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A definite bug with the new adapters

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I found out that whenever I start the game and go to my save, and open up the SPH first, the textures for the new adapters don't load, so I get pure white adapters (this doesn't happen with the adapters which were in the game before .90, just the new fuel tank adapters)

If I open up the VAB first thing however there is absolutely no problem.

Thanks in advance for looking into it:)


EDIT: Oh I almost forgot, my OS is v 10.9.5

2.6 GHz Inter Core i7

8GB 1600MHz ram memory

Edited by Halsfury
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Hmm, you mean the new mk3 adapter tanks don't you, I expect you'll find the mk3 cargo bays are also textureless.

The textures they use are .tga files, and most operating systems do not load .tga by default, you need programs with .tga support built in such as art packages like Photoshop and Gimp.

KSP/Unity does have .tga support but it's broken (of course), that's one reason why KSP uses .mbm's instead, which are .tga but with different file headers so they load.

With Linux, players can fix the issue by installing libsdl-image, on Windows and OSX though I don't know how to make them load.

You can try opening the .tga textures and re-saving them in an art package, that can sometimes work.

Look for Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Mk3Adapters.tga

Edited by sal_vager
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I also had an issue with the Mk3-to 2.5M (Slanted), and the 2.5m-1.25m (Slanted) adapters not properly loading textures resulting in a plain white adapter. However, in response to sal_verger, the cargo bay's (2 segment long and 1 segment long tested, though I haven't tried the 3 segment cargo bya) texture worked properly.

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With Linux, players can fix the issue by installing libsdl-image, on Windows and OSX though I don't know how to make them load.

Could try installing the active texture management mod. When I was experimenting with OpenGL mode on Windows a few weeks back, I kept getting modded and unmodded parts that weren't loading textures (at random). Even though it was entirely unnecessary in OpenGL mode, the active texture management mod stopped it occurring for me. The mod must change something with the textures that fixes the problem as a side-effect.

Worth a shot anyway. :)

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