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How to use the parachute animation in a plugin ?

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I\'m trying to do a paraglider, but I need the parachute system to work in the plugin. How do I code it ?

If I remember correctly, there is this line in the MechJeb Command Pod :

class MuMechUnmannedPod : CommandPod

so it works like a pod. So i maybe need to do this :

class Paraglider : Parachute

But does it works ? Will it use the normal parachute objects in Blender (Body, Cap, Canopy, etc..), the same variables in the CFG (plus my custom variables)?


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Well it should behave like a chute except if you override functions that contain important \'things\' for the parachute (call base.FunctionYouHaveOverridden(Params) to avoid this).

No warranty, I\'m a noob coder...

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  • 3 weeks later...

You\'ve just found the problem...

I tried something like this, using Parachutes class and a MuMech toggle-ish code. But the problem is that the code won\'t compile : deflectionLiftCoeff is specific to winglets, so it\'s not included in the parachute class...

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