this way i dont have to attach anything under the rover and i dont have to have the heat shield on top either so that i dont have to do a flip pre landing.

there's a mod that i was recommended called hangars but the dev uses it as a spawn point, he also crams a bunch of unnecessary things onto it (fuel,electrical) the whole thing winds up weighing 3 times the size of my rover and many times it doesnt even fit it, due to his "realism" simulator.

it should just be a ramp that acts as housing for launch purposes and has attachment points on the top bottom and insides, NOTHING else to complicate it. i should be able to control the size of the payload and i dont have code telling me "what fits"

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So... You want this for your lander? :)

I'm trying to imagine what you're thinking of, and if you couldn't do the same thing with IR and some creative girdering, or cargo-baying.

BTW, I'm not trying to shut you down or devalue your request, just thinking if your design requirements can be met with existing technology.

You want to be able to build your lander as a vertical stack, with engines, tanks and heatshields on the bottom, the rover bay/ramp, and then the control pod/science stuff/non-landing-specific parts on top? Hmmm...

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So... You want this for your lander? :)

I'm trying to imagine what you're thinking of, and if you couldn't do the same thing with IR and some creative girdering, or cargo-baying.

BTW, I'm not trying to shut you down or devalue your request, just thinking if your design requirements can be met with existing technology.

You want to be able to build your lander as a vertical stack, with engines, tanks and heatshields on the bottom, the rover bay/ramp, and then the control pod/science stuff/non-landing-specific parts on top? Hmmm...

the hangar mod is a bag of holding thats what i DONT want.

this is what i want, except the doors are ramps


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Hmmm... I don't know of a mod like that off-hand, and I'm not nearly a good enough artist to whip one up. Using mods I do know about, you could probably build an armature in IR that would pick up or place the rover on the ground. If the rover doesn't need to go back inside, you could even do an RCS sky crane...

I hope someone with the requisite talent is interested enough to build up this part for you. Seems like it would make an interesting complement to the standard cargo bay (shown).

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the luna 17 ramp is too design specific its gap is a problem too and it doesnt scale, it also offers no shielding from aero forces.

the home pack does contain a part called recon module its actually almost perfect for what im looking for but it has a gap in the ramp as well and it doesnt scale. also the door opens to the side which isnt great if you want to attach radial thrusters or legs, opening to the top would be better

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The AmericanPack as ramps Altair_cargoplatform you can resize if needed.

thanks for the tip but it also has some poor design issues

it doesnt work with tweakscale

the shape is none standard so i cant attach an inline hangar to protect the payload, i can probably come up with a fairing alternative but this means that nothing will be mountable above the system

the mounting points are specific to the mod it comes from and not set up to be used with other parts

its the right size thats about all it has going for it

honestly if someone could get the home cargo part to work with tweak scale i would be more then happy

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anyone have a link to the legacy pack some ....... flag it on medafire and its been taken down

The download still works for me.

EDIT- And on the size you can make cfg for tweakscale or just edit or make a MM to resize it

// --- Bobcat Ind Dec. 28 2012 for KSP 0.18.2
name = HOME_modul_Recon
module = Part
author = Bobcat, CrashnBurn

mesh = model.mu
[COLOR="#FF0000"]scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1[/COLOR] <-------- change this # to what ever size you want.

node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.03, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
node_stack_garage = 0.0, 0.40, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1

TechRequired = spaceExploration
entryCost = 7600
cost = 5000
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = HOME Recon module
manufacturer = Bobcat Ind.
description = HOME Recon. Module with garage for Mk5 rover. What's Mk5, you ask? Nobody seems to remember, but it was smaller than Tesla, that's for sure... You can store KAS containers here just as well, though.

attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

mass = 1
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 12
breakingForce = 630
breakingTorque = 630
maxTemp = 2900

CrewCapacity = 4
vesselType = Ship

name = LiquidFuel
amount = 720
maxAmount = 720

name = Oxidizer
amount = 880
maxAmount = 880

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = tube_deploy
startEventGUIName = Open Airlock
endEventGUIName = Close Airlock

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = door_open
startEventGUIName = Open Garage
endEventGUIName = Close Garage

name = deployableHabRestrictor
animationName = tube_deploy
crewCapacityDeployed = 4
crewCapacityRetracted = 0


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welp i tried using tweak scale, the whole thing was a failure

its way too heavy for a lander (120t)

wastes alot of space in the hangar module

the collision of the walls is broken (fell out the back)

the threshold is still too narrow

the ramps are too widely spaced

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this mod still needs a redesign for it to be useable for the task in mind.

free up the space on the inside,

improve the ramp to have less of a gap

procedural scaling for the roof height rather then scaling it as a whole (every time at least) so you dont have a massive payload or lots of empty space

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that looks like it would break apart if you add radial thrusters to it, i need something that will be far friendly, what pack is that from i could give it a try it might work if it has mounts on the bottom

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that particular part doesnt seem to be available anymore, its not in any of the packs in the new thread. it also seems to only mount horizontally from the videos thats going to be no bueno when using far, and even more no bueno when using deadly reentry

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because that wont solve the other issues, also my rover isnt so large that a properly designed rover bay shouldnt be able to accomodate it, the room on the inside is higher then the door how is this a good idea?

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What size are you looking at?

It seems to me that the ideal solution for some hard-working modeler to whip up would be a two-part combo. One part is the lander/garage part, with internal node(s), accordion door (or sliding door or whatever), and a ramp part that can be scaled independently from the lander. Also, you can place one or more ramps in any location for the wheelbase of your rover. Think of it as ladders for rovers. Reuse the animations from 1xN solar panels, and they'll fold up nicely into, or flush-ish with the hull.

I'd do it, but I'd have to learn Unity modeling, probably Blender, not to mention hand-waving some actual artistic talent... :)

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What size are you looking at?

It seems to me that the ideal solution for some hard-working modeler to whip up would be a two-part combo. One part is the lander/garage part, with internal node(s), accordion door (or sliding door or whatever), and a ramp part that can be scaled independently from the lander. Also, you can place one or more ramps in any location for the wheelbase of your rover. Think of it as ladders for rovers. Reuse the animations from 1xN solar panels, and they'll fold up nicely into, or flush-ish with the hull.

I'd do it, but I'd have to learn Unity modeling, probably Blender, not to mention hand-waving some actual artistic talent... :)

LOL can you use the ladders for the ramps, I know you may have said that as a point or joke but might work.

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its not a question of size, my rover should fit in a 3.75 drum it fits in the b9 HL cargo bay. all of the rover bay parts ive tried seem to all think a rover is always flat and wide and never square or long and thin. if you want to rework the HOME recon model that might be easier. the main problem with that part is that it was designed for the rover that was themed for the pack and not for general use. thats why theres a huge gap in the ramp, and the door height doesnt match the part height. the airlock on the side is also useless and the narrow walls on the inside prevent that space from being used as a service module for stuff like extra batteries/RCS tanks.

you might want to consider modifying the recon part that would save you some modeling and texture work.

heres an example of long and thin


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you mean something like this?


as i mentioned before my rover fits perfectly fine inside the HL b9 cargobay. the difference here is that b9 parts arent for making landers, they are for making SSTO. an SSTO mission is alot more work then a lander mission. i want to simplify my design/delivery process for rover type missions thats why this part is so important to me and that it gets done properly.

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Have a look how this guy launched his rover http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94947-Exploration-Rover-System-by-A-S-E-T-%2810-10-14%29

EDIT- Or make you a couple of cfg for Far and Deadly reentry and patch up the MK4

what that person did would not work for a planet with an atmosphere that kind of set up only works for landing in a vacuum. but yes you could do it without a ramp/enclosure in that scenario.


i just tried the rat lander which also was a huge failure

i had to add tweakscale it didnt fit until it was 5m in size

the nodes have the rover hovering in the middle when released the rover clips into the floor from the impact. i fixed this by attaching a custom mount point

this made me think that the rover mount point might need to be moveable for different rover heights otherwise you have to always build the rover height to the rover bay mount point which might not always be possible

the biggest problem though is the aeodynamics is broken the pod causes massive rocket instability

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