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The Kerbal way of rocket design (in Algodoo/phun)


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i just wanted to share some footage of my rocket creations in Phun/Algodoo (2d sandbox physics Tool/game)

These are rockets that uses long heavy "sticks" as propellant, that is i think a legit Kerbal way of propelling a space craft :D

these are roughly 6 years old or even more

In this game if you wanted something to go in a direction you had to do it in a physical way, nowadays there is a hardcoded thruster tool though.


This is my 2 stage rocket with boosters and seperation

this should be a playlist with my rocket videos on youtube

the dimensions are soemthing like the Saturn V

height is about 120m

wight 1300t (i have to check these numbers

and it has a payload ( just a green heavy box) on top wich is about 130t

http://www.algodoo.com/algobox/details.php?id=9944 Here is the the download link

you can download the programm for free at http://www.algodoo.com/download/

here you can see how i make a 2legged walker with timelapse so you can see how this game works

it would be fun to know the thrust, isp, dv and twr but im not sure how to measure that ingame

i can get precise information about velocity and momentum and other stuff though

im not sure if this belongs here so feel free to move it

Have fun!

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We (my two young sons and I) play with Algodoo sometimes after I discovered it over a year ago. It is a lot of phun and there are some amazing creations found on youtube. I did build a poorly working trebuchet once. Otherwise my kids like to build cars and liquify things.

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