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Shortest interplanetary spacecraft... in parts, that is!

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Everyone remember those days when rockets were small? Well, we're not here to do that!


The smallest interplanetary craft you can build... in parts!

Yes! As you may know already, build an interplanetary spacecraft using the least amount of parts possible!

First thing's first: Rules.

-No debug menu

-No parts from the interstellar mod

-Must have proof of Delta-V and TWR ratios, be it through mechjeb, flight engineer, or doing the math yourself

-You may build the craft as big as you want. No part limit

-Craft must be capable of a controlled landing on another planet or moon of your choice

-Absolutely no hyperedit or save file editing. It probably goes without saying at this point...

-Do not copy another players' design. You must be original

Each rule has a specific multiplier, and will be listed below:

-Use of debug menu = x.1

-Interstellar part use = x.1

-No proof of Delta-V or TWR = Varies on the craft design


-Not capable of landing = x.5

-Use of hyperedit, safe file editing, or copying someone else's design = x0

In case you were going to ask, yes, some mods are allowed. Those include:

KW rocketry

Infernal Robotics


B9 aerospace


Flight engineer

Any other's you may ask about, or just not use them. Whichever floats your space boat.

Mission profile:

Use your small craft to fly to a planet or moon of your choice, land, then return to Kerbin.

...That's it really. Fairly simple mission.

Here's a sample entry:

*Ahem* Here's the smallest craft I was able to build



Flight engineer claims I have 12,609 m/s of Delta-V, but I actually have some crazy amount like 25 Km/s. I say this because there's nothing to decouple the SRB on the bottom, and I rely on the nuclear engine's exhaust to explode it off.

-Delta-V: About 25Km/s

-Mass: 92,787 Kg

-Parts: 5

-Moon landed on: Ike

-Mission procedure:

1. Leave Kerbin's atmosphere using KW rocketry's Globe X-10L "Thor II" SRB, use the nuclear engine to blow the SRB off the back, then achieve kerbin orbit.

2. Plan a flight path to Duna

3. Achieve Duna orbit, then plan an encounter with Ike.

4. Fly to Ike, then land.

5. Lift off Ike, then achieve orbit.

6. Plan a flight to Kerbin.

7. Fly to Kerbin, then land, and recover.

Mission report:

[[insert Imgur album here containing the steps of your mission report]]

This is what your entry should look like. You can have your mission procedure tailored to your mission report, but that's up to you.

Anyway, that's the challenge! If this challenge gets up to 5 successful entries, I will show a report of me flying this 5 part spacecraft to Ike. Once again,

Do not copy my design.

EDIT: Almost forgot! Here's how you will be graded: (5000/Mass x (1 / parts x 10) + Leftover Fuel) x (Penalties x Mission completion) +/x Bonus.

Bonus points:

Fly to additional bodies: Moons = (# of moons + (Reference distances x 6)) / (1/cumulative surface gravity of additional moons [if less than 1, invert over 5])

Planets: (# of Planets + (Reference distances x 6)) / (1/cumulative surface gravity of additional planets[if less than 1, invert over 5]) X 2

Land on a planet: Score X 2

Use gravity assists: +15 per assist

Land on foreign planet, Kerbin, or Laythe without a parachute: +20 X Gravity

No parts expended: +50

Craft is less than 10 parts: +5 for each number less than 10

So yeah... go nuts with that!

Current scoreboard:

1st: ihitoit (50.5)

2nd: SRV Ron (46.8)




Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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Last year at this time, there was a parts limit challenge of 10 parts or less. This design landed Jeb on Eve, Duna, Jool, Laythe and even went Voyager. Some other using the same design, landed on Ike and most the other moons of Jool. Given the improvement of stock, mod parts, and availability of probes, much more will be possible.



The same missions can be done with just 5 parts. (powered landing needed along with battery management.)

Edited by SRV Ron
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Last year at this time, there was a parts limit challenge of 10 parts or less. This design landed Jeb on Eve, Duna, Jool, Laythe and even went Voyager. Some other using the same design, landed on Ike and most the other moons of Jool. Given the improvement of stock, mod parts, and availability of probes, much more will be possible.



The same missions can be done with just 5 parts. (powered landing needed along with battery management.)

All chemical, eh? ...Wait, what? Where was I going with that?

Well, no matter, amazing design here! Certainly looks more high tech than mine. It seems to have the Delta-V, but there's a problem: The mission is half complete. You didn't return to Kerbin (as far as I know. Feel free to prove me wrong) That leaves a multiplier of .5 in the appropriate spot. Speaking of spots, time to receive your score:

(5000/46,570 X (1/10 X 10) + 46.68) X (1 X .5) X 2

Overall score: 46.8

Heads up: You can try as many times as you want if you see someone overtake your spot!

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
Miscalculated the score!
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All chemical, eh? ...Wait, what? Where was I going with that?

Well, no matter, amazing design here! Certainly looks more high tech than mine. It seems to have the Delta-V, but there's a problem: The mission is half complete. You didn't return to Kerbin (as far as I know. Feel free to prove me wrong) That leaves a multiplier of .5 in the appropriate spot. Speaking of spots, time to receive your score:

(46,570 X (1/10 X 10) + 46.68) X (1 X .5) X 2

Overall score: 46.78 +5

Since you're the first, you get +5 to your score.

Heads up: You can try as many times as you want if you see someone overtake your spot!

That old challenge didn't require returning the kerbal. KW rocketry would certainly make it possible to do a low part design to Duna and back. Possibly, a three stage ship to Duna and back taking advantage of aerobraking and direct intercept windows. Needless to say, the Kerbals were stranded on Duna, Eve, Laythe, and the other places. I do believe the two stage five part could do a Minmus and return with just enough fuel left to slow down enough at the last second to keep from killing the Kerbal upon landing. The 10 part no problem parachuting back to safety.

The other question of clarification, interplanetary. Landing on Mun or Minmus is out but landing on any of the other moons is OK since you have to get to the planets with them first.

I will let others play with this for now as I am busy with the 24 challenge.

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So if I were to strap a tiny ion propelled probe on a booster, launch it, fly it to Eve, land on Gilly, return and land with a parachute... would that fill the requirements?

Yes indeed. Though it would get you the Delta-V, Ion engines are not recommended, based on the fact that you would need multiple ways of power generation.

However, that decision is up to you.

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0.243t dry - with useful payload - 0.865t on the pad and a Rockomax stock engine, gets into orbit on 4370m/s dV - one more Oscar B tank and it's on a Kerbin escape. You're welcome.


Part count: 14. I haven't actually taken this interplanetary for the simple reason that I use RemoteTech and silly-range antennas with their requisite power plants weigh a LOT.

Edited by ihtoit
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0.243t dry - with useful payload - 0.865t on the pad and a Rockomax stock engine, gets into orbit on 4370m/s dV - one more Oscar B tank and it's on a Kerbin escape. You're welcome.


Part count: 14. I haven't actually taken this interplanetary for the simple reason that I use RemoteTech and silly-range antennas with their requisite power plants weigh a LOT.


Overall score: 50.5

Won to first, and took the lead! Though solely based on mass. Part and Delta-V efficiency can increase the score if you're willing to try again someday.

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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