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Get rid of classes for sandbox

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I'm not sure where to post this so I post this here.

I play exclusively sandbox and want to get rid of those new classes they introduced in 0.9. I don't want to every time search the crew list for certain kerbals with certain classes.

I want the first bloody kerbal on the list, my favourite Kerman, (not JBB, those guys are somewhere in interstellar space with no oxygen) to be able to do everything.

Or do I just have to start building every ship with a drone part?

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I think the auto-seat-fill should chose the best pilot first, followed by the best engineer, then the best scientist, then the lowest experience Kerbals to fill the remaining seats.

However, while classes should probably remain visible in sandbox, they should not determine abilities by default or there should be a toggle to turn on and off class restrictions on actions. (This should be set on the difficulty menu but editable from the debug/cheat panel.)

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Edit the "C:\KSP_win\GameData\Squad\Experience\Traits.cfg" file. And give every "EXPERIENCE_TRAIT" all the "EFFECT" listed there, and every kerbal will act as a multi-talented kerbal.

Unfortunately that would also impact all Career games you run too. It's an ok solution if you only play sandbox though.

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