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Space Telescopes Parts & Astronomy

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Space Telescope Parts

Hey guys!

My suggestion for Squad is to add Space Telescope parts. This space telescope parts will consist of 3 sizes.

- 0.5m telescope, attached radially for probes

- 1m telescope, snaps. Used for large sized probes

- 2m telescope, snaps. Used for huge crafts/ space stations.

The telescopes will be accompanied with a new system, allowing players to discover new planets, asteroids and moons. Telescopes can also be used to study Kerbol.

Below is a description table for telescope parts

[table=width: 500]



[td]Attachment point[/td]










[td]Discover bodies within 1AU , Study Kerbol , discover large asteroids[/td]







[td]Discover bodies within 1.8AU , Study Kerbol/Nearby celestial objects , discover medium asteroids[/td]







[td]Discover bodies within 5AU , Study celestial objects, discover small asteroids[/td]



How to access the telescope

All the telescopes can be accessed through right clicking the part itself, then selecting its view mode [ infrared, x-ray, visible, gamma]

Then, the UI will change to that similar of an IVA. However, you can zoom in with your mouse wheel. The zoom will vary according to the sizes of telescopes.

Accompanied by the UI is a set of coordinates of where you're looking.

To exit the UI, you can press "C" to return to normal view mode.


A new part of the R&D centre will open up. It will offer contracts that will make you utilize the telescope. Here's an example of a contract.

Research Solar Flares of Kerbol In Gamma

-Requirements : Research Kerbol in Gamma, from 0.5-1 AU away.

-Completion : 10 science , 40 000 funds

One can complete this contract by using a telescope on a probe, setting its view mode to gamma, and zooming in.

You will see something like this :


Then, right clicking the solar flares, you will open up a small window.


Clicking observe will complete the research. It will earn you a little science and funds.

Discovering celestial bodies

In order to discover bodies, you must accept a contract provided by the R&D centre.

Research a possible celestial object

-Requirements ; Research the object at coordinates [14° 46' 13.8"]

-Completion ; Access to a new celestial object , 100 science, 300 000 funds

Using the same method as the previous example, you must zoom in at the specific coordinates, right clicking the celestial object, and researching it.

The telescopes can also be used on ground to research the moons of the host planet. Example, kerbals can use ground telescopes to stare at mun or minmus.

In conclusion, Astronomy should be added into the game.. It does not need to be very complicated like rocket science, as the basic concept is there. Also, this allows players to look at planets / asteroids from a distance. [ Asteroids can be seen from a distance even after 2.3km, but without physics]

Thanks for your time! Leave comments below!

Edited by Rdivine
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If you asked the average person to name one man-made object in earth orbit, other than the ISS, I predict that quite a few would say the Hubble space telescope.

Why are there no stock space telescope parts? even for just for roleplay value.

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Isn't there already a mod for this? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88604

The mod has the basic conception in the suggestion, suhc as telescope parts. However, i feel that it should also be accompanied with astronomy , research of celestial objects, and discovery of new planets/ moons.

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My two cents:

Since we already have lots of telescopes, new kinds of experiments would be nice.

It would be really cool if there were some "hidden" objects in the skybox.

You point the scope into some direction and you get a kind of hot/cold indication. The indicator should be very sensitive, so you would find the target eventually by trial and error. Taking a good snapshot of the target(keep the thing as steady as possible for a certain amount of time. maybe a few seconds, a minute or just once every few rotation or days),your performance determines the amount of science you gain.

The targets are galaxies, asteroids, round things, ufos are all hidden in map and flightview and can only be seen through the scope.

Also more types of scopes, normal, IR, X-ray, combined etc. . Some targets can be observed with different modes, each one with it's own challenges and rewards.

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I would love this to be stock. It would be rly cool and give more stuff to do.

I would also like the telescope's use being dependent on it's location. A telescope in orbit around kerbol could give additional objects to research and one that is even futher out might provide greater potential. I'm not an expert on this, but I remember reading an article about the possibilties of telescopes in solar orbit. They would be able to track objects that can't be researched from earth orbit

Edited by prophet_01
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