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THE HYPE CHRISTMAS! #BreakTheForum - Holiday-themed Craft Showcase

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This christmas the Hype vehicles are coming to a new level of awesome! :confused:

I introduce... *drumroll*



A nice view from the "cockpit" of the HYPE SLEIGH


Take a look at the photos and come back later to see the different updates and crashes :D

My Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jona623e/screenshots/ Go here to see updates and changes to the craft :D

P.S: I challenge YOU to make a cool christmas themed craft and submit it here! :D


Edited by Yondas (DK)
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Wonderful as the warm bovine titty juice mixed with slave insect semi-vomit! :D

I present the Kristmas tree, currently in low equatorial orbit of Kerbin and soon to be planted on Mun.


(basic structure by Procedural Parts, lights by KOSMOS, tinsel by NEBULA EVA handrails pack; skybox and Kerbin by Texture replacer)

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Last year, there was a challenge on the Forums called the Santa Substitute Challenge. (It was also my first Sticky :))

Its goal was to bring Holiday Cheer to all of the good little boys and girls of Kerbin, Minmus, and beyond.

Some of my favorite designs from the challenge:

Bismar's Design (modded exclusively for the challenge!):


Darren9's VTOL Sleigh:

...oh, and I'm probably going to do something extravagant for Christmas this year; stay tuned :)

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