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Question about RCS thrusters

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Ok so I was attempting to dock two pods together. I'm having some issues with the RCS thrusters. Mainly, going forward and backwards (Up/down) It seems like when I press any one key to go forward (UP) (W) only one RCS thruster fires on one side. Is there a way to have more than one fire in order to go forward or backwards? I feel like I'm missing something.

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This may belong in the Questions subforum, but I'll tell you why:

When you press the WASD keys, you're telling the ship to rotate. This causes the appropriate thrusters to fire in order to rotate yourself. (firing on only one side, etc.) To translate, you use the IKJL keys to move down/up/left/right, and the HN keys to move forward and backwards.

There's also a Docking Mode (see bottom left corner of the flight scene) which remaps your WASD, shift, & control keys to translate, rather than rotate, your ship.

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CalculusWarrior said it - IJKL to translate the ship left, right, up, down, without actually angling it. H and N control thrust forward and back. You can use WASD for this if you set it to docking mode, but I find it much easier to stay in normal staging mode.... and as you get more experienced you can two-hand the controls- IE you can control angle (WASD) and translation (IJKL) and make flawless first try dockings. It's all about practice.

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