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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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  Odo said:
Ive got an unmanned probe in orbit around Kerbin with all required components I believe. I have the Satellite dish and the GPS on the probe, its got power, has antennas if it matters, but I have no idea how to open the map thingy. Right clicking the Sat dish does nothing. Right clicking the GPS does nothing. Help please?

There should be a little button in the bottom left corner of your screen that lets you open it.

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I've found something weird, kind of a workaround, not a solution yet.

- .csv files and .png are stored at Z:\KSP_0.20.2\Plugins\PluginData\isa_mapsat

- However, each time fly with Sat Dish starts, the game looks for these files at Z:\KSP_0.20.2\PluginData\isa_mapsat, but they are not there...

- When it doesn't find the maps at that location, it starts mapping from scratch.

- IF, after closing the game, I copy the files from Z:\KSP_0.20.2\Plugins\PluginData\isa_mapsat to Z:\KSP_0.20.2\PluginData\isa_mapsat, THEN when I restart the fly, map info is still there there and mapping continues with previous info.

- BUT if I MOVE the files from one location to another, the issue happens anyway.

It seems that the game looks for the .png files at BOTH locations at MapSat fly startup, but records to Z:\KSP_0.20.2\Plugins\PluginData\isa_mapsat only.

Has anyone had this same issue? Is it a known bug?

Help would be very appreciated!!! This is an awesome mod and would love to have it working properly :)

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Ok, for us to be able to help you all, we need more than "it don't work".

Here are a few steps (compiled) that have helped others. If you want us to help further we need to know you have done at least these:

1) Did you download the version from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/414-0-20-Dev-build-of-Mapsat-4-available-and-blog-update instead of the one on the first message?

2) When you installed the version listed above, did you put in in the GameData directory /as is/, you should have a GameData/Innsewerants Space Agency/Plugins/PluginData/ISA_MapSat/guiTextures directory, if you don't you won't get the map icon or any of the correct buttons. YOU CANNOT RENAME THE "Innsewerants Space Agency" PART (caps for emphasis only) or move any of the directories around.

3) If you are having performance issues, go into your network adapters and disable all unused ones. You should have one and only one active network adapter (this is a problem with KSP/Unity).

4) Have you removed any detritus from the old version out of your Parts/Plugins/etc. You can't use your old maps easily, just don't even try.

5) Check the size of your ARTIFACTS.DAT if it is large, you may have to eliminate duplicates. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9396-0-20-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build?p=420617#post420617 for windows or http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9396-0-20-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build?p=418635&viewfull=1#post418635 for linux/mac

Once you have done all five let us know that you have done all five and we can go from there. If you don't let us know what you have tried already, we don't know what you haven't tried and can't really help.

Edited by elfindreams
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  Teobug said:

Mmh, I can see the text but no the icon and the GUI... :(

Do you have a GameData/Innsewerants Space Agency/Plugins/PluginData/ISA_MapSat/guiTextures directory (exactly as written, none of it renamed/etc, verify spelling, spacing, caps, all of it)?

Edited by elfindreams
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  elfindreams said:
Do you have a GameData/Innsewerants Space Agency/Plugins/PluginData/ISA_MapSat/guiTextures directory (exactly as written, none of it renamed/etc, verify spelling, spacing, caps, all of it)?

Thanks man re installed using your instructions. Works like a charm now :)

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  elfindreams said:
Ok, for us to be able to help you all, we need more than "it don't work".

Here are a few steps (compiled) that have helped others. If you want us to help further we need to know you have done at least these:

1) Did you download the version from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/414-0-20-Dev-build-of-Mapsat-4-available-and-blog-update instead of the one on the first message?

Yes. This was done and I have the X4R1 build

2) When you installed the version listed above, did you put in in the GameData directory /as is/, you should have a GameData/Innsewerants Space Agency/Plugins/PluginData/ISA_MapSat/guiTextures directory, if you don't you won't get the map icon or any of the correct buttons. YOU CANNOT RENAME THE "Innsewerants Space Agency" PART (caps for emphasis only) or move any of the directories around.

Yes, this has been done correctly.

3) If you are having performance issues, go into your network adapters and disable all unused ones. You should have one and only one active network adapter (this is a problem with KSP/Unity).

I'd not heard of this problem with the engine before; there is a back up network card mounted but it was Disabled. I have since uninstalled it to check, but to no avail

4) Have you removed any detritus from the old version out of your Parts/Plugins/etc. You can't use your old maps easily, just don't even try.

Yes, this has been done correctly, indeed I've deleted and reinstalled Kerbal a number of times, and the only thing left is Mechjeb and Mapsat

5) Check the size of your ARTIFACTS.DAT if it is large, you may have to eliminate duplicates. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9396-0-20-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build?p=420617#post420617 for windows or http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9396-0-20-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build?p=418635&viewfull=1#post418635 for linux/mac

There is no artefacts.dat anywhere in the KSP folder, and none is ever created, it just runs for a few minutes then crashes without saving even the map path it's tracked.

Once you have done all five let us know that you have done all five and we can go from there. If you don't let us know what you have tried already, we don't know what you haven't tried and can't really help.

I'm almost certain it's a problem with memory handling; Having cross checked all of the above, and running it at the lowest possible visual settings to reduce the memory footprint, with just Mechjeb and Mapsat XR41 build, I can run MapSat for much longer; KSP starts around 1.4gb Memory used and slowly creeps up. However with default launch settings (Graphics at maximum, AA x2) it lasts about an orbit an a half before it crashes to desktop, starting at 1.7gb used and failing very shortly after.

System is WinXP 32 with 4gb Memory and 1Gb ATI4670 HD card, scanning satellite around Kerbin moves between 99963 and 121026 metres on a polar orbit.

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  Titler said:
I'm almost certain it's a problem with memory handling; Having cross checked all of the above, and running it at the lowest possible visual settings to reduce the memory footprint, with just Mechjeb and Mapsat XR41 build, I can run MapSat for much longer; KSP starts around 1.4gb Memory used and slowly creeps up. However with default launch settings (Graphics at maximum, AA x2) it lasts about an orbit an a half before it crashes to desktop, starting at 1.7gb used and failing very shortly after.

System is WinXP 32 with 4gb Memory and 1Gb ATI4670 HD card, scanning satellite around Kerbin moves between 99963 and 121026 metres on a polar orbit.

Yea, I am guessing you are right... 4gb of memory is a bit light.

Even vanilla after a short while we are talking 3gb of utilization for KSP, I usually estimate 1gb for OS/system processes. MapSat and MechJeb seem to add at least 200mb of memory from what I have seen (estimate, just eyeballing it here not precise). And I don't think KSP deals well with being swapped out to virtual memory.

Not sure what to tell you except might want to start looking at updating memory. Regrettably memory is still in a high spike (http://www.overclockers.com/ram-prices-remain-high/) but still 4gb is really really low these days.

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Love this mod and wish I could keep it but im not going to sit there on an active satellite and wait for the data to come in. If you figure out a way to make it so that the mapping can occur while flying other ships let me know. I was setting up a satellite network around all of the planets/moons but like I said not about to sit there and wait for the mapping. Also just downloading the data would be cheating imo. Well done regardless though.

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  Orphican said:
@elfindreams as far as I understand I doesn't matter how much total memory you have as KSP can only utilize 3.something gb of RAM. Something about Unity being a 32bit process I think.

Technically it should be able to use 4GB on a 64bit OS, but for whatever reason ( I'm not a windows developer, someone will no doubt expound on it ) it stops at about 3.6/3.7.

v4 dev crashes at launch no matter what I do, unfortunately ( on a clean install ). Well technically it hangs and windows gives up & asks to kill the process, so it's the infiniloop again.

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  Van Disaster said:
Technically it should be able to use 4GB on a 64bit OS, but for whatever reason ( I'm not a windows developer, someone will no doubt expound on it ) it stops at about 3.6/3.7.

Win64 runs Win32 programs in a compatibility mode - limiting the program to the amount of memory the program would expect to be available.

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  Orphican said:
@elfindreams as far as I understand I doesn't matter how much total memory you have as KSP can only utilize 3.something gb of RAM. Something about Unity being a 32bit process I think.

Oh right, 32bit... my bad. Ug that explains some things.

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Hmm, the talk about background scanning got me thinking... I wonder if it would be possible to make an out of game process, schedule it to run periodically an monitor the autosave.

Since the autosave has orbit numbers for the craft it could cache all the appropriate mapping sattelite's orbits and position, then when the autosave changes it

1: Verifies the satellite is still there and in the same orbit.

2: If it is, update the map data and artifacts.dat file appropriate for the amount of time that has passed and the terrain passed over.

Then just make sure the plugin checks for changes in those files instead of trusting only a memory loaded version.

It would be a lot of maths but since it is out of process from KSP it shouldn't impact KSP's performance as much as how it is being done now.,.. maybe?

*shrug* just some random thoughts on my end.

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  elfindreams said:
Ok, for us to be able to help you all, we need more than "it don't work".

Here are a few steps (compiled) that have helped others. If you want us to help further we need to know you have done at least these:

1) Did you download the version from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/414-0-20-Dev-build-of-Mapsat-4-available-and-blog-update instead of the one on the first message?

2) When you installed the version listed above, did you put in in the GameData directory /as is/, you should have a GameData/Innsewerants Space Agency/Plugins/PluginData/ISA_MapSat/guiTextures directory, if you don't you won't get the map icon or any of the correct buttons. YOU CANNOT RENAME THE "Innsewerants Space Agency" PART (caps for emphasis only) or move any of the directories around.

3) If you are having performance issues, go into your network adapters and disable all unused ones. You should have one and only one active network adapter (this is a problem with KSP/Unity).

4) Have you removed any detritus from the old version out of your Parts/Plugins/etc. You can't use your old maps easily, just don't even try.

5) Check the size of your ARTIFACTS.DAT if it is large, you may have to eliminate duplicates. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9396-0-20-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build?p=420617#post420617 for windows or http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9396-0-20-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build?p=418635&viewfull=1#post418635 for linux/mac

Once you have done all five let us know that you have done all five and we can go from there. If you don't let us know what you have tried already, we don't know what you haven't tried and can't really help.

What is "detritus" from step 4?

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  elfindreams said:
Hmm, the talk about background scanning got me thinking... I wonder if it would be possible to make an out of game process, schedule it to run periodically an monitor the autosave.

Since the autosave has orbit numbers for the craft it could cache all the appropriate mapping sattelite's orbits and position, then when the autosave changes it

1: Verifies the satellite is still there and in the same orbit.

2: If it is, update the map data and artifacts.dat file appropriate for the amount of time that has passed and the terrain passed over.

Then just make sure the plugin checks for changes in those files instead of trusting only a memory loaded version.

It would be a lot of maths but since it is out of process from KSP it shouldn't impact KSP's performance as much as how it is being done now.,.. maybe?

*shrug* just some random thoughts on my end.

If you Alt+Tab during map scanning tha game keeps running. Leave it at 50x while you do something else with the PC. It will complete the scan without you even noticing it.

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  AlcheMyst said:
If you Alt+Tab during map scanning tha game keeps running. Leave it at 50x while you do something else with the PC. It will complete the scan without you even noticing it.

Well, yes... but that wasn't the mental exercise... I was trying to figure out how it could scan multiple planets while doing other things in the game... I don't particularly care because I leave it on overnight and at work, but it seems some people do care and it was an idea.

Edited by elfindreams
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