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How do i calculate Dv?


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if you have an equation like


then a logarithm with base b lets you find c if you only have a (and you have b of course). (c = logOfBaseB (a))

here, a is whatever comes out of the ln

b = e = 2.7 or so (we call log of base e "ln", the natural logarithm)

c = the mass ratio


massratio = e^a

and you want to find "a" so you use ln (logarithm of base e), like you would use square root to find the x in "y=x^2" using y

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To explain a bit more:

ab means a * a * a * a * ... * a, where b is the number of a's. For example, 54 is 5 * 5 * 5 * 5, which equals 625.

Logarithms are the opposite of this. It's like division and multiplication are opposites of each other - one undoes what the other does. The notation is logbasenumber, or logba. The best way to explain what it means with an example, log5625.

log5625 is similar to the other example because it is the reverse. Instead of finding ab = x, you're finding logax = b. a is 5 and x is 625, so you look for what x is in 5x = 625. Here, it's 4. 54 = 625, so log5625 = 4.

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Not everything here is helpful: a lot of it is sarcasm.

The short version is that the equation involving a logarithm is the simple way to do it. For pure plug-and-chug, this is how you do it.

#1: Divide your starting mass (with fuel) by the ending mass (without fuel).

#2: Take the natural logarithm (ln) of the resulting number. For many calculators, you can just press an ln button after you calculate the above: otherwise, you might have to get it like the following and press enter.


#3: Multiply by g (9.82) and Isp (dependent on engine type).

There, you're done.

If you wish to know what the natural logarithm is, a reasonable source of information is the 22'nd chapter of Feynman's lectures on physics. The very short version is that exponentiation is repeated multiplication: a^b is a multiplied by itself b times. As such, 3^4 = 3*3*3*3. The logarithm is the inverse operation: log base a of b = c, where a^c = b. To restate, the result of the logarithm is the number to which you must raise a, so as to get b. The natural logarithm, ln, is simply log base e, where e is a fairly special number in mathematics. It's coded into most calculators: for now, all you need to know is that you use the natural logarithm.

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