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Official Orion Launch Thread - 12-4-14


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A boat got in the way, then the second stage tank propellent had a problem, then a gust oif wind blew on the rocket a bit too hard, what next? Explosion? I hope not. The capsule will be saved still; there's a launch escape system.

- - - Updated - - -

In 30 minutes I'll be at school.


Convince your teachers to put on the launch.

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Folks, we have a multi-page thread on the EFT-1 dummy LAS. Please look it up.

It's a dummy ballast LAS with only the jettison motors because only the jettison is being tested. There are no abort motors, avionics, or attitude control motors on it because there is no point in wasting abort motors or attitude control motors when there is no point in saving the capsule. There is no point in saving the capsule because Orion is not designed to be reused and this is just a prototype for this specific test with most of the systems left out. A fully functional LAS on this flight would be a waste of money.

Back to T-10.

Edited by Nibb31
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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