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I love Apollo 13 movie score especially


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Too many favorites here to mention. Let's just say I love music, just about all music (there are a few exceptions). When I'm playing KSP, I usually put CalmRadio.com on - the Relaxation 'Spaced' channel ... usually provides me with excellent atmosphere for KSP, plus the chance to hear new stuff. Same with SomaFM.com, their 'Groove Salad' channel can be interesting. Then there's always Classical, especially Bach... give me the Brandenburg Concertos (on period instruments) and I'm a happy Ferret. :cool:

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Too many favorites here to mention. Let's just say I love music, just about all music (there are a few exceptions). When I'm playing KSP, I usually put CalmRadio.com on - the Relaxation 'Spaced' channel ... usually provides me with excellent atmosphere for KSP, plus the chance to hear new stuff. Same with SomaFM.com, their 'Groove Salad' channel can be interesting. Then there's always Classical, especially Bach... give me the Brandenburg Concertos (on period instruments) and I'm a happy Ferret. :cool:

It would be nice if SQUAD implemented to KSP MP3 player, sometimes the music in the KSP was getting really annoying,

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It would be nice if SQUAD implemented to KSP MP3 player, sometimes the music in the KSP was getting really annoying,

You can turn the music all the way down/off in KSP and still keep all the rest of the sounds (engines/explosions/etc) while listening to whatever you want.

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"Two Steps From Hell" is a studio in LA that specializes in movie trailer compositions. They have an album out that really sets the mood for KSP.

I just play their stuff on random when playing KSP.

Edited by GoSlash27
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