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Deleting Stock Craft

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Hi all,

So I did a search for this and couldn't find a thread for it (maybe I'm bad at searching?) but I wanted to know if there's a way to delete the stock craft from KSP.

I hate starting a new sandbox game and having all these foreign, half-working (well maybe they're not... never used em) ships taking up my spots and making it harder to find my own crafts :S

I had tried to go into the KSP folder and manually delete them, but this led to me being mostly unable to use the SPH (couldn't save or load anything in SPH)

Any thoughts?

Edited by Slam_Jones
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The stock ships are stored under <KSP directory>/Ships/..., NOT /saves/<save name>/Ships/... like the ones you create. I don't know if there'll be issues from deleting those though.

EDIT: I missed the last part of the post. Whoops! Have you tried just deleting the .craft files in VAB/SPH, but leaving the folders intact?

Hope this helps

Edited by armagheddonsgw
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Go into KSP/ships/SPH for the airplane hangar

and into KSP/ships/VAB for the rocket warehouse

deletre whatever you dislike.

Although i personally like to add a "z" in front of each one so theyre pushed to the bottom of the list, so i still have them provided i ever want to use them, but so they are not inbetween my stuff.

I actually find teh stock directory as a good place to store 100% completed craft, albeit with a z in front to push them out of the way (the z must be in their actual filename, you do not need to have z in the game's name).

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