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Delocalized Quantum Seperator Cloud


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Ever wondered how you could bring your favorite Quantum-Mechanical phenomenon to KSP?

You can now, with the Delocalized Quantum Sepatron Cloud!!

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Step 1

Build The core. We need only two cubic orthogonal struts

Step 2

Add Quantum Particles. A slight tilt helps (so that the Quantum angular momentum of our system is non-zero)

Step 3

Reduce Amount of Solid fuel in Quantum Particles (so that the time derivative of the Quantum spatial momentum of our system is high enough)

Step 4

Duplicate Quantum Particles

Step 5

Launch, somewhat away from KSC for safety. Don't forget to check your quantum staging!

Step 6

Enjoy Quantum Hilariousness.

The Quantum System is now delocalized! Instead of having a fixed position and size, the System is now a cloud with a higher probability density at the center, and a lower one at the edges.

Also, it exists in two states at once! The System is now a linear combination of the state "Respects KSP Physics" and "Ignores KSP Physics", which results in interesting Quantum Phenomena such as:

- Cloud direction change

- Non-Linear Quantum Angular momentum Changes

- Much smaller gravitational pull of Kerbin (see how we unified Quantum Mechanics and Gravity here? Now that wasn't so hard, was it, Mr Einstein?)

- Cloud actually Accelerates into a direction

So who said Quantum Physics isn't fun? You? Why don't you go stand over there, behind the R&D Center, my friend?

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How do you get the seperator srb to decople from the two struts? Does not look like they burn it up who should work.

They "don't" detach. I think it has something to do with the fact that that some connections are infinitely strong but move apart physically under tension (like an infinitely strong spring).

My theory is that the enormous acceleration forces excite some of the "springs" the springs spring back but in turn shortly accelerate the craft (and centerof mass) which then excites other springs. That would account for rotation and the cloudy-ness, but not for the reduced gravity and acceleration (of the overall craft).

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My theory is that the enormous acceleration forces excite some of the "springs" the springs spring back but in turn shortly accelerate the craft (and centerof mass) which then excites other springs. That would account for rotation and the cloudy-ness, but not for the reduced gravity and acceleration (of the overall craft).

Spring Theory?

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I tried it and the result was amazing. I thought this was an standard cluster bomb however quantum cloud was an good name for the effect.

Incidentally a cluster bomb is exactly what I was trying to build. But this is so much cooler!

Spring Theory?

Excatly. Only I don't need 26 Dimensions. 4-5 should be enough.

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Can't recreate this -- mostly because the sepratrons buzz off while I stay focused to the launcher.

However, trying to pack even more sepratrons into the cluster, I had interesting effects already before launch. It happened too quickly to say anything definite, but it looked as if the the clipped sepratrons were pushing each other out of the way, creating something particle-cloud-like. Couldn't see much for the explosions, though, and after a few sepratrons were destroyed, the rest settled down.

edit to add: quickly launching the sepratrons then and there worked. Due to violent shaking, the contraption will take off in a random direction, though.

Edited by Laie
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Couldn't see much for the explosions, though, and after a few sepratrons were destroyed, the rest settled down.

Me neither actually. I tried this a few times, but the large explosion happened only once. Could not reproduce it since. The rest of the behaviour works everytime though.

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Can't recreate this -- mostly because the sepratrons buzz off while I stay focused to the launcher.

However, trying to pack even more sepratrons into the cluster, I had interesting effects already before launch. It happened too quickly to say anything definite, but it looked as if the the clipped sepratrons were pushing each other out of the way, creating something particle-cloud-like. Couldn't see much for the explosions, though, and after a few sepratrons were destroyed, the rest settled down.

edit to add: quickly launching the sepratrons then and there worked. Due to violent shaking, the contraption will take off in a random direction, though.

Yes, I got violent shaking even befor launch with some chance of the thing blow up before launch, other times it looks like it will blow up but still work.

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My favorite Quantum Phenomenon is the "Quantum Delocalized Toroidal Cloud."

While this phenomenon isn't quite as easy to replicate thanks to the absence of Small Control Surfaces in 0.25, it's still a hoot...

Essentially, you take an infiniglider (probe core, SAS module and 24 control surfaces in three groups of eight) and stick it on the top and bottom of a mass of toroidal springs, depleted of fuel. Once you boost the thing into the air, it will begin to act unstable... and then time-warp up and why, Physics?!

The Quantum Toroidal Springs can also be used to Quantum Tunnel through Kerbin's upper crust, as seen in this video. Fantastic! And more-than-slightly terrifying.

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They "don't" detach. I think it has something to do with the fact that that some connections are infinitely strong but move apart physically under tension (like an infinitely strong spring).

My theory is that the enormous acceleration forces excite some of the "springs" the springs spring back but in turn shortly accelerate the craft (and centerof mass) which then excites other springs. That would account for rotation and the cloudy-ness, but not for the reduced gravity and acceleration (of the overall craft).

It is an effect that happens when the first part of a detached craft (in this case the cubic octagonal strut) is physicsless. Weird things happen to radially attached parts when it separates.

I first noticed this with a LES i bilt from cubic octagonals and seperatrons, The 3m decoupler is also a problem, strutting around it can cause the infinitely extendable struts that pull the camera away from your craft.

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