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Kadvent Kalender - 24 missions leading up to christmas


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Christmas is upon us. 34 days when this was first written. And the Kerbals have a certain way of celebrating: Many missions! All the way until Christmas!


All challenges have the following rules:

- No debug menu

- No cheaty mods (hyperedit, for example)

- Only a few part mods are allowed. All stock-a-like mods are acceptable. Otherwise, nothing else unless otherwise stated.

- All visual mods allowed

And now, for the challenges:

The first of many challenges to come may not seem so Christmas-y. Nonetheless, it is a challenge. And what is it, you may ask?

To land inside on of the tracking stations dish's

Impossible? Far from it. Here is proof of concept:

Standard rules apply.

For your next challenge, forget just the tracking station:

Land on all the facilities at the KSC with one craft

Does not have to be the same launch.

Standard rules apply

Still no Christmasy theme yet. Your challenge today is more competitive, but isn't:

Attempt to create the fastest plane that is still controllable

Please note that engines are Air-Breathing only!

Welcome to December 4th! This time, we're off into space!

Challenge: To launch a new satellite network within Kerbin's SOI

I'll be working on giving images to show you what I mean - hopefully by tomorrow. Basically, you can install RemoteTech or similar mods to help out with this, but is not required. You'll need satellites to keep in communication everywhere on Kerbin, around the Mun and around Minmus.

You'll also want to add some long-range dishes if you have remote tech to communicate with stuff outside of Kerbins SOI

5 days in... Oh, what challenge has TJ got for us today... I'm running out of fun challenges now! I suppose I better bring some real-world stuff into this challenge now. No, I'm not asking you to install RSS. Still stock-ish.

Before I get into the nitty-gritty of the challenge... and the challenge itself, I'd like to give one little spoiler: There will be a series of challenges over the next few days. It's not like the ones I've already given you, but they are an entire program - split up into bite-size pieces so that you can complete each part within an hour or two. If you guys like the idea, please let me know and I might do something like this again.

And your challenge, no, your program is: Land kerbals on the Mun!

Yes, the end product of the program is to land on the mun. But of course, it won't be easy. Because, ladies and kerbonauts, you will be working with KSP on Hard mode*. No reverts, No quicksaves, so you might want to prepare for the long voyage. This includes working on designs for a lander, command module, and how you wish to go about it: Would you rather go for aConstellation style mission? Or Apollo? Or maybe something not done before - Kerbal or real?

One thing is certain: You'll need reliable methods of getting into orbit and landing on the mun without reverts/quickloads.

For now, Begin working on a lander design to land kerbals on the mun

Good luck!

*You don't need to create a new save! If you go into the alt+f12 menu, go onto 'gameplay tweaks', then you can change some of the difficulties - such as quicksaves and reverts.

The next step of the race to the mun is something that happened yesterday IRL, really:

Goal: Test the lander designs in orbit around kerbin.

Test the basic functions of your lander and capsules in orbit. To test re-entry, get your apoapsis to 1,000KM and your periapsis within the atmosphere. This will simulate the conditions of returning from the mun. Attempt to land the capsule in the ocean to the west of the KSC continent.

Standard rules apply. I will allow trajectories for the re-entry.

7 days in. We're en-route for the mun now!

Challenge: Send your Mun lander and command module to the mun and return using a free return trajectory

Not much to add to that, really. Try to get as close to the mun as possible. Standard rules

Sorry for this one being late. But for the past few, its been like that. Nonetheless, we're halfway through the mun missions!

Today: Time to land on the Mun!

Yes, we're at that point. We are now ready to land on the Mun in hard mode and return! Not much I can say about this one. Try to make sure it doesn't go wrong (and if it does, might as well put it here. Gives a little spice to the dish known as 'the challenge')!

Standard rules... GO!

To keep this off my mind for tonight, I might as well post this now. Get things back on schedule.

We've landed on the Mun, now....

Bring a rover to the Mun with the lander!

If your lander can't carry the rover, then you can modify it slightly to stop it crashing.

When you land the rover, then you must drive at least 5km away from the landing site.

Standard rules! Have fun!

Into the 10's now! And Jeb feels like celebrating with a bit of ice cream (though he may be disappointed...)

Land on Minmus

This is the last mission of the 'Moons of kerbin exploration' program. Jeb wants to go to Minmus, Jeb will go to Minmus!

Standard rules + at least one crew member must be Jeb

The 11th of December... 14 days until the big day! I'm behind again, aren't I? Joys of being in your last year at school and preparing for college!

So, we've landed on both the Mun and Minmus... now the amateur kerbonauts want to get involved. A group of 15 Earth-year olds (many kerbals question what is meant by 'Earth', but the KSC refuses to tell) want to launch a 'small' rocket to the edge of space.

In other words: Build a small solid fuel ship that can carry a probe core to an altitude anywhere between 12 and 70km

Standard rules apply + FAR is a permitted mod.

Great, behind again! Sorry everyone! Todays challenge involves going quite a distance. There are rumors spreading around the general public that there is a secret second KSC. They don't know what it's used for and the KSC doesn't even know if it's there.

Mission: Send something out to investigate the second KSC

Standard rules apply.

Not again... I may as well do all of these challenges now so I don't forget them in the future!

Anyway, it does appear to be that there is a second KSC. With the public happy that there is one, a new fear could arise soon. This time, it could destroy kerbals. An asteroid is heading for kerbin and could impact it.

Begin constructing a vessel to redirect an asteroid

You could do it in one launch or in multiple launches. Just get reedy to redirect a massive lump of rock.

Standard rules apply. I may give reputation points to whoever redirects an E-Class asteroid

With an asteroid re-directer built, it's time to launch it.

Redirect an asteroid to a periapsis of 100km

If you want to keep the asteroid as a second moon, aerobraking is allowed. As long is it doesn't impact kerbin.

Standard rules

On time again! With kerbin saved, the KSC is considering using similar technology for a Duna/Ike mission

Goal: Begin work on a new Duna lander and transfer stage

Standard rules. As usual.

16th! Wooo! And we're getting ready for Duna!

Goal: Launch your Duna lander into LKO* and set yourself up for Duna transfer**

Standard rules. Also, as small note, after this program, there will be no major missions until after 0.90.0 release (I don't know when it's going to be released, but I'm around 90% sure it will come out before this challenge is over)

*LKO - Low Kerbin Orbit (maximum orbital height = 200km)

**Not necessarily in that order

0.90.0 has been released! wooo! So, we've got ourselves a duna mission. Lets get out there!

Land on Duna

Standard rules. Do not return to kerbin yet

Mission number 18. We've landed on Duna, now we have to get home again!

Carry out experiments on Duna before heading back to kerbin

Or, in other words...

Time warp until you can get home!

Last day of school today (for me, at least)! And with the kerbals great return, we have to celebrate in some way...

The kerbals are having a party and they need fireworks

Build a rocket that can explode at a controlled point in mid-air

Saturday. The first day of the weekend and the first day of the holidays. Many kerbals are still singing to rockets after last nights drinking contests. Some kerbals have thought to themselves "I wish we could get a holiday into space". With this, the KSC has launched its final program before Christmas. The goal of the program is to have a space station in orbit. But this is in stages, similar to the ISS and MIR.

Goal: Build and launch a core module into LKO

You will need at least 1 docking port of any size and must be unmanned. Other than that, standard rules

December 21st. This month has gone by quick, looking back on it. Apart from school. That took ages...

Anyway, the next module of the space station is ready. It's purpose: Habitation

Build and launch a habitation module that has storage for at least 4 kerbals

The launch must be unmanned. If there is already room for kerbals on your station, looks like you're gonna have a lot of kerbals!

We're drawing ever nearer to Christmas. And the space station is still unmanned. Lets change that right now.

Launch the first crewed mission to the space station

Keep in mind they might want to come back afterwards.

My attempt:

Looks like we're that close to Christmas.That close... This will be the final required mission for the Space Station Program. After this, do what you want!

Add a science module to the space station

The last mission! Official mission, that is (read below). As I know some of you have time constraints, I have done this a whole 24 hours early. The mission is VERY large (would have been a program, but OH WELL!). But, thankfully, as a test for my

"Year of the Kerbal" challenge thread to replace this one and the Reddit challenge. I have two missions - one for the people with less time and one for the rest.

Less time mission:

Land something that looks like a Christmas tree within the grounds of KSP (NOT the launch pad!)

More time:

Land a Christmas Tree on Eeloo OR vall!

Lets see what you can do!


The apres-noel (french for 'After Christmas) challenges are the left overs from the challenges listed above. After seeing the difficulty in terms of time with the December 3rd challenge, I put the largest of missions into programs, with missions for each day. The consequences were that some of the challenges I had intended for certain days were mostly scrapped. So, these challenges are just bonuses!

Merry Christmas, Everyone! Sorry this one is late (as usual), been spending time with family.

Anywho, what challenges do I have in store today... What's new to the game... Oh, the Mk3 parts! Now how about this:

Build a space shuttle that can service the space station

I need to point out that your shuttle must use the Mk-3 fuselage systems (unless you're reasonably new to the game, in that case - I permit use of the Mk-2 Fuselages). The piggy-back method the original shuttle used is not required.

I guess yesterday was a bit challenging for you. We're going a little bit more simple now. You see, we haven't done much with the poles. I'd tell you to drive, but it takes ages to do that. So I'll tell you to:

Send a plane or a missile to deploy scientific equipment at the south pole of kerbin

It can be either pole and you must have at least two pieces of scientific equipment.

This day does not exist. Sorry.

Error 404: December 28th not found. Sorry.

So, there wasn't a challenge yesterday. Sorry about that. But we're going back to the space station now. They need some more stuff to live off.

Send a resupply mission to the space station

Ok, I've decided I'll stop the challenge now. Why? I find that this has lost it's momentum after Christmas - which was the initial number of challenges - with less and less people participating for the Apres-Noel challenges.

But during December, this thread has been very successful. I've enjoyed my time with this thread, coming up with challenges and seeing what I could get out of you guys. Thank you for a great Christmas (even if it wasn't white)

There will be badges for people who complete challenges. However, I think I'll leave it until after Christmas to send them around (people who participated on December 1st will get their badges. After that, no more)

As for a leader board, in most cases, there will be a 'complete to win!' sort of thing, but there will be a points thing. After Christmas, I will show two leader boards - one for the 24th December and one for the whole overall event. After a month, this thread will gradually sink down to the bottom of the challenge threads, only to be picked up again for Christmas 2015, where someone else may chose the style and the challenges. Maybe.

Leader-board is coming - making some changes. You can expect that to come along in January. I'll be sending the badges around during that period as well.

Edited by TJPrime
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NICE idea! :-)

Are we allowed, or even meant, to peek at the challenges now or do we have to wait for each specific day?

Thanks, Pecan! You'll have to wait each day for the challenge. I've already said that

The first 12 will only involve things within kerbin SOI, while the last 12 will involve the whole solar system

. However, as a response to...

Will the challenges be simple things like the ones in the KSP game or will they be larger ones like Jool-5

Some will be big, some will be small. For the bigger challenges, I'll put the challenges up a day before so that once you've done the one for that day, you can prepare for the day after.

The bigger challenges will be towards the end of each 12 day period.

Sounds like fun!
Interesting. I think I know what I'm going to be spending my free time doing next month. :)

Thanks, guys! I hope you enjoy the challenges!

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This is a great idea! Wouldn't mind it being stickied once December hits.

Looking forward to some daily KSP fun!

Good point, I shall pester sal_vager to make it challenge of the month

ETA: He's making a list, he's checking it twice. He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice. Sal_vager is watching the thread! (so be good for goodness sake).

Edited by Pecan
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This idea. I like this idea.

I wonder if it'll be applicable to people who don't use the stock scale Kerbol system, but scalings like 6.4 and 10x? (probably with FAR, of course)

If I don't forget about this, I might try some of the challenges (And even if I don't do them in december, i'll bookmark this anyways, 24 quick challenges to do if I need ideas sounds nice :D )

Edited by Norpo
24 MISSIONS! NOT 25! GAH! (I made mistake)
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I wonder if it'll be applicable to people who don't use the stock scale Kerbol system, but scalings like 6.4 and 10x?

Sorry, Norpo. The challenges won't be targeted at any modifications to the kerbol system. They are near-stock (by which I mean it will either be stock of have some mods like Kw rocketry or stock-a-like mods). You could try to do them with RSS, but entries won't be accepted.

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Can you define the upper-limit of the payloads a bit more than 'heavy'? I don't want to spend ages designing launch-vehicles for multi-hundreds of tonnes if they aren't going to be used.

This is going to be difficult without spoiling the challenges... Heavy, in general, means lifting 75 tonnes or more and getting into orbit. Light would be less than 30 tonnes and medium is in between the two.

As for the Space-Y, I allow that to be used.

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I was wondering if MRS(Modular Rocket Systems), and Zero-Point Inline Fairings could also be allowed?



Seconding the Space-Y request. It's a nice mod that's more stockalike than KW.

I've added to the general rules that all stock-a-like mod packs are allowed. So Space-Y and MRS are accepted in all cases. I'll also allow fairing mods, but this is subject to change. Also, thanks for showing me these mods - I likes the looks of them! :D

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Are you requiring people to post pictures of their pre-made launchers pre-December, or is the first challenge just an example? Looking at the page now, there won't be many competitors currently!

It's just an example, really. You can post pictures of your launchers if you want.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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