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[1.0.4] LLL - Lack Luster Labs (Space-boxes!) [LLL-14 - 20JUN2014]


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First time poster (yay me), long time mod editor in multiple games (KSP, Skyrim, Minecraft, ect.), and programmer for life.

The fix for the attachment nodes in 1.0 is actually super simple - though also super tedious - all that needs to be done is change each part cfg where it says:


where the x's will maintain original values.

I am in the process of finishing up mine and can upload the edited files if Lack is cool with it.

I would love this. Keep up the good work

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First time poster (yay me), long time mod editor in multiple games (KSP, Skyrim, Minecraft, ect.), and programmer for life.

The fix for the attachment nodes in 1.0 is actually super simple - though also super tedious - all that needs to be done is change each part cfg where it says:


where the x's will maintain original values.

I am in the process of finishing up mine and can upload the edited files if Lack is cool with it.

If it's already -1.0 did you flip it to 1.0?

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Looks like that fixed a lot. Thanks Katalliaan.

The 1x1 End Cap seems to have the same problem but it's set to

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.025, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

I haven't tried to flip that 2nd to last value yet. do you think other parts with a 1.0 anywhere in that list of values should all be switched to -1?

Edit- just realized the change probably needs to happen to the 5th value in the list (which that is), rather than the "3rd from the back" like I just did.

Edited by bmyers831
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Looks like that fixed a lot. Thanks Katalliaan.

The 1x1 End Cap seems to have the same problem but it's set to

I haven't tried to flip that 2nd to last value yet. do you think other parts with a 1.0 anywhere in that list of values should all be switched to -1?

Edit- just realized the change probably needs to happen to the 5th value in the list (which that is), rather than the "3rd from the back" like I just did.

Yeah 5th value is the Y attach. the 7th value is "Size" if it is assigned.

If it's already -1.0 did you flip it to 1.0?

No, like Katalliaan said a few were already properly assigned.

Serby: we've already got a version with the fixed nodes in the dev thread. However, there's other things that are missing - ablator in the parts with heat shields, checking the heat-related values now that reentry heating is in the stock game, having the cargo bays actually protect things inside from the airflow, reassigning the required researches that were removed/renamed, etc.

Yay! looking forward to the official update then. This just became a must have mod for me so ill keep using my ghetto fix until then :)

If y'all want a hand I'll volunteer, but you guys do great work.

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Flew my first test mission on Mun tonight using the LLL parts I edited and I'm going to start a list of issues I come across as I encounter them.

1) I can't store science in any LLL part, either by right clicking on the part (tried the buster cockpit) or by entering (buster or airlock).

2) 2x1 engine fairing- can't connect engines to the two engine nodes. *fixed by changing the node stacks to: node_stack_top1 = x, x, x, x, -1.0, x, x and node_stack_top2 = x, x, x,x, -1.0, x, x

Edited by bmyers831
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Yay! looking forward to the official update then. This just became a must have mod for me so ill keep using my ghetto fix until then :)

If y'all want a hand I'll volunteer, but you guys do great work.

Well, I'm looking forward to the official update as well. I'm just someone who wants to use it, given that Lack has said he's going to be extremely busy until at least June. :)

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I'm wondering if anyone might know a solution to this problem I'm having with the 2x1 Drop-Ramp Cargo Legs. I see them in the parts selection, but I can't select them to put them on a ship. I thought it might be in the new version, so I tried an older version and it was still a problem. Maybe it might be a mod conflict? I'm using Karbonite, Community Resource Pack, KAS, KIS, Kerbal Positioning System, and SCANsat.

If someone has a solution to this I would be greatful!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I have finished my changes to LLL, there still may be some problems. Hope this holds people over till Lack can do a proper fix.


Change Log (Dakota2063)

*rebalanced engines against stock counterparts

*Command pods had SAS removed for manned vessels

*Probes now have levelled SAS module so that they can perform like probe counterparts

*Debris/Heat shields now have 2400 ablator, and max temp reduced to 3400 as per stock heat shields.

*Omni radar now has orbital scanner functionality

*Radar now has surface scanner functionality

*Both rotating dishes now has Narrow band scanner functionality

*Fixed orientation of shrouded solar panel

*Added Stock ISRU functionality to Kethane converter and changed it's name.

*Fixed Bi-coupler bottom nodes.

*Reduced max Temperature by roughly 1000 to be more inline with current max heat values.

*Removed min and max scale from scale file as it now causes problems with new Tweakscale mod.

Change Log (Katalliaan) might have done more

*Changed cargo containers over to KIS

*Changed R&D tech that no longer existed

*Fixed nodes, so that parts connect properly.

*Changed some model references.

Known issues

*Cargo drop bay legs have issue with being placed. can be first part, but does not like being placed otherwise. (Don't know how to fix)

*Air intakes don't have proper drag cubes, as with most other parts, and will drag more then other air intakes.

*Habitation ring not fixed, space in between arms.

Edited by Dakota2063
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Only thing I did that's not in your changelog was changing some model references, although I'm not sure if those parts even show up when ModuleManager is installed.

Okay, fixed, though it still needs to be fixed in the download folders change log.

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One thing I'd like to see changed are the landing legs. Currently they act more like wheeled landing gear, they skid and slide like your on ice. I don't know why this is or how to fix it.

Big cheers for getting the solar panels re-arranged. ! =)

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So here is a .zip version for those who were having trouble with the .rar version. had to figure out how to do it with out the use of the right click menu, as .rar overwrote my options there.


License information


Lack Luster Labs by Lack is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank for the mod i love your works

Few point thought it tell me firespitter is not for version 1.0.4

the centruifugal ring is missing texture http://imgur.com/PrQOmMm

You dual air intake as 0.2 intake while the stock circular as 0.9 might want to upgrade yours since it way bigger.

Also i don,t have the option to change the crew compartment like shown on page 1 what i'm missing

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Love the mod, I've been looking for parts like this for a while now.

Will this mod be have the MFDs from Raster Prop Monitor eventually?

Also: in the radial bridge's IVA you can see window frames floating out of the front window.

Edited by ototcon
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