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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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I don't get it. How does it start mapping?

I downloaded the dropbox version because kerbal.net 404'd. I put the files into my KSP folder, opened the game, slapped a dish on my satellite and put it into orbit. How do I actually start mapping? Right-clicking the dish doesn't do anything and I don't see any buttons.

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I don't get it. How does it start mapping?

I downloaded the dropbox version because kerbal.net 404'd. I put the files into my KSP folder, opened the game, slapped a dish on my satellite and put it into orbit. How do I actually start mapping? Right-clicking the dish doesn't do anything and I don't see any buttons.

Lower left side of screen is button with a protractor on it.

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actually, Oilfour's problem is #1. See, in his post he said :

I downloaded the dropbox version because kerbal.net 404'd.
thus, he loaded the OLD version.

90% of the people who "cant get it to work" failed to read the first paragraph in the OP and scroll right down to the first link they find, and click it.

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Oh right, 32bit... my bad. Ug that explains some things.

Specifically it's probably the way KSP handles system RAM, either the Virtual Memory or the load it puts on the maximum 3.5gb WindowsXP can see, as there's another 1gb on the Graphics Card for visual computations and I've got 2gb of VM set up. The old MapSat was fine under the incredibly inefficient KSP, but even with the new improved core engine, the newest MapSat is still causing either the KSP engine or some associated process to break, and very quickly.

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Specifically it's probably the way KSP handles system RAM, either the Virtual Memory or the load it puts on the maximum 3.5gb WindowsXP can see, as there's another 1gb on the Graphics Card for visual computations and I've got 2gb of VM set up. The old MapSat was fine under the incredibly inefficient KSP, but even with the new improved core engine, the newest MapSat is still causing either the KSP engine or some associated process to break, and very quickly.

This really isn't rocket science (pun intended!). The issue is that the new MapSat map images are something like twenty times the size (in K) of the old MapSat images, and KSP in its current state must load every texture/graphic to be used in the game into memory from the start -- they are not dynamically loaded as needed. Which means that MapSat loads ALL of your maps into memory every time it starts, including placeholder 'blank' maps that are non-trivial in their size. Basically, all of the old MapSat maps combined took up about as much disk space, and therefore about as much memory headroom, as one or two of the new ones. MapSat by itself appears, to me, to be using 1-1.5GB of memory on top of what a "clean" KSP install will use with one or two created maps; when you add any significant amount of add-on overhead to that (especially parts, which often have large textures themselves), you slam violently into the 32-bit OS addressable memory limit, and freeze up. The artefacts.dat file duplication issue doesn't help things, either -- again, it's more memory overhead being consumed (in this case, unnecessarily).

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Which means that MapSat loads ALL of your maps into memory every time it starts, including placeholder 'blank' maps that are non-trivial in their size.

That would definitely explain why I'm having memory issues when not flying a MapSat-equipped ship. I suppose you could resize the maps out of game, but I don't know what affect that would have. Besides, each map is only a little over 2 MB, and only shows up as a .png in the folder once you've started mapping the planet/moon.

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Oh right, 32bit... my bad. Ug that explains some things.

You're right though, he's only got 4GB of system RAM which Windows itself needs to use. I myself have 8GB and Windows and browsers alone can use up to 4GB sometimes when I'm doing a lot. Windows 7 by itself likes a good 2 GB which means if you've only got 4 GB you're already somewhat handicapped.

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Do you have a GameData/Innsewerants Space Agency/Plugins/PluginData/ISA_MapSat/guiTextures directory (exactly as written, none of it renamed/etc, verify spelling, spacing, caps, all of it)?

I downloaded the file and I followed all of the steps you said but I just can't find the directory, where should I find it?

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it's in the dev build zip file, make sure you've got the ISA_MapSat X4r1.zip from the blog.

then you copy the folder "innsewerant space agency" from the zip and put it in the GameData folder within kerbal space program's main folder

i.e. my version from steam has the following address for kerbal space program

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program

in there is a GameData folder, copy the Innsewerant folder into game data, start your game and voila!

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This really isn't rocket science (pun intended!). The issue is that the new MapSat map images are something like twenty times the size (in K) of the old MapSat images, and KSP in its current state must load every texture/graphic to be used in the game into memory from the start -- they are not dynamically loaded as needed. Which means that MapSat loads ALL of your maps into memory every time it starts, including placeholder 'blank' maps that are non-trivial in their size. Basically, all of the old MapSat maps combined took up about as much disk space, and therefore about as much memory headroom, as one or two of the new ones. MapSat by itself appears, to me, to be using 1-1.5GB of memory on top of what a "clean" KSP install will use with one or two created maps; when you add any significant amount of add-on overhead to that (especially parts, which often have large textures themselves), you slam violently into the 32-bit OS addressable memory limit, and freeze up. The artefacts.dat file duplication issue doesn't help things, either -- again, it's more memory overhead being consumed (in this case, unnecessarily).

Makes me consider trying my hands at some modding and coming up with a way to select available parts/textures or selecting a set of ships before launch... so if I am not going to use certain parts in that particular session, I can make them go away temporarily. I wonder if you can trigger KSP to force re-load the parts/textures so it could be done without relaunching... gonna have to noodle this some.

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I'm currently currently messing around with a mod-mod of ISA MapSat, and I can confirm that the full, extra-large images for every body are being loaded right at the start, rather than, say, at sphere of influence change. I'm not sure if there's on "onSphereOfInfluenceChange()" function but if there is, it doesnt seem like it would be difficult to do the loading (and unloading!) then.

My mod-mod actually does something like this but, because it's now loaded the image twice, it is crashing on my system. I guess I should make a clean install for testing!

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Makes me consider trying my hands at some modding and coming up with a way to select available parts/textures or selecting a set of ships before launch... so if I am not going to use certain parts in that particular session, I can make them go away temporarily. I wonder if you can trigger KSP to force re-load the parts/textures so it could be done without relaunching... gonna have to noodle this some.

I don't think you can. That's a limitation of the game engine itself -- it needs to load all usable assets up front (i.e. on startup) and in full. I don't think there's any way you can force the engine to load/unload assets on the fly unless the underlying engine is modified to allow it.

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I don't think you can. That's a limitation of the game engine itself -- it needs to load all usable assets up front (i.e. on startup) and in full. I don't think there's any way you can force the engine to load/unload assets on the fly unless the underlying engine is modified to allow it.

I think we are swinging a tad off topic :) but that being said:



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I'm currently currently messing around with a mod-mod of ISA MapSat, and I can confirm that the full, extra-large images for every body are being loaded right at the start, rather than, say, at sphere of influence change. I'm not sure if there's on "onSphereOfInfluenceChange()" function but if there is, it doesnt seem like it would be difficult to do the loading (and unloading!) then.

My mod-mod actually does something like this but, because it's now loaded the image twice, it is crashing on my system. I guess I should make a clean install for testing!

That's very interesting, and I hope you keep us posted on your experimentation! However, I think you'll find that there's no way around that issue, for a couple of reasons.

-- First, regardless of what SoI you're in, you still have access to all the maps via the GUI. I think if it were possible to unload the maps, you'd run into crash issues when the user flicked over from, say, the Mun map (when you're in the Munar SoI) to the Kerbin map. But I don't think it's possible to unload the maps, because....

-- ... of the way KSP handles memory management. It strongly appears that KSP (and maybe Unity itself -- I'm not a programmer, so I have no clue) uses static memory allocation and a fixed memory space. In other words, the engine, on startup, scans all the parts/addons/.dlls that are in its folders, determines "I need ZZZkb of memory to hold all of these plus whatever memory space I need myself", then requests that much memory from the system and loads everything into that memory space. So when the program is running, all the mods/textures/.dlls are in memory with an unchanging pointers to them, so the engine does not have to engage in any significant memory management during operation. So I think, as KSP is currently configured, that "unloading" the maps based on what SoI you're in won't actually unload the maps from memory, because that operation was done (and becomes immutable) on startup. All you'll do is make them non-visible to the user.

If you can actually figure out whether this is the case, I'd be very interested in hearing your results!

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probably this has already been suggested, but it would be really cool if the maps would update while the scanning probe is not the active flight. Wouldn't it be possible to add a central (non-part-bound) module to ISAMapsat that keeps track of all mapping satellites and (optionally/selectively per sat) remote-triggers their scanning function? If timewarping is a problem, that mechanism could be limited to certain warp ranges. I know the RemoteTech mod does something like that to find other communication nodes in range.

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That's very interesting, and I hope you keep us posted on your experimentation! However, I think you'll find that there's no way around that issue, for a couple of reasons.

-- First, regardless of what SoI you're in, you still have access to all the maps via the GUI. I think if it were possible to unload the maps, you'd run into crash issues when the user flicked over from, say, the Mun map (when you're in the Munar SoI) to the Kerbin map. But I don't think it's possible to unload the maps, because....

Well, how Kethane does it (and, er, how mine does it, if it stops crashing the game) is only ever show the map of the body you're around. It's a design choice but I think at this point it's evident that having all the maps loaded for immediate viewing, and having very high resolution, may be mutually exclusive for some people's machines.

-- ... of the way KSP handles memory management. It strongly appears that KSP (and maybe Unity itself -- I'm not a programmer, so I have no clue) uses static memory allocation and a fixed memory space.

Well, mods definitely affect the memory, in ways that are not immediate. It really does seem as if, for example, putting a craft with a scanner on the launchpad loads up those images, given the difference in RAM usage with and without the scanner. I can't say for certain as while I'm familiar with C#, this is my first time messing with Unity. Second, if you count downloading it, installing it and failing miserably at making a model a few months ago.

I fear this is heading into "Add-on development" territory so we'll leave it there.

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Just wanted to know if there is any way to get the percentage, that has been mapped on planet X, through a plugin. Something like "double getPercentageDone(CelestialBody body)", which gives a number from 0 (0%) to 1 (100%).

I looked at the code but couldn't find such a method. Would it be possible to implement this method?

Background: I develop a mission plugin (Mission Controller) and would like to support MapSat.


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I'm installing mapsat for the first time here and running into an issue. I'm using Mapsat Dev Build X4r1 from the blog in a heavily modded 0.20.2 KSP install, and I just wanted to idiot check myself before I spend a bunch of hours doing clean test installs of KSP.

What I've got happening is that any ship that I attempt to launch from the pad with either the GPS or the dish installed on it will cause the game to freeze pretty much instantly on attempting to transition, in one case without even displaying terrain or ship. Ships without Mapsat parts seem to work smoothly, including kethane mapping gear if that says anything of note.

I've been treating the freeze as a program hard lock and exiting by alt-f4, but due to time constraints I've not let it sit for more than a couple of minutes yet. Is this a problem other people are having? Is it just trying to load a massive amount of data due to the size of the maps and it will take a while to finish?

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