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Part-sorting & catalog logic in the VAB & SPH

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While most of the new interface in the VAB & SPH regarding sorting parts is great, some of the logic behind it is not. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Advanced mode filters

Sorting by manufacturer is, for the moment, the best way to sort by mod (except via custom categories). However, manufacturer is meaningless except where mods are concerned. I note that there is some logical connection between Squad parts from the same manufacturer. However, there are so many manufacturers, many with only one part, and overlap between one manufacturer's "domain" and others' that sorting Squad parts in this way is effectively pointless and counterproductive. The number of manufacturers also makes the list of subcategories extremely long.

Suggestion: either change all Squad parts to the same manufacturer, or allow an additional option of sorting by mod (by folder within GameData) without asking users to set up a custom category for every mod (excruciatingly tedious, as noted below), à la part catalog, because the only function of sorting by manufacturer right now is to show all of one mod's parts on the same page(s) at the same time.

2. Sorting of parts once you've chosen something from the advanced menu

If there's no easy way to sort by mod, and assuming every mod maker lists the same manufacturer on all their parts, listing by manufacturer alone is not quite enough - in addition to Name, Mass, Cost, and Size, allow sorting of visible parts (as opposed to categorization) by function of the part. This way, a player can see all the parts from a given mod at once, but sorted by what they are rather than their name. Sorting by name is useless for a very large number of parts named something like XMRQ923854P-2041B Thingamajig. Unless the user wants to memorize a very long list of part names, sorting by function (EDIT: by that I mean sorting according to classes that exist already, like fuel tanks, control, utility) is superior. Mass, Cost, Size are all great, though.

3. Allow drag & drop multiple part selection in order to put stuff into custom categories

Parts in the VAB/SPH are represented by what are, for interface purposes, essentially icons like you would find on your desktop. They should follow the conventions of icons: click & drag over many of them selects them all, dragging them into a "folder" (such as a custom category or sub-category in advanced mode) should copy them there. It's extremely - EXTREMELY - tedious to create custom categories by click on the plus in the upper right of the part icon and going through the whole selection & clicking process for every. single. part. you want to categorize.

Another edit: There needs to be a way to scroll through category & subcategory lists. I have more manufacturers with just a few mods going than there is vertical space for manufacturer icons in the list.

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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I hoped that "filter by function" would actually be filtering by function, but the utility tab has all sorts of differently functioning parts in it. I'd like them broken up a bit.

Indeed... at the least, though, allowing to sort the list (once you've displayed all parts from a given mod, say) by the existing categories (fuel tank, engine, etc.) would be a step up...

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