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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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Only one of my anomaly markers has turned out to be an actual anomaly. I think maybe the list needs updating for .21? (I don't know how anomaly detection works in MapSat but I'm guessing it's hardcoded and not dynamic?)

what body is it?

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Reading through this thread, I'm still a bit confused about exactly what I need to do with this mod (the dev version on the blog) for best results in 0.21. I have old maps of Kerbin and Minmus that I created in 0.20 (but not of the Mun yet... I'm en route).

- I have already checked the setting to update the hilo.dat file.

- Do I also need to delete the existing hilo.dat, or not? (I've seen both suggestions posted here)

I had to delete mine before it updated.

- Is the Kerbin map different now? (Looks like fewer extreme peaks, more midlands?)


- If so, do I need to manually delete my existing map of Kerbin before remapping it?

No, but it will be harder to tell what's been mapped if you don't.

- Do I need to delete the anomalies file to pick those up again?

I would, I've just hit my first case of an anomaly that appears to have moved. (I need to let the mapping finish before I'll be sure.)

- For that matter, are the anomalies different between versions, and would mapsat pick it up if they were? I thought I'd heard they were hard-coded, in which case, there'd be no point deleting this file?

They are not hard coded.

- Is my old Minmus map still valid?


- Does Mapsat pick up the new Munar craters? (I guess I'll find out soon enough...)


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Most of the anomalies on Kerbin are below ground for me, no matter what settings I choose. I've only visited one of the Duna ones, and in that case they appear to have made sure the terrain conformed to it or vice versa. Kerbin doesn't appear to have received that level of detail yet, and I've heard the ones on the Mun are 50/50.

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The dev version works in 0.21, but it uses a lot of memory. Depending on your graphics settings or how many other plugins you install, it may cause the game to run out of memory and crash. My current plan it to map everything in one game using very simple probes, then use those maps (but not this plugin) when I start my "real" game exploring and colonizing.

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The dev version works in 0.21, but it uses a lot of memory.

It's not really working considering it slows your system down to a crawl, especially when using other mods. So I am wondering too if this is still on development, since we haven't heard from Innsewerants in quite a while. For me this awesome mod stopped working in 0.20 and I am not using it anymore. I would really love to see an update on at least the progress of the mod, i.e. if it is still being worked on.

Have a nice day!

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The "unofficial fix" version on spaceport does work on .21.1 if you load it the "old way" (NOT game data folder). I personally like the look and feel of the dev build and use it.

Even though I run a lot of mods, I found that if I build my MapSat using stock parts (except the dish of course) and don't have any other ships within the 2.5km loading distance, then my game will generally last quit a while before crashing out (I've let it run all night on 4x time accel mapping kerbin and it was fine the next morning).

I've mainly used MapSat to find the Easter eggs, lately I've been more "into" the Kethane mod so I'm considering removal of MapSat for a while.

I do hope that someone picks back up on this mod, it's something that extends the gameplay experiance quite a bit (if not I think Squad should seriously consider adding this to the stock game).

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I personally think it`s a bit weird that a species would start a space program and not have the ability to make a map of a place or tell how high or level the ground is that they are trying to land on...

real shame the current version makes the game unplayable.

It would be nice to know if there is work going on with the mod or not to reduce memory footprint and 0.21.1 compatability. I know no mod maker is paid but there are a lot of people who would like just a very few words (just 3 or 4 like "I am continuing" or "I am not continuing") so they can either wait patiently or stop waiting...

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I personally think it`s a bit weird that a species would start a space program and not have the ability to make a map of a place or tell how high or level the ground is that they are trying to land on...

real shame the current version makes the game unplayable.

It would be nice to know if there is work going on with the mod or not to reduce memory footprint and 0.21.1 compatability. I know no mod maker is paid but there are a lot of people who would like just a very few words (just 3 or 4 like "I am continuing" or "I am not continuing") so they can either wait patiently or stop waiting...

The length of time a mod is protected and cant be reproduced and re-released is 90 days without update correct?

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The length of time a mod is protected and cant be reproduced and re-released is 90 days without update correct?

Who told you that? :P Copyright law is pretty unreasonable at the moment. In the United States and most other countries, copyright for an individual work lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years, give or take a decade or two depending on the country.

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Who told you that? :P Copyright law is pretty unreasonable at the moment. In the United States and most other countries, copyright for an individual work lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years, give or take a decade or two depending on the country.

But this isnt a professionally licensed thing, im pretty sure ive seen on a couple mods that they only hold licensing for 90 days without an update. Ill try and find it if i can.

Edit: *&*# it, not worth my time, ignore my last post.

Edited by OopsThatNotWork
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But this isnt a professionally licensed thing

That doesn't matter to copyright laws (at least in the US). As soon as you create an original work, regardless of whether it is professional, registered, licensed, whatever, it is automatically copyrighted. In the strictest sense, I think forwarding an email without its author's consent could even be viewed as copyright infringement.

Edit: That said, there's nothing preventing the creator from granting a more reasonable license, such as CC, GPL, or (my personal favorite) the "do-whatever-you-want-with-this-source-code general public license" that comes with Actions on the Fly.

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I personally think it`s a bit weird that a species would start a space program and not have the ability to make a map of a place or tell how high or level the ground is that they are trying to land on...

real shame the current version makes the game unplayable.

It would be nice to know if there is work going on with the mod or not to reduce memory footprint and 0.21.1 compatability. I know no mod maker is paid but there are a lot of people who would like just a very few words (just 3 or 4 like "I am continuing" or "I am not continuing") so they can either wait patiently or stop waiting...

I also hope that this mod gets 'going' again. I enjoy the building and working with maps such as this. it is what I have done for 35 years. I also enjoy the new look for the kethane, but hope that they will follow up and output the data in lat, lon, value as well. the ability to start to build multi-tier exploration would be nice.

I am running the dev mod on 0.20.2 at the moment with maybe too many other mods. memory usage is about 3.5 gBytes, and if I don't push it, it will run all night to build new maps.

Maybe if enough of us ask nice, we will be able to get the mod up and going again with its creator / builder....

there are lots of other 'things' that would be nice to build with this and other ideas.

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It seems to me that Majiir (Kethane modder) could probably make a new mapping mod. You know, when he's finished updating Kethane and has the time, and if he felt so inclined. I imagine both mods use some of the same methodology, which would allow him to create a terrain mapping mod like ISA Mapsat without actually looking at its code.

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Greetings I'm having a problem with the dev build . I can plot maps np but they get lost as soon as I leave the game. I have mapped kerbin for like 4 times now , and it's annoying since I have to scan the planet everysingle time I launch the game and I want to chase anomalies. Is there a way to make the maps stay ?

Edited by jebodiah1976
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The maps should get written out as png files somewhere in the mod's PluginData directory. If they aren't, maybe check you have write permissions for that folder? There's also a setting in the Kerbalpedia section of the mod for how often that file gets updated.

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I get very regular freezes when scanning (not when not scanning). I don't know if it is the issue, but it looks like if it was writing data to the disk, but the disk wouldn't be rapid enough, resulting in freezes every XXX frames, and then smooth again, until next freeze. It gets worse when I warp (freezes occur more often, i.e., less than one second of smooth game at 10X, and last a little bit longer, i.e., one second), suggesting that it might be indeed related to the amount of data being saved. I'd be surprised my disk is limiting though, as it is a healthy SSD, and I've also tried on another computer with a SSD and experienced the same issue. I have it for every planet or moon I scan.

I have recently updated to 0.21 and updated ISA Mapsat with the Dev version, but I had not experienced that with pre-0.20 (I was not using Dev version of ISA Mapsat if I recall correctly). Is it a known issue? Did I do something wrong with the settings? I already tried reducing the scan resolution, no success. Orbits I've tested are 100 Km (Kerbin, Mun) and 80 Km (Minmus).

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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I get very regular freezes when scanning (not when not scanning). I don't know if it is the issue, but it looks like if it was writing data to the disk, but the disk wouldn't be rapid enough, resulting in freezes every XXX frames, and then smooth again, until next freeze. It gets worse when I warp (freezes occur more often, i.e., less than one second of smooth game at 10X, and last a little bit longer, i.e., one second), suggesting that it might be indeed related to the amount of data being saved. I'd be surprised my disk is limiting though, as it is a healthy SSD, and I've also tried on another computer with a SSD and experienced the same issue. I have it for every planet or moon I scan.

I have recently updated to 0.21 and updated ISA Mapsat with the Dev version, but I had not experienced that with pre-0.20 (I was not using Dev version of ISA Mapsat if I recall correctly). Is it a known issue? Did I do something wrong with the settings? I already tried reducing the scan resolution, no success. Orbits I've tested are 100 Km (Kerbin, Mun) and 80 Km (Minmus).

Have you switched CSV writing on? It scans now much more data points, and the write alorithm changed. From innsewerants' blog:

At some point a bug crept into csv writing, not sure when but this has been solved.

csv collection might be a bit of a performance hog, I haven't looked into it apart from fixing it .

It ran horrible with a 15 second timer between file writes, writing 15 seconds of collected data just takes too long, I changed it to 5 for now.

I will check on csv writing more at a later date.


To Do/Known Issues

-Check and optimize csv writing timing, 5 seconds might be too much data to write at once.

So for now it writes to the disk every 5 seconds, which causes a stutter.

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Thanks for your reply. I don't think I've turned CSV writing on if it is off by default, as I don't know how to do it, plus I have no CSV files in \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Innsewerants Space Agency\Plugins\PluginData\ISA_MapSat. However the issue I have is very similar to what you've reported. :/ Don't really know what to do.

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Thanks for your reply. I don't think I've turned CSV writing on if it is off by default, as I don't know how to do it, plus I have no CSV files in \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Innsewerants Space Agency\Plugins\PluginData\ISA_MapSat. However the issue I have is very similar to what you've reported. :/ Don't really know what to do.

Well turning on CSV writing is a button on the in-game interface so that part is simple. As for not having CSV files, Ill let someone else respond.

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I really want to map moho so I put mapsat in and the parts show up and the dish spins around but I cant turn it on PLEASE HELP!

No need to get all hysterical. If you installed the mod correctly, there's a button in the lower-left corner with a pair of compasses. Click on it to open the Mapsat interface.

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