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[1.2.2] Realistic Progression Zero (RP-0) - Lightweight RealismOverhaul career v0.53 June 12


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mecki: It is intended that proc SRB diameter limit in the starting node is 0.2m, yes. I need to fix the issue where it starts at 1m when placed though.

I don't know about the AJE turbofan, sounds like SXT needs to set Charge to invisbile/untweakable.

It is intended that you get access to all wings, and fairing bases up to about 2m, in the starting node.

It is intended that you get no science landed/splashed anywhere on Earth. We need to fix the dialogs to make that clear.

Any craft can achieve a Sounding Rocket contract. The ones that just say Altitude Record alone are stock KSP contracts that require crew aboard.

Makers: We hope to use Contract Configurator to do stuff like that, yes.

I'm...really quite mystified why people are installing source zips rather than the release zips from the repo. Source means "you must build before use" after all...and in this case what must be built is the tree.cfg. I even made sure to push out a release at Christmas so people could install from that. (Hence Apollo 8 naming.)

I will try to update the metadata of everything so CKAN installs are go again.

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mecki: It is intended that proc SRB diameter limit in the starting node is 0.2m, yes. I need to fix the issue where it starts at 1m when placed though.

I don't know about the AJE turbofan, sounds like SXT needs to set Charge to invisbile/untweakable.

It is intended that you get access to all wings, and fairing bases up to about 2m, in the starting node.

It is intended that you get no science landed/splashed anywhere on Earth. We need to fix the dialogs to make that clear.

Any craft can achieve a Sounding Rocket contract. The ones that just say Altitude Record alone are stock KSP contracts that require crew aboard.

Thanks for the update, Nathan!

So we start with .2m SRBs but .3m Probecores? That just didn't feel right but OK.

I will just write on the SXT Thread about the Turbofan.

My Fairing bases are 3m diameter when I place them. I can make them as big as 4m from start. Why would I unlock 1.25m later if I (normally) start with 2m diameter?

It would be great then if the contracts for manned craft were only available later on.

My SRBs have a gimbal. Is that intended and realistic?

And I don't know if it's a problem with Procedural Tanks, RO or RSS (will post in the corresponding threads) but I'm having huge problems with correct placement of my crafts on the Launch Pad.

My Sounding Rockets Avionics Package falls through the floor and explodes after some bouncing. My Procedural SRBs get placed on the Launch Pad as if they were always 2.5m long which results in them either falling or bouncing out of the floor high up into the air.

I can't really launch without the Launch Stability Enhancer that way.

Thank you all so much for this mod, it really is great to be able to play careers with RO!

What about adding Procedural Airships?

Edited by mecki
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Just a thought, with the career mode limitations on procedural srb/battery etc. what about limiting the total amount of fuel/ resource instead of the size? If the size is bigger than it empties some of the contents. That way you can shape it nearly anyway to fit the application without being roadblocked by size restrictions.

Ive been trying to size things to match and the size limits have made me spend alot more time trying to biuld because I have to change everything each time I run into an issue with size or shape.

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Thanks for the update, Nathan!

So we start with .2m SRBs but .3m Probecores? That just didn't feel right but OK.

Yes this bothered the *hell* out of me as well. The sort of issue here is that as NathanKell is very much a 100% real guy, his design for sounding rockets doesn't involve using pSRB at all, but a pTank with inline seps at the bottom, so doing this you can get the sizes to match.

Unfortunately a 0.3m booster is much more powerful than a 0.2m booster though, so upping it that .1m might be bad for gameplay.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm...really quite mystified why people are installing source zips rather than the release zips from the repo. Source means "you must build before use" after all...and in this case what must be built is the tree.cfg. I even made sure to push out a release at Christmas so people could install from that. (Hence Apollo 8 naming.)

I will try to update the metadata of everything so CKAN installs are go again.

NathanKell my guess on this would be because there is no actual link to the Releases page on GitHub, so people not clued in don't realize. Or thats my guess. I think simply adding an entry to the OP for Manual Install and adding a link to the Releases page on GitHub would probably cut that down a lot.

Oh and getting links to the other mods! (*runs*)

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And I don't know if it's a problem with Procedural Tanks, RO or RSS (will post in the corresponding threads) but I'm having huge problems with correct placement of my crafts on the Launch Pad.

My Sounding Rockets Avionics Package falls through the floor and explodes after some bouncing. My Procedural SRBs get placed on the Launch Pad as if they were always 2.5m long which results in them either falling or bouncing out of the floor high up into the air.

I can't really launch without the Launch Stability Enhancer that way.

This is due to the new stuff added in KSP Beta. Basicly if you go look at the height of an unupgraded launchpad and then the height of the upgraded launch pad you will notice that the spot where the rocket is sitting is much higher on the upgraded launch pad. The VAB is simulating its 'floor' from the height of the upgraded launch pads (like those from .25 ksp).

Another issue this causes is with the maximum height of the rockets you build. So for example if you have an unupgraded launch pad and build a rocket & place that rocket on the floor of the VAB. Than add some sort of launch clamp onto it. You will notice that the height of the rocket suddenly jumps 1.5 meters. If you lower that rocket 1.5 meters into the floor then you now have a good rocket again. It just looks a bit silly with half the rocket buried in the floor. :D

Once you upgrade to the old launch pads all this is fixed.

Edited by BevoLJ
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I've been working on moving the RD-107/108 from KW into the RP-0 tech tree to simulate the R-7. Since the 107/108 series used HTP to spin the turbopumps, I've converted them to tripropellant engines. Using the Soyuz 11A511U-0 booster as a guide:

Gross mass: 44,500 kg (includes 1190 kg of hydrogen peroxide)

Dry mass: 4,064 kg (includes 280 kg LN2)

LOX+Kero+H2O2 mass: ~40,400 kg

LOX+Kero mass: ~39200 kg

Ratio (LOX+Kero)/H2O2: 97/3

So the engines consumed approximately an additional 3% (3.1% really I think) of the total propellant mass in H2O2. Since Isp = thrust*time/propmass, the Isp including H2O2 should be approximately 3% lower (100/103.1). I've subtracted .015 from the mixture ratio for Kero and LOX and added in .03 HTP. This is by volume not by mass and HTP has a higher density than LOX or Kero, so if someone wants to calculate the exact ratio that would be good. I've also multiplied all the Isp values by .97 and rounded to account for the HTP being a propellant. Haven't touched the cost numbers, but I feel like all the engines should be more expensive than they currently are.

If someone can check my math, that would be great since I'm a biologist and can't be trusted with numbers :)

If the numbers check out, I can go through and add in further variants of the RD-107/108 to be unlocked through the tech tree.

// KW Rocketry Griffon-G8D, now RD-107/108



%description = The RD-107 and RD-108 are first stage/sustainer engines burning semi-cryogenic propellant. Gas generator. Combustion instability in larger nozzles led to a design with four combustion chambers fed by single turbopump. The turbopump was powered by the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, which contributed no thrust. Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, was launched on a modified R-7 missile using four RD-107 strap-on boosters and an RD-108 sustainer core. Later versions of these engines powered the Vostok, Voskhod, Molniya, and Soyuz launchers, which all trace their design to the R-7 missile.

%mass = 1.2

%TechRequired = basicRocketry



%minThrust = 971

%maxThrust = 971



@key,0 = 0 297

@key,1 = 1 243



!MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs] {}



name = ModuleEngineConfigs

type = ModuleEngines

configuration = RD-107-8D74

modded = false

origMass = 1.2



name = RD-107-8D74

minThrust = 971

maxThrust = 971

heatProduction = 100



name = Kerosene

ratio = 0.345

DrawGauge = True




name = LqdOxygen

ratio = 0.625




name = HTP

ratio = 0.03




key = 0 297

key = 1 243





name = RD-108-8D74

minThrust = 912

maxThrust = 912

heatProduction = 100

cost = 50



name = Kerosene

ratio = 0.345

DrawGauge = True




name = LqdOxygen

ratio = 0.625




name = HTP

ratio = 0.03




key = 0 299

key = 1 234


massMult = 1.083




name = RD-107-8D74K

minThrust = 995.3

maxThrust = 995.3

heatProduction = 100

cost = 150



name = Kerosene

ratio = 0.345

DrawGauge = True




name = LqdOxygen

ratio = 0.625




name = HTP

ratio = 0.03




key = 0 305

key = 1 250


massMult = 1.0

techRequired = advRocketry




name = RD-108-8D75K

minThrust = 941

maxThrust = 941

heatProduction = 100

cost = 200



name = Kerosene

ratio = 0.345

DrawGauge = True




name = LqdOxygen

ratio = 0.625




name = HTP

ratio = 0.03




key = 0 306

key = 1 241


massMult = 1.083

techRequired = advRocketry



!MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] {}



name = ModuleEngineIgnitor

ignitionsAvailable = 1

autoIgnitionTemperature = 700

ignitorType = Electric

useUllageSimulation = True

isPressureFed = False



name = ElectricCharge

amount = 0.5




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What texture package are you using for rss on 32bit? Basic install with just no other part mods exept sxt/revamp and remotetech/procedural, basicly barebones. Im coming from linux x64.

Where do I get the patch for .25 ven's stock revamp to allow sxt to work? it seems he updated it and the patch isnt in the thread anymore.

Edited by Bender222
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1. Yeah, solids are *hard*. Much harder than liquid. 1ft solids came about around the time we first got to orbit, not back in the mid-1940s.

2. The 'fairing upgrades' you see in the tree are not correct, they have not been updated for RP-0 and thus don't correspond to when you actually unlock things.

3. The HSF contract *should* only occur if you've reached orbit or have a pod unlocked. Something is off in the code however.

4. The problem is that early solids should not have gimbal, but later ones should. I guess we could just have two different proc SRBs...

5. No idea about the falling; if it's happening with proc parts it's a proc part issue (KSP placing the part based on how big it thinks it is, then the size changes). If it's not, though...

Thanks so much! But do thank the rest of the team. :)

Airships...well, if someone wants to configure them...

Bender222: The issue is the size of the pressure vessel...

Agathorn: fair cops, all. I'll address when I'm not falling asleep :]

AChE: Welcome to the forums, and what a first post! :)

Per above, sleepytime is not the time for math, I'll get back to you...

Bender222: Latest Ven's (unless you run the pruner) no longer conflicts with SXT.

I run 8192 Earth, 8192 Moon, and no other planet textures. That gives me enough RAM for RVE and if lucky a part pack.

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Bender222: that would be nice, if there were a way to do that. ;)

m_robber: install all required mods. Then go to the github link, click releases, and grab the latest release. Install normally (i.e. place the folders inside GameData in the zip into your KSP/GameData folder).

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i have notied that the tech lvl on the srbs is able to be upgraded when you have unlocked tiers in tech tree.

- - - Updated - - -

trying out Ro in .90 and a lot of my "go-to" engines are not there anymore I am curious to find out what I am going to do after aerobee ( new model is much improved over that square ) now attempting a manual instasll of rp-0 as it is not avvail in .90 ckan (whats the holdup?)I see that community tech tree and tech Manager is also not listed. Is there something I can do to help put it in ckan? Since tech manager/ community tech tree/ and rp-0 arent listed on ckan I tried a manual install. all seems fine but when I go to get contacts the accept button does not function so I cant accept any more contracts. What was odd was that I was able to grab two but beyond the first two I have not been able to accept any others.

Edited by Bender222
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I have installed realism overhaul and all its addons successfully with it working fine in a sandbox game. I thought i'd give career mode a try and attempted to install this. I have downloaded Tech Manager Community Tech Tree and Lack's SXT, I then got RP-0 and deposited the contents of the master folder inside the Kerbal Space Program Folder. I assumed this would work for me but apparently when I select Community Tech Tree from the Tech Manager GUI instead of starting off with the parts that I see in BevoLJ's videos I start off with a command pod, some solid rocket boosters, a 1.25m energia vacuum engine, the whole Juno 1 rocket set, most of the procedural parts excluding the fairings, the explorer one core and solid rocket upper stage set, the sounding rocket avionics package and a few stayputnik variations. I also know that list is not what it is supposed to be because I had it working in 0.25 using ckan. I am sorry if I missed some vitally important step but I can't for the life of me figure out what i've done wrong. In advance thanks.

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I have installed realism overhaul and all its addons successfully with it working fine in a sandbox game. I thought i'd give career mode a try and attempted to install this. I have downloaded Tech Manager Community Tech Tree and Lack's SXT, I then got RP-0 and deposited the contents of the master folder inside the Kerbal Space Program Folder. I assumed this would work for me but apparently when I select Community Tech Tree from the Tech Manager GUI instead of starting off with the parts that I see in BevoLJ's videos I start off with a command pod, some solid rocket boosters, a 1.25m energia vacuum engine, the whole Juno 1 rocket set, most of the procedural parts excluding the fairings, the explorer one core and solid rocket upper stage set, the sounding rocket avionics package and a few stayputnik variations. I also know that list is not what it is supposed to be because I had it working in 0.25 using ckan. I am sorry if I missed some vitally important step but I can't for the life of me figure out what i've done wrong. In advance thanks.

I just did this, SXT and Ven's are available on ckan so I installed those. Techmanager is not listed so I used the zip from the ckan download folder of my .25 install. Community tech tree aswell. I read the readme for techmanager and it said that "it was expecting the .cfg of the particular tree in one of either 2 places and that one of them would not give the same starting parts" or something similar, so, since the community tech tree folder just has one file (the .cfg) I stuck it in the Tech manager folder with the other .cfgs for the other trees it comes with. So far everything is the same except that I cant seem to be able to accept certain contracts. Its possible that this was done on pupose so that you cant grab all the contracts before your first mission anymore. (since I haven't yet done that)

when making my rocket I found that the interstage adapter was the best way to create a space to internally carry some science instruments.satwxKS.png

Is there a way to toggle decoupling on it so that you don't have to just have an extra unused icon in your staging controls?

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i have notied that the tech lvl on the srbs is able to be upgraded when you have unlocked tiers in tech tree.

- - - Updated - - -

trying out Ro in .90 and a lot of my "go-to" engines are not there anymore I am curious to find out what I am going to do after aerobee ( new model is much improved over that square ) now attempting a manual instasll of rp-0 as it is not avvail in .90 ckan (whats the holdup?)I see that community tech tree and tech Manager is also not listed. Is there something I can do to help put it in ckan? Since tech manager/ community tech tree/ and rp-0 arent listed on ckan I tried a manual install. all seems fine but when I go to get contacts the accept button does not function so I cant accept any more contracts. What was odd was that I was able to grab two but beyond the first two I have not been able to accept any others.

Have you upgraded the building? KSP .9 you need to upgrade the buildings to have access to different things, and one of those is the Mission Control so you can have more than 2 contracts. This is a change in the Stock game.

I have installed realism overhaul and all its addons successfully with it working fine in a sandbox game. I thought i'd give career mode a try and attempted to install this. I have downloaded Tech Manager Community Tech Tree and Lack's SXT, I then got RP-0 and deposited the contents of the master folder inside the Kerbal Space Program Folder. I assumed this would work for me but apparently when I select Community Tech Tree from the Tech Manager GUI instead of starting off with the parts that I see in BevoLJ's videos I start off with a command pod, some solid rocket boosters, a 1.25m energia vacuum engine, the whole Juno 1 rocket set, most of the procedural parts excluding the fairings, the explorer one core and solid rocket upper stage set, the sounding rocket avionics package and a few stayputnik variations. I also know that list is not what it is supposed to be because I had it working in 0.25 using ckan. I am sorry if I missed some vitally important step but I can't for the life of me figure out what i've done wrong. In advance thanks.

Sounds to me like you are doing everything right, and the same as I am, but having a very different result. heh. Oh, are you downloading the released version of RP-0? The one from this page: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/releases

If you are downloading the master zip you will need to convert the tech tree yourself into a config (using pearl). That is just there if you want to do your own editing of the tech tree. I just use the released version that Nathan makes. In those released version he has already converted the tree file so it is where it should be and I don't have to do anything but copy folders over like any other mod.

Edited by BevoLJ
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Bender: yes, the TL (and thus Isp and casing mass) of the proc SRB can be upgraded as you unlock more engine techs. However, the gimbal is rather different.

The holdup is that neither CTT nor Tech Manager have been released for .90, and therefore CKAN has not updated their metadata.

The 2 contracts thing is a stock 'feature' where the first tier Mission Control building only allows you to have 2 active contracts, as BevoLJ says.

Ldk, your talk of 'master' means that BevoLJ is right: you need to download a release of RP-0. Conveniently, I just have just made another one, and edited the OP.

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I used the cash advance from the human spaceflight orbital contract to upgrade the building once then i could grab all of the contracts like i did before and make back all the money I spent on the upgrade. no sure what I am going to do once you make human spaceflight contract only available after you get the capsule. Looks like with that file you Pm'ed me, this won't be a problem anymore

I had a hell of a time with srbs and the aerobee. Especially since the engine does not gamble so any steering you do right before you leave the atmosphere cannot be canceled out and you just tumble. Ive had limited success with spin stabilization but that adds its own limitations. the subs start out at 1 meter diameter which is way bigger than id like but when you try to shrink it it jumps straight to .2 and won't budge, it would be fine if the rocket diameter was .2 but it's .3. I believe that we have had a similar conversation before but I am am not sure how to go about this.

- - - Updated - - -

ctt and tech manager work fine with .90 Can only the author Make them available on ckan or something? If thats what is holding this up I volunteer to do as much as I can to move it along. Manual instal is such a pain and it would be great to be able to avoid it next time and prevent others from having to do it.

Edited by Bender222
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Is there a way to toggle decoupling on it so that you don't have to just have an extra unused icon in your staging controls?

For that i'm using "Tweakable Everything" mod.With that you can disable staging with RMB menu.

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I used the cash advance from the human spaceflight orbital contract to upgrade the building once then i could grab all of the contracts like i did before and make back all the money I spent on the upgrade. no sure what I am going to do once you make human spaceflight contract only available after you get the capsule. Looks like with that file you Pm'ed me, this won't be a problem anymore

I had a hell of a time with srbs and the aerobee. Especially since the engine does not gamble so any steering you do right before you leave the atmosphere cannot be canceled out and you just tumble. Ive had limited success with spin stabilization but that adds its own limitations. the subs start out at 1 meter diameter which is way bigger than id like but when you try to shrink it it jumps straight to .2 and won't budge, it would be fine if the rocket diameter was .2 but it's .3. I believe that we have had a similar conversation before but I am am not sure how to go about this.

- - - Updated - - -

ctt and tech manager work fine with .90 Can only the author Make them available on ckan or something? If thats what is holding this up I volunteer to do as much as I can to move it along. Manual instal is such a pain and it would be great to be able to avoid it next time and prevent others from having to do it.

The proper size of the SRB is 0.2m. The 1m is a bug. .2m is plenty though even if it looks funny. An alternative is make a .3m stub with an empty pFuel Tank, and then put a bunch of tiny inline separators at the bottom. Around 12 mimics the Tiny Tim booster on the WAC Corporal, the USA's first sounding rocket.

As for control, well you don't have any and you really shouldn't. This is early days in your space program. Get it balanced and either fire it straight up, or pre-angle it on the launch pad so it goes in a certain direction.

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I ended up using the thrust plate adapter to cluster 9 .2m srbs together (8 on the side nodes and I stuck another in the middle) one thing I was not expecting was the cool explosions about 5 seconds after seperation. BTW, its possible to use the cash advance from the sounding rocket contract to upgrade the contract building, then you can grab the rest of the contracts (don't even need to get the human orbit one either) and easily be able to complete like 5 contracts with a rocket costing like 2-3 grand. Then just get into orbit/etc with another 2-3 grand. I am still working on doing that as the engines I had previously gotten used toin .90 are different or no longer there.

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I see the sounding rocket one in addition to the launch a new vessel, acheive orbit, set alt record of 500 (doesnt work on probes) and the Human orbital one. I think it would be nice to implement some remote tech and maybe scansat contracts in career as well but i am not sure what the on the best way to do that.

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