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Categorizing existing subassemblies in 0.90?

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I have created some categories, and I'd like to add some existing subassemblies to them.

So far I have discovered two ways to do this:

  1. Install the subassembly on a vessel, then re-save it into the desired category. This requires re-typing the name and description.
  2. Quit KSP, then edit GameData/Squad/PartList/SubassemblyCategories.cf by hand to include the desired subassemblies, then re-start KSP.

It seems to me that there should be a better way. Have I overlooked something? Also: it is not clear how to have a subassembly in more than one category (or if this is even possible). But then, this feature seems half-baked to me: surely the list of which subassemblies are part of which categories should stored somewhere in saves/<savename>/, rather than in GameData/, since I might use the same name for quite different subassemblies in different saves.

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I don't think there is another way to do it. I also haven't found a way to save a sub-assembly to multiple sub-categories, except renaming it. Considering this is the first release of this feature, I'm not surprised there are a few quirks. Maybe Squad could add some sort of Drag & Drop feature to make things a little easier. :)

Edited by Ival70
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