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Kadvent Kalender - 24 missions leading up to christmas


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3 days in one album, what a miserable failure that mission was, 6 Kerbals lost to the Mun, due to poor driving of an ill conceived rover and a desire to visit multiple biomes for the science.

If I had just come back after going 10 km from the landing on mission 1 it would have been fine, but instead tried to see how fast the rover could go.

The Minmus trip was uneventful but DQed from the start due to Jeb being dead on the Mun

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Day 9 brought the need to drive a rover on the Mun. Sadly the original lander design had no space adequate to bringing a two-man rover, so the engineers did what engineers do, and simply made some space by moving the fuel tanks outwards. "Nicely done" said Bill. So our three heroes set off on yet another mission to land on the Mun but this time two of them would drive around and try to not get hurt or dead. "Rovers are tricky business" said Bob. Jeb was left in the command capsule in Mun orbit as to ensure he would be available for the following day's trip to Minmus.

The rover worked ok. Was a bit difficult to get out from under the lander, and ended up tipped on one end. Fortunately it was successfully tipped back on its wheels and the crew proceeded to drive 5km away then back again and managed to avoid any accidents until the very end where the rover was left on its side after Bob attempted a "tokyo drift" maneuver around the lander. Didn't work at all and Bill was petrified his suit might tear open. No harm done though, and the crew survived to blast off for another rendezvous with Jeb in Mun orbit and eventually return to Kerbin for a night time landing.

Another successful Kadvent Kalendar mission accomplished.

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Edited by bobcook
fix spelling
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Jeb returns from Mun so he can do the Minmus mission



I opted to bring back the entire lander;


Jeb's mission to Minmus using the Mun rocket.

Maneuver set. (Mid course correction to go equatorial orbit,)


On his way;


Suicide Burn.




Planting the flag.


Stats. Note, plenty of fuel left for the return flight.


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Alright - finally got around to working on the challenges for December 6-10. I think I've finished up December 6th at this point; the rest are most decidedly not done yet. But I am working on them:

Today's my birthday so I anticipate no work on finishing these up tonight. I plan to launch another unmanned lander and another unmanned capsule, dock them in Kerbin orbit and then send them on for the free-return trajectory requirement for December 7 (if I'm reading the challenges correctly, there's nothing in there about any of the flights being manned except for December 10, so I'm pretty sure I'm cool with that plan). The manned Mun landing will cover December 8 and the design incorporates rovers as is, so I hope to get December 9 done at the same time. Finally, I've sent a lander by itself out towards Minmus. I've got something special planned there, which y'all will have to wait for.

Hoping to get caught up with the challenges soon; I've had a hard enough time doing so with the stuff in Kerbin's immediate vicinity. No telling how things will go once we get out into the greater Kerbol system.

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Hi All :)

December 9th, Full stock, Hard Mode, with the OMG Rover !!!

NEVER make a rover without SAS...

Almost 1 Hour of "Tokyo Drift" between 5 and 10m/s max, to make the 5km and return to the MEM ^^

There IS ice on the Mun !!!

And when you are in hard mode and the rover goes out of control.... Hopefully Bob put the rover back on the weels :)

Nothing was broken so the mission could continue !

Was fun ^^

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Day 8 was the day that Murphy showed up. First we ran into problems with exploding engines.

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In order to resolve that we had to use more fuel from the transfer stage than planned and I wasn't sure if we would have enough to make it back. And finally Burmy got knocked out while doing a simple crew transfer from the lander back to the command module. When he finally regained consciousness he had drifted several hundred meters away.

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In an attempt to catch up here's the illustrated story of me catching up these last 10 days of challenges:

There wasn't anything about Mechjeb in the rules as far as I could see, so I considered that even back in the apollo days the astronauts had computers on board to arrange certain things for them. As such I don't consider it in any way a problem, so long as permadeath is still on, right? If your design is bad, it's going to go wrong anyway.

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I'm kind proud of the speed I got up to at a mere 16K altitude, that's over mach 3!

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Had to drive the rover without the kerbals to the 5K point because KSP glitched my kerbals back into the pool and then crashed for some reason. I couldn't be bothered to bring fresh ones to drive it since there's already a drone core in there anyway.

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Oh and finally: you're using some abbreviation for your suggestion about day 23, but I don't know what a DMP is supposed to be. Maybe some kerbal chucking would be fun for a 1 day challenge? fire a single kerbal off the end of the runway or something?

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you're using some abbreviation for your suggestion about day 23, but I don't know what a DMP is supposed to be

DMP is a mod - Dark MultiPlayer. As the name suggests, it allows for players from anywhere to play the game with other people and, as the name does not suggest but is almost obvious looking back on it, lag up the KSC considerably.

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DMP is a mod - Dark MultiPlayer. As the name suggests, it allows for players from anywhere to play the game with other people and, as the name does not suggest but is almost obvious looking back on it, lag up the KSC considerably.

Well, that'd be an interesting thing to do. Trouble I've got is that I play KSP on a box that, quite frankly, is obsolete and well below the recommended specs. Game has tough enough time running single player, so I'd have to vote for no.

"Build a small solid fuel ship that can carry a probe core to an altitude anywhere between 12 and 70km". Hmm...I know somebody's going to try it anyway, so I'll ask: does this mean no SPH launches? Also I swear that the altitude range was smaller before I went to lunch...

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http://imgur.com/a/rrDpL I'm kind proud of the speed I got up to at a mere 16K altitude, that's over mach 3!





http://imgur.com/a/ldEvd Had to drive the rover without the kerbals to the 5K point because KSP glitched my kerbals back into the pool and then crashed for some reason. I couldn't be bothered to bring fresh ones to drive it since there's already a drone core in there anyway.



Imgur albums in Spolier tags aren't visible. To see them one has to open the links from a quote

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Now that I didn't know. Sorry about that! Here's a better posting of said reports:

In an attempt to catch up here's the illustrated story of me catching up these last 10 days of challenges:

There wasn't anything about Mechjeb in the rules as far as I could see, so I considered that even back in the apollo days the astronauts had computers on board to arrange certain things for them. As such I don't consider it in any way a problem, so long as permadeath is still on, right? If your design is bad, it's going to go wrong anyway.

Hoioh catching up day 1-3

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I'm kind proud of the speed I got up to at a mere 16K altitude, that's over mach 3!

Hoioh catching up day 4

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Hoioh catching up day 5 & 6

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Hoioh catching up day 7

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Hoioh catching up day 8

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Hoioh catching up day 9

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Had to drive the rover without the kerbals to the 5K point because KSP glitched my kerbals back into the pool and then crashed for some reason. I couldn't be bothered to bring fresh ones to drive it since there's already a drone core in there anyway.

Hoioh catching up day 10

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Oh and finally: you're using some abbreviation for your suggestion about day 23, but I don't know what a DMP is supposed to be. Maybe some kerbal chucking would be fun for a 1 day challenge? fire a single kerbal off the end of the runway or something?

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I'm a bit confused about the ship thing in small solid fuel ship. Does this count? Simple is better

I'll say it counts.

"Build a small solid fuel ship that can carry a probe core to an altitude anywhere between 12 and 70km". Hmm...I know somebody's going to try it anyway, so I'll ask: does this mean no SPH launches? Also I swear that the altitude range was smaller before I went to lunch...

I suppose you could, but as the aim is sort of to make a model rocket, it'd be easier to make it in the VAB.

In other words: Yes, but it's not the easiest way to do things.

Edited by TJPrime
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It's rather silly they don't show in the actual forum, they show perfectly fine in the preview window though (using chrome here).

Edit: They show on the forum without any kind of trouble as well by the way (again, using chrome to browse with).

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Day 11 Challenge in two pieces, first I wanted to test explosive decoupling. Always wanted to do that, but unfortunately that was a little bit too effective. Went right over 1.000.000 meters. Even with just 2 stages it went way too high up, so that limits the possibilities severely unless you're bringing a payload to weigh the thing down.

First the outtakes:

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Then the final result, only 3 parts including the one shute:

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Imgur is having log in issues at the moment so will post pictures later. Now, it is upload issues.

Built a tweaked output design of a atmosphere sensor, probe core, battery, adapter and an RT-10. It went over 200,000 meters.


Redesigned it with an added Science Bay, two Goo canisters, and parachutes. That went to 34,000 meters.


Landing and recovery


Edit, Imgur now cooperating.

Edited by SRV Ron
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For the 10th day of this great challenge Bill and Bob went swimming in the pool near the recently constructed Administration building. Jeb decided to take the new Minmus Visitor space craft on its maiden voyage to Minmus, obviously. Pretty cool trip, Jeb had never been to Minmus before (at least in this save!) and he was initially very excited about the shiny surface being edible. "Don't eat it" said the mission controllers back at KSC, "you'll need to be decontaminated before you can leave your capsule!". After some basic scientific analysis (and a small taste) Jeb concluded Minmus is not actually a dessert but instead actually frozen karbon and frozen kethane. He might have chipped a tooth when sampling it. After departure, re-entry to Kerbin was uneventful although it was sort of dark (being the night side).

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On the 11th day, even Jeb took the day off and let the engineers play with a small model rocket for fun. Their first attempt sort of fizzled out, but the second attempt was very successful. However, after this second launch, they got bored of this game and went back to designing a new rocket that will take our three heroes outside the Kerbin system, into deep space. Eventually they hope to successfully land on the distant planet of Duna. Some of the engineers even believe they can bring the crew back to Kerbin, while others seem to think that is an unnecessary complication.

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