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Kadvent Kalender - 24 missions leading up to christmas


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To make it official, this part of the challenge should be air breathing power only, I whipped up this design a couple of minutes ago. It can be launched both vertically and from a runway. Good stability as well with no extra SAS modules. A good achievement for the first plane I actually designed and flew. However, having two turbojets creates problems at flameout.




Highest speed achieved at burnout.


Highest altitude at burnout. Note inertia can take it much higher if flown for that achievement.


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Day 3, an air breathing plane piloted by none other than Jeb himself. Pic snapped at the moment of flameout. Planes aren't really my thing, but it was fun to make something that would actually stay in the air as well as go fast enough to be credible. :)


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I can understand your opinion. And, after being unable to come up with a good response, I have come up with a different way to do the leader-board, based on how many challenges were completed and any bonus points.

Thanks for this. At the moment I'm doing overnight shifts at my workplace, so my time to play the game is currently limited to about 1.5 hours per day at the most.

I guess the next corollary question is "do we have to complete the challenges in the order given?". I ask because it took me all of my time last night to design my craft, land it on the admin building, and then make several aborted/reverted attempts to land on the astronaut complex from there. I already have a fast plane design...

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More good entries! Something I made is going well! Anyway, I have edited the rules for day 3 slightly - with the addition of 'only air-breathing engines'. I'll give Astrobond a point, though, as I should have pointed that out (although it is preferred and any more entries with rockets will not be counted).

Also, I've decided to re-do the leader-board. It won't be shown until December 28th, when all the results are in. I do have a notebook with all entries on it, keeping a tally of who is doing the most challenges. I would also like your opinion on whether you'd like a challenge that involves Dark MultiPlayer. If so, it'll be later in the month. If not, then I'll adapt it.

The December 4th challenge is on it's way.

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Day two:

Tried to make everything too hard xD

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Day three:

Didn't spend ages on this just a simple craft so got a decent 2292m/s and I know I won't win anything with that but yeah :D

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Edited by burnoutforzai
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While I can plane, I'm not very good at it yet, so I shall be sitting out day 3.

Also I think time zones prevent a DMP challenge from being viable - if, for example, the challenge happened at 8pm Pacific, people like me who live in the UK would have to stay up until 4am.

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While I can plane, I'm not very good at it yet, so I shall be sitting out day 3.

Try building something simple with a pod, single turbojet, fuel can, air scoops, fins for stability in the rear, Canards up front for control. You only have to get it flying under control up to high speed and altitude.

Also I think time zones prevent a DMP challenge from being viable - if, for example, the challenge happened at 8pm Pacific, people like me who live in the UK would have to stay up until 4am.

So far, the next day challenges are being posted late afternoon EST. Hopefully, they won't get too complex that they can't be accomplished in under an hour or two in game time. Landing on every KSP structure took a while only because of having to do the equivalent of 9 or more missions with the challenge of flying to and landing on each of them.

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*Grumble grumble, changing the rules on me...* :P

[For now I will add a mere 1931 m/s, might make a better one in the morning if day 3 is still open then]

Turns out I had a bit more time tonight. Top speed 2271.5 m/s for now


@SRV Ron: Yeah, previous one was just a hastily put up flight so at least I would have something for Day #3. But thanks anyway :)

Edited by Treldon
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*Grumble grumble, changing the rules on me...* :P

For now I will add a mere 1931 m/s, might make a better one in the morning if day 3 is still open then

A hint. If you throttle down to avoid flameout, you can go a lot higher and faster until your intake air drops to zero. A bit more fuel would help as well.

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2185 m/s for me, probably would have been higher if both engines were running

Same problem I had as well with the larger design.

While waiting for the final specs of what is expected on the satellite network, I designed the satellite and two variations of launch vehicles. Will position them so that they can see each other while in the same orbit later in the day.



Installed Flight Engineering which takes some of the guesswork out of tweaking SRBs for launch boosters.

Edited by SRV Ron
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Well, my plane last night only did 2000 before entering into an unrecoverable flat spin. That oughta teach me to put all the intakes up front...and make sure the rudders are all the way in the back. LoadOnDemand decided to go on strike last night anyways, so the craft had no textures loaded. Appropriately, it was called the "Pink Nightmare 7". I may attempt another run tonight - the plane flew fast, which I think was part of its problem; climb rates maxed out over 300 m/s...

I could just put up my Machingbird Challenge entry - it did just shy of 2250 as I recall. It's not like it got counted for that challenge anyways. Right now I'm at a laptop with no mouse, so if I do that it'll be later this morning.

Still trying to land on every building at KSC for Day 2. Made the Spaceplane Hangar last night but I had disastrous "Kill Bill" at the VAB...

EDIT: Okay, here's my Machingbird entry. 2246 m/s. Should count for the December 3rd challenge.

I certainly hope that some of the later challenges will give some consideration to us poor saps who have maybe an hour per day to play the game and have to go into work at 2 AM. A satellite network around Kerbin AND Mun AND Minmus? Geez...

Edited by capi3101
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Even though i am not a fan of remote tech made a rudimentary coms network at synchronous around Kerbin, a quarter (if i remember correct) of a synchronus orbit around the Mun and at synchronus orbit at Minmus. I did not install remote tech since it is not required but just for the fun i installed antenna range.

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A note on the challenges. Since there will be challenges every day i hope that they will fast accomplished, what i mean is that if a grand tour is placed to complete in one day almost nobody will make it since it will require a lot of time and there is a real life that takes place outside our homes. I do not intend any disrespect to the OP, just expressing an opinion.

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4th Dec CommSats around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus seem like a big ask for a one-day challenge. As others have said, these need to be the sort of thing we can do in an hour or two of real-time or people just won't have the opportunity to join in. Maybe, in this case, set one of those as the challenge target with a note that if someone is using RT (can't see any way it would help, by the way!) they will also need networks around the others.

Anyway ... here is my dummy network. "Chatbox" is a variant of "Cartographer Heavy" from my tutorial, pushing 5 dummy "ChatSat"s. 3 are spaced around a high(ish) equatorial orbit for each body, the transfer vehicle then changes to a polar orbit and places the other two in highly-eliptical orbits (the name for which I forget). In such orbits they'll be high above the poles most of the time, falling around the periapsis quickly because it's so low relatively. The satellites in polar orbits also ensure there is always communications between Kerbin-Mun-Minmus (and elsewhere when it becomes applicable).


Please note that this pic was taken in the Tracking Centre when the Minmus Chatbox was still en-route, because I thought it looked better. Let me know if you need one with the sats deployed there too.

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