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[WIP] [PARTS] Snacks! Parts and a Fuel Tank for Landers


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Hello everyone! This is my first mod for this game and my second post here.

I'm relatively inexpeirenced with modding so I suppose this would be a WIP since A), I'm not sure if people will want to download these other than myself, B) I'm not sure where to find or get a "lisence" to release my parts, and C) two of my parts are for the Snacks! mod which I'm not sure is allowed.

Anyways, I wanted to create a fuel tank for Landers that looks like the lower stage of the Lunar Lander, and I fell in love with the Snacks! mod so I wanted to create some storage part for snacks!

Onto the parts!


It doesn't *quite* jive well with the stock parts, and I can't seem to pinpoint why not. As I said this is my first ever mod for the game so I'm sure it's going to look a little... "off." But it does look neat under the MK1 lander can with legs and whatnot.

Second and third!


Small Snacks! Each part adds 10 snacks.


The SnackPak! Each part adds 30 snacks.

I wanted to make the snack parts work well with storage containers, as I use "6S Service Compartment Tubes" and occasionally "Universal Storage."

So far I haven't run across anything terrible caused by my parts so I'm pretty happy. It was an interesting introduction to modding, and hopefully I can contribute more useful parts to this wonderful game.

Any comments, questions, concerns, or tips, please post!

Hopefully I didn't break any forum rules!


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Welcome to the forums :)

There is a saying here called "no pics no clicks" and while you certainly got the pics part down thankfully :wink: it seems you've forgotten the clicking part. In other words I can't find the download link.

Also have you considered participating in the Opensource part week thread? this weeks theme just so happens to be landers and its a great environment to practice and learn modding.

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Thanks for the replies!

As I stated above, I didn't want to include a download link just yet - I was hoping for some feedback and some help regarding a license to release them, as I see all the mods I have downloaded have some sort of "fair use" license.

Also I was hoping I could get some help on the lander tank - I wanted to be able to toggle the mission flag on the front of it, but I'm not sure how that system works.

Thanks for noticing the typo, evidently I've been misspelling their last names for a month!

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Well I tweaked the Lander tank a little bit. Now it contains both monopropellant (30) and LF/O (50). The model has been tweaked a bit, with a recessed bottom to allow an engine to be mostly hidden inside it with only the exhaust sticking out, which gives it more of a "LEM" profile.

I also changed up the texture a little bit to break up the visuals and updated the bump map to work. Currently trying to get the "toggle flag" option to work. Right now it works for full-sized flags but if the original flag has an alpha (like the default KSP one) I get a nasty black box on the flag decal.

Also another issue I ran into is in the little preview-box where you select the part, my new part scales UP, I'm assuming until infinity as it passes the screen. I've included a few screenshots of that too. Anybody have any idea what that's from?




And here's a screenshot of the weird scaling issue.


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Newest tweaking...

Updated foil texture, and some minor things played with.



The plume deflectors are separate models under "Aerodynamics" that aren't included yet as I'm still tweaking them.

If you download the fuel tank, please give feedback! Thanks!

Edited by -ctn-
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