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Kopernicus Core - Version NAN - Outdated


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  Drakoflame said:
naww... Okay, I guess I'll just use the Stella Expansion... atleast I get another star! (yay! a good use for the Arcubius warp drive by Roverdude!)

Outer Planets works fine too, just install my mod first.

Warp drives are great for getting to Stella. Be careful, though, Stella has a lower escape velocity than Kerbol.

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@_Augustus_ So, I just spent the past hour trying to download the Stella expansion... only to have it SAY that its done, but only 73.6 MB have downloaded... I'm not sure why this is happening... but it kinda urks me... I was wondering why it's so massive... and maybe its because of the KK stuff that makes it so big... Maybe you can provide a download that can be used without the Kerbal Konstruct eastereggs?

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Yes, I have Potatonet, my download speed is roughly 50kb/s sssooooo... yea... I only ask if you can/have a sperate download because I don't plan on using the KK stuff. I'm sure that I have plenty of ram to run what I have now anyway

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yes yes, its cheap, I live in America and that's the basicly what we get with our phone... I don't complain, because I don't do a lot of youtube (posting/watching high quality). I've got what I need. And yes... again... I'm ware that I can just delete it... now let me put in bold the reason I started this:

Do you have a seperate download that doesn't have the KK parts because apparently my internet refuses to let me download the current file that is available.

sorry if I'm coming off a little dicky but that's all I'm trying to ask

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  Drakoflame said:
yes yes, its cheap, I live in America and that's the basicly what we get with our phone... I don't complain, because I don't do a lot of youtube (posting/watching high quality). I've got what I need. And yes... again... I'm ware that I can just delete it... now let me put in bold the reason I started this:

Do you have a seperate download that doesn't have the KK parts because apparently my internet refuses to let me download the current file that is available.

sorry if I'm coming off a little ____y but that's all I'm trying to ask

No. I'm not making one for one user (I'm American too, and I have some of the worst internet in the country, AKA Optimum. I don't have internet that is that slow) just because he has awful internet.

Now, can you please stop spamming my thread? I'd like my mod to be discussed, not your potato internet.

Edited by _Augustus_
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So I'm trying to create a planet with this mod... basically a larger Ascension, for lack of a better term, using Ike as a template instead of Minmus. I was able to get the planet to load into the game, and the map shows up when viewed from a distance, but as soon as I'm close enough it reverts to Ike's surface. Also, when the distant map is loaded, for some reason, it is lit at a 90 degree angle from the sun, and the sun will shine through it.

I built a color, height and normal map, and I thought I had put everything in, but something isn't linking correctly. The files are all in kopernicus/textures and are named "dav_map.png", "dav_height.png", and "dav_normal.png".

Kopernicus config file:

name = Dav
flightGlobalsIndex = 18
name = Ike
description = This is the test description for Dav.

radius = 120000

mass = 2.728243862962e+20

geeASL = 0.129
referenceBody = Sun
color = 0,0.5,0.75,1
inclination = 10
eccentricity = 0.97
semiMajorAxis = 100000000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/dav_map.png
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/dav_normal.png

Added to the RSS config file:

heightMap = GameData/Kopernicus/Textures/dav_height.png
vertexColorMap = GameData/Kopernicus/Textures/dav_map.png
blend = 1.0
order = 9999993

Is there something I'm missing here?

(edit: use code tags instead of quote)

(edit 2: fixed the one bad bracket that was open when I meant close, still no effect.)

Edited by toadofsteel
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  toadofsteel said:
So I'm trying to create a planet with this mod... basically a larger Ascension, for lack of a better term, using Ike as a template instead of Minmus. I was able to get the planet to load into the game, and the map shows up when viewed from a distance, but as soon as I'm close enough it reverts to Ike's surface. Also, when the distant map is loaded, for some reason, it is lit at a 90 degree angle from the sun, and the sun will shine through it.

I built a color, height and normal map, and I thought I had put everything in, but something isn't linking correctly. The files are all in kopernicus/textures and are named "dav_map.png", "dav_height.png", and "dav_normal.png".

Kopernicus config file:

name = Dav
flightGlobalsIndex = 18
name = Ike
description = This is the test description for Dav.

radius = 120000

mass = 2.728243862962e+20

geeASL = 0.129
referenceBody = Sun
color = 0,0.5,0.75,1
inclination = 10
eccentricity = 0.97
semiMajorAxis = 100000000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/dav_map.png
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/dav_normal.png

Added to the RSS config file:

heightMap = GameData/Kopernicus/Textures/dav_height.png
vertexColorMap = GameData/Kopernicus/Textures/dav_map.png
blend = 1.0
order = 9999993

Is there something I'm missing here?

(edit: use code tags instead of quote)

(edit 2: fixed the one bad bracket that was open when I meant close, still no effect.)

I don't know why everyone has this issue. Make sure your modulemanager and everything are up to date.

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  Elowiny said:
Will you add more stars even after barry's fail ?

And any plan for a compatibily with starsystem ?

Not adding more stars myself, other people might though. StarSystems compatibility is being worked on by it's developer.

  toadofsteel said:
Okay so I got the texture map to load when landed, now to make biomes work. Also, I don't know where to add rotation values.

No clue how to add rotation values, DO NOT USE CUSTOM BIOMES. There's an example on how to do it with Kopernicus somewhere.

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  CaptRobau said:
Do you guys mean with rotation the period a body needs to rotate once around its axis. Because that's quite simply this:

rotationPeriod = 16452


Didn't know that. Thanks, Robau!

By the way when will your update come out?

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  _Augustus_ said:
Not adding more stars myself, other people might though. StarSystems compatibility is being worked on by it's developer.

No clue how to add rotation values, DO NOT USE CUSTOM BIOMES. There's an example on how to do it with Kopernicus somewhere.

I'm just trying to keep it simple for the time being, just want to make a single biome planet rather than having it inherit from the template

  CaptRobau said:
Do you guys mean with rotation the period a body needs to rotate once around its axis. Because that's quite simply this:

rotationPeriod = 16452

Thanks. Is that value the number of seconds per revolution?

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  _Augustus_ said:

Didn't know that. Thanks, Robau!

By the way when will your update come out?

Only thing that's left are Slate's textures, so one of these days.

  toadofsteel said:
Thanks. Is that value the number of seconds per revolution?

Seconds, yes.

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I haven't seen an answer to this (unless I'm blind) but even on a clean install I cannot get the stella system to show up at all. No matter the zoom out that I do, all the way to just a tiny dot for the entire system, and even trying to tab to them brings up nothing. I installed the Kopernicus core and the expansion (and the dependancy is says it needs) is there maybe something I am missing.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I am using ATM on the fresh install as a precaution, since if I get it working I will be using several mods with it.

Edited by Serino
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Since I was a hardcore PlanetFactory junkie back in 0.23-0.24 and the new release of PFCE is too RAM-intensive for my heavily modded install, I'm deciding to give these packs another try (I abandoned my initial attempt due to issues with ATM.) I'll report anything I manage to find.

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So, I finally got Stella to install, I freeking love it @_Augustus_ its totally awesome. I just need to work on getting my warp drive researched, but until then I have a bit of a.... problem? I don't have any pictures currently, but I might start it up in a bit and take some snap shots for you, but, Whenever I look in the map view, sometimes Stella will cast light on the planets... I only noticed it because on my Mun Mission, I could see Kerbols light, a white-ish light shining down, and the other half of the mun was a dull yellow. At first I didn't think anything of it but then I remembered "oh wait, I havn't installed planet shine..." so I zoomed out and then I saw that Stella was behind the Mun, and was casting the weird glow. I was wondering if this is intentional or if there might be something wrong with my install? I.... did spend about 4 hours waiting for ATM to compress all the textures (it only took that long because my processor is slow... clocked at 1.3 ghz, and yea, I know its slow but it lets me run games at low settings decently).

Just wanted to let you know

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  Serino said:
I haven't seen an answer to this (unless I'm blind) but even on a clean install I cannot get the stella system to show up at all. No matter the zoom out that I do, all the way to just a tiny dot for the entire system, and even trying to tab to them brings up nothing. I installed the Kopernicus core and the expansion (and the dependancy is says it needs) is there maybe something I am missing.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I am using ATM on the fresh install as a precaution, since if I get it working I will be using several mods with it.

I don't know. You may have installed it wrong.

  Whovian said:
Since I was a hardcore PlanetFactory junkie back in 0.23-0.24 and the new release of PFCE is too RAM-intensive for my heavily modded install, I'm deciding to give these packs another try (I abandoned my initial attempt due to issues with ATM.) I'll report anything I manage to find.
  Drakoflame said:
So, I finally got Stella to install, I freeking love it @_Augustus_ its totally awesome. I just need to work on getting my warp drive researched, but until then I have a bit of a.... problem? I don't have any pictures currently, but I might start it up in a bit and take some snap shots for you, but, Whenever I look in the map view, sometimes Stella will cast light on the planets... I only noticed it because on my Mun Mission, I could see Kerbols light, a white-ish light shining down, and the other half of the mun was a dull yellow. At first I didn't think anything of it but then I remembered "oh wait, I havn't installed planet shine..." so I zoomed out and then I saw that Stella was behind the Mun, and was casting the weird glow. I was wondering if this is intentional or if there might be something wrong with my install? I.... did spend about 4 hours waiting for ATM to compress all the textures (it only took that long because my processor is slow... clocked at 1.3 ghz, and yea, I know its slow but it lets me run games at low settings decently).

Just wanted to let you know

Okay. Stella should not be emitting light to the Mun outside of scaledspace.

And both of you, do this to make your load time faster and not compress the Kopernicus textures, as it decreases the quality of the planets as well:

folder = Kopernicus_PF/.*
enabled = true
compress = false
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false

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Just as an expansion to what was said about stella shining light it happened to me on eve but not until I quickloaded. Until that point I was having no bugs and had flown multiple missions but I had to quickload after a random part failure and thats where it started for me.

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Looks nice! I'm thinking about trying to create NovaSilsko's planets with this. I have a question, however. How do I create a normalmap? I know that creating a heightmap and colormap is just creating a .png, but normalmaps stump me.

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