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[1.10.1+] Contract Configurator [v1.30.5] [2020-10-05]


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4 hours ago, swarss said:

In my last career (1.9.4) i had the contract showing up just after my first orbit (unmanned), i already had the scan part at that time and the contract showed up immediately. I'm at the same stage in my newcareer (, but i've got the part after the first orbit because of kerbal construction time.

Well, from looking at the logs I do see contracts being generated, so you're okay on that end:

[LOG 17:29:06.755] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Generated contract: CONTRACT_TYPE [AS_Kerbin_Pyramids]
[LOG 17:29:06.801] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Generated contract: CONTRACT_TYPE [FS_Experiment]
[LOG 17:29:07.007] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Generated contract: CONTRACT_TYPE [AS_Kerbin_IslandAirfield]
[LOG 17:29:07.089] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Generated contract: CONTRACT_TYPE [FS_KSC]

Also, it loaded all the CONTRACT_TYPE nodes correctly (including Tourism and SCANsat).  So everything *seems* to be working normally.

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4 hours ago, smjjames said:

While doing the Soyuz-Salyut 'dock with station and wait a period of time to do experiments' missions, I'm noticing problems with the docking contract, namely that when the two crafts dock, the Docked: <shipname > and <shipname> become the name of the station, essentially turning the contract to a 'dock with self' contract and it makes it impossible to actually complete the contract. Undocking and redocking did work a few times, but generally it doesn't.

Since they are unable to complete correctly, I'm forced to complete them via alt12. I am doing the actual docking though, so, it really isn't cheating, just fixing a broken contract.

I don't know if it's a stock problem, a problem with the historical contract pack, or something with Contract Configurator.

I know there are some buggy contract in that contract pack - I'd suggest posting there first (you may also want to search that thread, others may have already reported the same issue).

1 hour ago, inigma said:

All github servers are down. I have GAP players asking if you have a mirror to download CC.

Wow, looks like GitHub was down for close to two hours.  Anyway, nope, no mirrors.

3 minutes ago, smjjames said:

I thought he'd have it on Kerbalstuff, but nope. From the OP, it doesn't look like he has an alternate download.

As easy as KerbalStuff makes it, GitHub is easier (because I'm already there and having releases tagged in the source helps in later issue investigation).  So because of that and the fact that I don't want to have to post releases in two places, it is not on KerbalStuff.

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22 minutes ago, inigma said:

@nightingale I can't seem to figure out why I can't get the Space Center waypoint to complete: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/KSP-TourBus.cfg


starting at line 349

When I remove the VPG, it works fine. WIth VPG it doesn't trip. Any ideas?

I strongly suspect that there's a bug - since I know that I had to do some hackery a couple releases ago to make completeInSequence + VesselParameterGroup work together.  So assuming the obvious stuff (all parameters above the VisitWaypoint are actually checked), then raise an issue for me.

Also, GitHub tip - click on the little 349 to the side to get a link directly to that line (like this).

Edited by nightingale
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2 minutes ago, nightingale said:

I strongly suspect that there's a bug - since I know that I had to do some hackery a couple releases ago to make completeInSequence + VesselParameterGroup work together.  So assuming the obvious stuff (all parameters above the VisitWaypoint are actually checked), then raise an issue for me.

Also, GitHub tip - click on the little 349 to the side to get a link directly to that line (like this).

I figured it out. The waypoint completes fine if and only if all my Kerbals are not in a Command Seat, but inside a pod. I'll a raise github.

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7 minutes ago, inigma said:

I figured it out. The waypoint completes fine if and only if all my Kerbals are not in a Command Seat, but inside a pod. I'll a raise github.

Must remember to ban command seats...  they expose cause so many bugs. ;)

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Hey I got this error does any body know what it is??


Exception occured while loading contract parameter 'Orbit' in contract 'Tourism_LowOrbit':
System.ArgumentException: 'Kerbin' is not a valid CelestialBody.
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseCelestialBodyValue (System.String celestialName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[CelestialBody] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[CelestialBody] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[CelestialBody] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, .CelestialBody defaultValue) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.OrbitParameter.OnParameterLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ContractConfiguratorParameter.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 



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1 hour ago, JPMaster99 said:

Hey I got this error does any body know what it is?

Exception occured while loading contract parameter 'Orbit' in contract 'Tourism_LowOrbit':
System.ArgumentException: 'Kerbin' is not a valid CelestialBody.
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseCelestialBodyValue (System.String celestialName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[CelestialBody] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[CelestialBody] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[CelestialBody] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, .CelestialBody defaultValue) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.OrbitParameter.OnParameterLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ContractConfiguratorParameter.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

Silly question - did you install RSS into an existing save?

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Everytime i start my KSP KSP-AVC says im using version 1.9.2 of Contract Configurator. Ckan however says im using the current version ( of Contract Configurator. Im using KSP-AVC version 1.15, the current version of that plugin. AVC works fine when other mods are updated just not Contract Configurator.

Edited by MormorBella
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1 hour ago, MormorBella said:

Everytime i start my KSP KSP-AVC says im using version 1.9.2 of Contract Configurator. Ckan however says im using the current version ( of Contract Configurator. Im using KSP-AVC version 1.15, the current version of that plugin. AVC works fine when other mods are updated just not Contract Configurator.

Everything that I checked looks good, including the CKAN meta files.  Can you mouseover the ContractConfigurator.dll in GameData/ContractConfigurator/ and see what it says (assuming windows, it'll be somewhat different on Linux/OSX):


Also, you can open ContractConfigurator.version in a text editor to confirm what that says.

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19 minutes ago, MormorBella said:

And the version file confirms this. So apparently it's ckan thats lying to me.... :'(.

My ckan.exe is NOT located in the same folder as KSP (in case that matters).

CKAN is listing it as AD (auto detected), meaning it is not managing the updates. Not 100% sure on the procedure, but you need to delete the Contract Configurator directory, as will as the .txt file in the contract packs directory. CKAN should then no longer see it as installed, and should be able to install it via CKAN. 

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31 minutes ago, nightingale said:

CKAN is listing it as AD (auto detected), meaning it is not managing the updates. Not 100% sure on the procedure, but you need to delete the Contract Configurator directory, as will as the .txt file in the contract packs directory. CKAN should then no longer see it as installed, and should be able to install it via CKAN. 

Can't i just dl the correct version and overwrite the current (old) files with the correct (new) files?

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@nightingale How is this bit of code supposed to work?

	name = CheckSoyuzMission
	type = Expression
	expression = HM_DOS6_Ready == 1

I'm just wondering about it because it's required for the SoyuzT-6 mission in the historic missions packand the mission itself is required for a whole chain of missions to appear,

The whole '<vessel> dock with another <vessel>' part is really buggy anyway because it's unable to distingush which craft are which and it seems to have problems recognizing that the salyut-# or whatever name station is the station required for the mission. Don't know if this is a stock issue or a thing with CC.

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3 hours ago, smjjames said:

@nightingale How is this bit of code supposed to work?

	name = CheckSoyuzMission
	type = Expression
	expression = HM_DOS6_Ready == 1

I'm just wondering about it because it's required for the SoyuzT-6 mission in the historic missions packand the mission itself is required for a whole chain of missions to appear,

It checks the persisent data store (a sort of global expression storage area) for the variable HM_DOS6_Ready, and passes the requirement if it has a value of 1.  Doing a quick grep through Historic Missions shows that it isn't set anywhere, so you're right in that the contract pack is broken.  I didn't look at other missions like SoyuzT-5 to see if there's an obvious typo somewhere.

3 hours ago, smjjames said:

The whole '<vessel> dock with another <vessel>' part is really buggy anyway because it's unable to distingush which craft are which and it seems to have problems recognizing that the salyut-# or whatever name station is the station required for the mission. Don't know if this is a stock issue or a thing with CC.

I'd need a lot more to believe that it's buggy - the problem is that the Docking parameter can be used in a whole lot of different ways (no vessels = Dock any two vessels; one vessel = Dock any vessel to vessel X, two vessels = Dock Vessels X and Y; inside VesselParameterGroup with no vessels = Dock the vessel tracked by this VPG to any vessel; inside VGP with one vessel = Dock the vessel tracked by this VPG to the given vessel).  Vessel tracking is also tricky to get right - it's easy to have a parameter that just ends up picking up say the next vessel to reach orbit as a "tracked" vessel when it really shouldn't be.  So yeah, no necessarily buggy, more that it gives contract authors lots of rope to hang themselves.

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This is going to be perhaps the most vague bug report ever :blush:

I honestly don't know if this is an actual bug. It is more of a curiosity. Plus I am not sure how to describe it in such a way for others to duplicate. It is really tricky little to spot and it does not appear to have any effect at all.  I have made an stange observation in Something is up with the contracts generation which causes new ones to appear or change too quickly. I think this is down to something in Field Research.

As far actual play goes this really does not appear to affect anything when it comes to picking out or completing contracts. All it means is if you stare at the contracts screen for a while. The contracts will suddenly change or get reordered. Much faster that they they should. Now given how heavy I modify things. This could be a unique thing in my game. The only way for somebody to test it would be to load all the contract packs including Field Research. Then watch the contract window during the game to see if it starts jumping a bit with contract changes.   

Edited by nobodyhasthis2
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18 minutes ago, nobodyhasthis2 said:

This is going to be perhaps the most vague bug report ever :blush:

I honestly don't know if this is an actual bug. It is more of a curiosity. Plus I am not sure how to describe it in such a way for others to duplicate. It is really tricky little I spotted and it does not appear to have any effect at all.  I have made an stange observation in Something is up with the contracts generation which causes new ones to appear or change too quickly. I think this is down to something in Field Research.

As far actual play goes this really does not appear to affect anything when it comes to picking out or completing contracts. All it means is if you stare at the contracts screen for a while. The contracts will suddenly change or get reordered. Much faster that they they should. Now given how heavy I modify things. This could be a unique thing in my game. The only way for somebody to test it would be to load all the contract packs including Field Research. Then watch the contract window during the game to see if it starts jumping a bit with contract changes.   

I've noticed this as well, it's easier to spot when theres lots of FPS lag going on, especially when you're declining lots of contracts.

Edit: It just happened to me in a new career game after opening MC, and again when I closed and re-opened mission control.

edit2: It's doing it several times a minute right now. It keeps reshuffling three 'focused observational surveys of kerbin' contracts.

edit3: When it happened previously, I thought it was due to lag or something, but theres absolutely no lag here. Also, the log is generating this line each time the shuffle happens: [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Generated contract: CONTRACT_TYPE [FS_Experiment]

edit4: I can see it happening in the debug log in the main KSC screen.

Edited by smjjames
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45 minutes ago, smjjames said:

I've noticed this as well, it's easier to spot when theres lots of FPS lag going on, especially when you're declining lots of contracts.

Edit: It just happened to me in a new career game after opening MC, and again when I closed and re-opened mission control.

edit2: It's doing it several times a minute right now. It keeps reshuffling three 'focused observational surveys of kerbin' contracts.

edit3: When it happened previously, I thought it was due to lag or something, but theres absolutely no lag here. Also, the log is generating this line each time the shuffle happens: [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Generated contract: CONTRACT_TYPE [FS_Experiment]

edit4: I can see it happening in the debug log in the main KSC screen.

That is pretty much the issue in full. Well done for tracking this down. :cool:

Yes it is bouncing about. Now I have not noticed any harmful effect yet. It is just the timing that is worrying.  It's doing it several times a minute right now. Where it keeps reshuffling contracts. That has got be causing a bit of a lag. In the Capcom mod this can also be seen reshuffling contracts in the middle of a mission. 

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1 hour ago, nobodyhasthis2 said:

That is pretty much the issue in full. Well done for tracking this down. :cool:

Yes it is bouncing about. Now I have not noticed any harmful effect yet. It is just the timing that is worrying.  It's doing it several times a minute right now. Where it keeps reshuffling contracts. That has got be causing a bit of a lag. In the Capcom mod this can also be seen reshuffling contracts in the middle of a mission. 

Good stuff, thanks to both you and @smjjames I've managed to get it sorted out.  It's actually a duplicate of #458, but I hadn't been able to get that one figured out until you two put the pieces together for me. :)

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