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Dakitess Corporation : DC - Liner (Bring 50 Kerbonauts in Orbit in a single SSTO)


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Hey there, i'm here to introduce you the DC - Liner, my last big SSTO able to bring a full team of kerbonauts in your orbital station in one launch :)

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Descriptions are available in the Imgur Album but i'm not native english speaker, so do not hesitate to ask me any other informations !

Here is the Craft File for the potential interrested people : https://mega.co.nz/#!jNYBAC6Q!gJuPkqnzYoGbjJiQSakcAlvwBbi5fHuW9Pi-QFICzRI

I use this post to ask you something : I was wondering about creating my own main post where I could add my different constructions. Is it a good idea ?

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I'm quite disapointed to see no reaction, half of the time I post something :s

Maybe you could enlighten me about what is wrong ? Is it a matter of presentation / bad english ? Or it does not deserve particular interest ?

I Mean, most of topics gets a pair of replies, at least. Just wondering how I could do better ^^

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It just happens sometimes. I think kerbonauts are a little shy lol. It's a nice craft and we'll designed but when practicality comes into the equation; why would we need 50 kerbals in low Kerbin orbit? This craft would probably be more popular if those crew fuselage were cargo bays or perhaps extra fuel tanks. Then maybe adding a few nuclear engines. It's basically everyone's goal to make a Laythe SSTO as they are difficult to construct, however doing so may get you a bit of praise and some downloads :)

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This looks amazing!

I haven't tried it out yet but wow, it looks fantastic and I'll take your word on it for now that it also flies good!

I'll try using this for bringing the full population of a station in one go :)

I love the holes in the wings too, it gives it a cool futuristic sci-fi feel. And good job with the landing gear too, it's usually a challenge for me to make large planes angle up while on the runway and this is a great solution for that.

Really awesome looking design and I can't wait to try it out!

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Mmh, okay I see. The thing is, I already have an SSTO for laythe, and this plane can easily get there since it counts 24t of payloads, far enough to put fuel and Nuke. I see a lot of "classic SSTO" which don't show much innovation or particular specs, but are still getting some replies, as I often do, to encourage, advise or anything else :)

50 Kerbals in one single launch, is kinda useful when it come to populate a wide station ! It is an economic and safe way, compared to a bunch à multiple rocket launches, to me ^^ Since KSP includes Crew Managering, it's not that painful to move them from this plane to the station :P

Maybe I should have shown this in practical. I use to limit my post to a brief showcase of capactity and design, since I find the other to post way too many pics.

Thanks for the answer :)

Edit : Owww I missed one reply while I was writing ! Thanks Zeptun :) Glad to be the host of your first post :P !

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  • 5 months later...

Thanks guys ! You can see it in action here :

But this a french tutorial ^^ And moreover, quite outdated since 1.0 haha, but you might be interrested so I post it anyway.

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