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Simple, really. 'When you see the moon rise, punch it!' It\'s my favorite Kerbalism.

In other words, when your ship is 110 degrees from the moon, burn prograde until your apoapsis is about 11400 km. (That\'s for collision course. To orbit the moon, use more for a westerly orbit, or less for an easterly orbit.)

There are guides and tutorials all over the forum. Each one explains in a different way.

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Just thought I\'d point out, the word you\'re after is 'trajectory' :)

And yes, once in orbit around Kerbin, just wait until you see the Mun rise above the horizon, orient your ship to be pointing towards the little yellow circle on your nav-ball (this is called 'prograde', or the direction you\'re actually moving in) and apply thrust until your orbit in the Map view (\'M\' key) reaches out to the Mun\'s altitude (between 10 and 12 million metres). Then just wait until the Mun captures you in its gravity.

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