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Need a new lefthanded/ambidextrous joystick


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Im looking for suggestions for good joysticks for lefties like me. The Saitek ST290 that I've been using for almost a decade is shot. They are out of production it seems, and though I could buy a used one I'm here trying to consult you all for suggestions on a new stick.

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I'm left handed and I've used it..

Its not exactly symetrical and is designed for right-handed people, but if your thumb is twisty enough (can put it parallel with index finger) that little thumb rest (for right handed) works just fine in my opinion...

Also it has lots of button on base (which aren't labeled for your temp inconvenience), stick twists (which is new), buttons on stick are logical and the little circle thing ontop is kind-of a stick itself, useful for camera...

Think that you may need a little weight to add to it so it doesn't tip easily..

Really liked it, despite not using sticks that much.. I'd say go for it. :)

But if you consider a different stick, just get a symetrical one, I don't think they're that hard to come by.. just go by image and don't limit your search by using extra keywords..

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I'm currently using a Saitek Cyborg V.1, which is symmetrical. There's also the Saitek Evo, which I believe works fine for left handed (not symmetrical, but is adjustable). There's an Evo Force now that has the same plus force feedback: http://www.trustedreviews.com/Saitek-Cyborg-evo-Force-Joystick-review

Edit: the Evo and Evo Force might not be available anymore. Sucks being left handed, I know from experience. I used to have the same Cyborg 3D, it was a truly great stick.

Edited by godefroi
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teach yourself how to use the right hand.It will be much more easier in the future and will save you alot of time.Trust me,I'm also left-handed.

This. I'm right handed, but was taught, still fly, and now teach others to fly airplanes left handed. (Of course the fun part is sitting in the instructors seat I have to fly right handed, and it's now harder to do so than left. Muscle memory and all)

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Saitek AV8R is still available, that's what I use.

I fly full scale planes, both aerobatic and regular. When I fly aerobatic, I fly with a stick in my right hand and throttle in my left. When I fly instrument or cross country, I fly with a yoke in my left hand leaving my right hand to write, operate radios, and the throttle.

So I fly sims the same way. The AV8R lets me use either hand.

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  • 2 years later...

Its not exactly symetrical and is designed for right-handed people, but if your thumb is twisty enough now teach others to fly airplanes left handed. (Of course the fun part is sitting in the instructors seat. I fly with a yoke in my left hand leaving my right hand to write, operate radios, and the throttle.

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