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Resolution Issues (DSR)

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First of all, I'm loving the new update!

However, I've run into a problem involving the resolution settings. I have a GTX 980, and the GPU model has a feature called Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR). This allows me to play the game in 4K (even though I only have a 1080p monitor) The point of this is to allow me to actually record game play footage in 4K (it also smooths out the edges of models and makes the UI hilariously small :P)

Starting with version 0.90 however, I can't seem to set the resolution above 1920x1080. I can still select 3840x2160 and both the settings and the "settings.cfg" show that it's set to 4k resolution, but the game doesnt actually display in that resolution.

Does anyone know why this is? I've tried to figure out what about the display has been changed with the new update but I couldn't find anything.

Other than that, the game runs just fine. It would just be nice to be able to record 2160p resolution videos.

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No idea, it sounds like an issue with your card and driver rather than KSP though, you could try setting the resolution in KSP manually by editing the settings.cfg

DSR mode sounds like all it's doing is interpolating your screen anyway.

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